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Spring 2017

Springtime, Courtesy of Google
T H E   P R E N T I C E   N E W S L E T T E R

Spring 2017 Issue
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor

If you have any information about the ancestry or descendants of any of the folks mentioned in any of the articles listed below, or in any of our earlier issues , we would like to hear from you. You may contact us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of the article in the Subject line of your email.

And finally, if you don't find what you are looking for, please email me at Dewald@Prenticenet.com with as much information as you have.


See the Fall 2008 for 1852, 1901 and 1911 listings.
Prentice, Harry Houston of Canada & MD

Prentice Family History: Bury St. Edmunds & Sudbury
Prentices of Halton, Buckinghamshire See /f Summer 2006
Prentice, Joseph of S. Benfleet, Essex

Prentice, James, 1816, Ireland

William Prentice of Biggar: see Summer 2005

Prentiss, Alfred James, Chautauqua, NY
Prentiss, Armand Emanuel, Louisiana
Prentiss, Betty Diann (Thompson), Norfolk, VA
Prentice, Daniel of NY & Canada, 2017
Prentiss, Edward S., Texas
Printis, Frank, Bibb Co., AL
Prentiss, Harold C., North Haven, CT
Prentice, Harry B., Leaf River, IL
Prentiss, John T. of CT and NY, Summer 2000
Prentiss, Judith A. (Lange), of Lancaster, MA
Prentice, Leo J., Brothertown, WI
Prentiss, Noble, OK
Prentiss, Patricia of Norfolk, VA
Prentice, Ralph Gordon, Orange Co., CA
Prentiss, Richard H., Key Largo, FL
Prentiss, Robert H. of TX
Prentiss, Nelson of Franklin, MI Winter 1998
Prentice, Samuel of Millville, MA
Prentiss, William McKinley, Norfolk, VA
Prentiss, William of NH


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Murder of Amy Michelle Prentiss c. 15 Sep 2015.
See #11.1 in our Winter 2008 article at
William Prentice, NY and MS .

If you would like to contribute material for an article, or if you have any information about the ancestry or descendants of any of the folks mentioned in any of the articles, we would like to hear from you. You may contact us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of the article in the Subject line of your email.
Caution: If you don't use the above email link, your email to us may be rejected as spam by our email filter.

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