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Cecil J. Prentis of MS and Apopka, Orange Co., FL

James W. Prentis of England, MS and FL
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 2004 and Revised 1 Jul 2006

Update of 1 Jul 2006: This material has now been merged into our Spring 2001 article about the Prentices of Bilton Ainsty, etc..

1. James W. Prentis was b. Feb 1867 in England who appears in the 1900 Bay St. Louis, Hancock Co., MS census and the 1910 Kissimmee, Osceola Co., FL census with his wife, Mary J. , b. Jan 1869, English Canada. The 1900 census shows James was Naturalized in PA. James may be deceased by 1920 because that census shows his wife, Mary, living with Alger E. Conger, called a son-in-law. James' family:
  1. James Cecil Prentice, b. c. 1894, LA. . . . . . . . . [2]
  2. William Roy/Ray Prentice, b. Sep 1895, MS. . . . . . . . [3]
  3. Lillian/Leanor M. Prentice, b. Oct 1898, MS.
  4. Ethel Prentice, b. c. 1901, MS.

2. James Cecil Prentice, b. c. 1894, LA. According to to the WW I Draft Registration Database , James Cecil Prentis was b. 4 Mar 1894 in New Orleans, LA. He registered in Osceola, FL for the WW I Draft. A different birth date and place is shown for him in the 1930 census in Apopka, Orange Co., FL, where he is called Cecil J. Prentis, b c. 1893-4, a Bookkeeper with his wife, Katherine, b. c. 1897, FL, and children:

  1. Edith C.Prentis, b. c. 1918, FL.
  2. Katherine E. Prentis, b. c. 1918, FL.

3. William Roy/Ray Prentice, b. 21 Sep 1895, MS and d. 28 Jan 1972, Osceola Co., FL. (per FL Death Index).He also appears in the WW I Draft Registration as living in Osceola at the time of his registration. William later appears in the 1930 census in Kissimmee, Osceola Co., FL, with his wife, Louisa, and children:

  1. William R. Prentis, b. c. 1924.
  2. Louise V. Prentis, b. c. 1928.

Who are James W. Prentis' Parents?

Because of the middle initial, "W" and the somewhat unusual spelling of his surname, James might be the James W. Prentis shown in the 1881 census in England who was b. c. 1867 at Huddersfield, York, England, son of James T. Prentis, age 38 and b. c. 1843, who, in 1881 was living at Springwood House, Huddersfield, York, England.

James W. Prentis' household in the 1881 census is shown as follows:

 James T. Prentis		38  	 Leeds, York, England	Sec. & Mgr.Coop Socy   
 Mary Prentis		43  	 Leeds, York, England  	   	  
 Annie M. M. Prentis	17  	 Huddersfield, York, England  	   	  
 Lucy A. Prentis		16  	 Huddersfield, York, England  	   	  
 James W. Prentis		14  	 Huddersfield, York, England   (see above)
 Florence E. Prentis	12  	 Huddersfield, York, England 
 Frank A. Prentis		9  	 Huddersfield, York, England	  

Finally, but tentatively, the James T. Prentis, age 38 and b. c. 1843, might be James Prentis, b. 18 Aug 1809 in Leeds who appears as #10ix in our spring 2001 article on the Prentices of Bilton Ainsty, etc.

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