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Rollin B. Prentice of Kansas and Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA

Rollin B. Prentice of Kansas and Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 2004 and Revised 24 Aug 2004

Update of 24 Aug 2004: Rollin B. Prentice is Rollan Boyd Prentice, son of Dewitt Clinton Prentice and a descendant of Valentine Prentice.

1. Rollin B Prentice was b. c. 1895, but there seems to be some uncertainty about his place of birth. The census index shows "France" but a viewing of the actual microfilm seems to indicate he was b. in Kansas. Curiously, the entries for his daughters, Helen and Margery, says that their father was b. in Missouri.

In any event, Rollin appears in the 1930 census in Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., CA, with his wife, Elva J. b. c. 1896, IA, (father b. in WI and mother in IA) , and daughters:

  1. Helen M. Prentice, b. c. 1924, CA.
  2. Margery E. Prentice, b. c. 1926, CA

Also living with them were stepdaughters:

  1. Marie Grimit(?), b. c. 1914, MO
  2. Gladys E. Grimit(?), b. c. 1918, MO
  3. Yvonne L. Grimit(?), b. c. 1920, MO

Also living with them was Ulyssis Sevry(?), b. c. 1866, WI, and called father in law.

Rollin Prentice may, or may not, be the Rollan Prentice, b. 9 Feb 1896 and. Jul 1978, Duarte, Los Angeles Co., CA (per SSDI).

Who are Rollin B. Prentice's Parents?

The only clue we have so far is that the 1930 census says Rollin's father was b. in IA and that his mother was b. in PA.

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