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Fall 2004

T h e   P r e n t i c e   N e w s l e t t e r

Fall 2004 Issue
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor

If you have any information about the people mentioned in this Issue, please contact us at the Prentice Newsletter.

Printice, Mary of Canton, Glamorgan, Wales
Printis, Sarah of Newgate, London
Prentice, William of Stoke, Suffolk

Prentis, Pedro of Phillipines & Honolulu

Prentice, Christopher, Ire. & Racine, WI
Prentiss, John of Ireland & Birstal, ND
Prentice, Owen of Ire. & Huntington, NY
Prentis, Owen of Ire. & Oyster Bay, NY

Nevis & St. Kitts Prentice Families

Prentice, Augustus of Prussia and NJ
Prentiss, Thaddeus, Pr. & La Crosse, WI

Prentice, James of Scot. & Oakland, CA
Prentiss, John of Scot. & Pontiac, MI

Prentis, James E., S. Afr. & Boston, MA

Virgin Islands Prentices

Prentices of the South
Printis, Alford V. of Franklin Co. AL
Prentis, Alfred V. of Franklin Co. AL
Prentice, Andrew J., Arab, Mar. Co., AL
Prentice, Augustus of Prussia and NJ
Prentis, James W., Eng., MS & FL
Prentiss, Charles of CT and FL
Prentice, Christopher, Ire. & Racine, WI
Prentis, Clarence A. of Loco, OK
Prentice, Donald of CT & Easton, PA
Prentice, Elijah of Hunterdon, NJ
Prentice, Elliott Arthur, SC & L.A., CA
Prentice, Eliza Jane of NY & MI
Prentiss, Emma E. Santa Clara Co., CA
Prentice, George L. of CA
Prentiss, George Russell, MA & CA
Prentice, Henry of Arab., Mar. Co.,AL
Prentice, Hugh of Seattle, WA
Prentis, James of AR & Hughes Co., OK
Prentice, James of Scot. & Oakland, CA
Prentiss, James, VA and Gar. Home, CO
Prentice, James A., Jasper, AL
Prentis, James E., S. Afr. & Boston, MA
Prentice James G. of CA and AZ
Prentiss, John of Ireland & Birstal, ND
Prentiss, John of Scotland & Pontiac, MI
Prentis, John H, Chillicothe, MO
Prentiss, Joseph, Mohawk, Montg., NY
Prentice, Joseph of NJ & Wooster, OH

Prentice, Kenneth Mort., Fulton Co., PA
Prentice, Kenneth Wm., Baltimore, MD
Prentice, Louisa, Lewis, Brown Co., OH
Prentice, Matthew, Castle Dale, UT
Prentiss, Maurice of Winslow, ME
Prentice, Murray, Birmingham, AL
Prentice, Owen of Ire. & Huntington, NY
Prentis, Owen of Ire. & Oyster Bay, NY
Prentice, Ozias G. of Sandford, NY
Prentice, Robert B. of IL & OH
Prentice, Rollin B., KS & Hunt. Park, CA
Prentice, Ronald, CT & Indian River, FL
Prentice, Ross of IN and Cleveland, OH
Prentice, Roy of Binghamton, NY
Printis, Susan Martha, Jasper Co., IL
Prentiss, Thaddeus, Pr. & La Crosse, WI
Prentice, Thomas of Selma, CA
Prentiss, Theodore B. of Oakland, CA
Prentice, William, IN & Waco, TX

Ancestor Chart Weaknesses
Cartoon: Oliver: Getting Along
Florida Death Index: 1970-79
Chart: Computer Technology
Chart: Great Grandma's Plan
Chart: New Design


If you would like to contribute material for an article, or if you have any information about the ancestry or descendants of any of the folks mentioned in any of the articles, we would like to hear from you. You may contact us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of the article in the Subject line of your email.

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