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Census Records

Census Records

As a special feature of our Prentice Newsletter, and with the invaluable help of Barbara Stephenson, we have created a series of articles which list, by individual state and census year, a number of Prentice, Prentis and Prentiss individuals and families whose roots have not yet been identified.

Alaska Prentices
Arkansas Prentices
Arizona Prentices
California Prentices
Colorado Prentices
Connecticut Prentices
Delaware Prentices
Dist. of Columbia Prentices
Florida Prentices
Idaho Prentices
Ilinois Prentices
Indiana Prentices
Iowa Prentices
Kansas Prentices
Maine Prentices
Massachusetts Prentices
Michigan Prentices
Minnesota Prentices
Missouri Prentices
Nebraska Prentices
North Dakota Prentices
New Jersey Prentices
Nevada Prentices
New York Prentices - 1850
Ohio Prentices
Oklahoma Prentices
Oregon Prentices
Pennsylvania Prentices
Rhode Island Prentices
South Dakota Prentices
Texas Prentices
Washington Prentices
Wisconsin Prentices
Wyoming Prentices

If you have any information which can help us identify any of the folks mentioned
above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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