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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Fall 2006

T h e   P r e n t i c e   N e w s l e t t e r

Fall 2006 Issue
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor

If you have any information about the people mentioned in this issue of the Prentice Newsletter, or in any of our earlier Issues (see our Main Page ), please contact us at the Prentice Newsletter.

Prentice, Robert, Scot. & Brazil

Burgh, Suffolk, Prentices
East Grinstead Prentices, Sussex
Prentice, Anthony, Great Leighs, Essex
Prentice, Archibald, Scotland & England
Prentice, Charles, Aldwincle, Northamp.
Prentice, Ambrose of Marston Biggott
Prentice, Chris., Helpston, Nott.
Prentice, Daniel, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, George, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, George, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, George, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, Geo., St. John Hackney
Prentice, Geo. A. Prentice, Broxted, Ess
Prentice, Harry F. Clumber, Nott.
Prentice, Henry, Carsendon, Essex
Prentice, Henry, St. Martin in the Fields
Prentis, Henry, Sible Hedingham, Ess.
Prentice, Humphrey, Glemsford, Suff.
Prentice, John, Drayton, Oxfordshire
Prentice, Joseph, Southwold, Suffolk
Prentice, Richard, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, Richard, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, Robert, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, Sarah, Soho, Westminster
Prentice, Stephen, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, Temperance, St. Giles Cripple.
Prentys, Thomas, St. Giles Cripplegate
Prentice, William, Barnham, Norfolk
Prentice, William, Gorleston, Suffolk
Prentice, William, St. Botolph, London
Prentices of Burgh, Suffolk, England
Prentices of East Grinstead, Sussex



Prentice, Archibald, Scotland & Eng.
Prentice, George, Shotts, Lanarkshire
Prentice, Robert of Culter, Lanarkshire
Prentice, James of Scot., AL & IL
Prentice, Robert, Scot. & Brazil
Prentice, Thomas of Scotland and WV
Prentice, William, Edinburgh, Scotland
Prentice, Wm. J. of Scot. & Hartford, CT

Prentice, Billie Dove, Or. Beach, AL
Prentice, Frank of NY and IN
Prentice, Hazel of Valdosta, GA
Prentice, Henry of Burlington, NY
Prentice, James of Scot., AL & IL
Prentice, James A, of Alexandria, LA
Prentice, John D. of Chester, VA
Prentice, Nathaniel of Burlington, NY
Prentice, Thelma L., Logansport, IN
Prentice, Thomas of Scotland and WV
Prentice, William of Harpursville, NY
Prentice, Wm. J., Scot. & Hartford, CT
Prentice, Wm. Larry, Durham, NC









Alfred Prentice, Goldhanger, Essex, Eng.
Asher Prentiss, Uxbridge, MA
Chancey Prentice, East Lyme, CT
Frederick Prentice, Chelmsford, England
Henry Hamilton Prentice, West Indies
James Prentice, Dalziel,Scotland
James Prentice of OH and PA
James Prentice, New Milford., Susq. Co., PA
James A. Prentice, Jasper, Walker Co., AL
James E. Prentice, S. Africa & Boston, MA
John Prentice of Chelmsford, Essex, Eng.
John Prentice, Oakley, Bedfordshire, Eng.
John Prentice, Sandon, Essex, England.
Percy L. Prentice, Genesee, Potter Co., PA
Peter Prentice of Chelmsford, England
Prentices of the Colnes, England
Prentices of Great Yarmouth, England
Prentices of Palgrave, etc., England
Richard Prentice of London, England
Robert Prentice of Scotland and Canada
Thomas Prentice, Moreton, Essex, England
William Roy Prentice of MS and FL
Wilson, Prentice of Canisteo, NY

Can you fly a helicopter?
Headstone Inscription: Follow Me
Nichols, Francis, 3rd Update

BC: Tracking Children
Chart: yoyo




If you would like to contribute material for an article, or if you have any information about the ancestry or descendants of any of the folks mentioned in any of the articles, we would like to hear from you. You may contact us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of the article in the Subject line of your email.

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