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Newsletter: Summer 1999

Summer 1999 Issue

List of Articles in this Summer 1999 Issue:

Prentice, Adam Frederick, Canada & ND
Prentice, Benjamin of Canada
Prentice, Daniel, NY and Canada
Prentice, Horace, Canada & Oswego, NY
Prentice, James A., Canada & Scotland
Prentice, Richard, NY and Canada

Prentice, John, Birmingham, England
Prentice, William James of England & IA

Prentice, John of Ireland and NYC
Prentice, Michael of Wexford, Ireland
Prentice, William of Ireland and NY

Prentice, Alexander, Scotland & IA
Prentiss, James, Lesmahagow, Scotland
Prentice, James A., Scotland & Canada
Prentice, Jean, Carluke, Scotland
Prentiss, John, Carluke, Scotland
Prentice, Margaret, Lesmahagow, Scotland
Prentice, Thomas of Scotland and PA

Prentice, Adam Frederick, Sargent, ND & Canada
Prentice, Alexander, IA & Scotland
Prentice, Alonzo, Hampden, MA
Prentice, Alonzo T., Liberty, OH
Prentice, Amasa, Middletown, CT
Prentice, Benjamin, Ontario, Canada
Prentice, Charles, Penobscot, ME
Prentice, Chauncey, Cleveland, OH
Prentice, Daniel, NY and Canada

Prentice, Erastus, Hampshire, IL
Prentice, George of Charlton, NY
Prentice, George of Amsterdam, NY
Prentice, George of Newfane, NY
Prentice, George of Noble Co., IN
Prentice, Horace, Oswego, NY & Canada
Prentiss, Horace of Pittsfield, MA
Prentiss, Jabez of NC
Prentice, John of Ireland and NYC
Prentiss, John, Townsend, OH
Prentice, Joseph, Adams, MA
Prentice, Loren of Cleveland, OH
Prentiss, Perley of MA & NY
Prentiss, Perley of NY & MA
Prentice, Richard, NY and Canada
Prentiss, Samuel, Baltimore, MD
Prentice, Thomas of DE, NY & MI
Prentice, Thomas of MI, NY & DE
Prentice, Thomas of NY, DE & MI
Prentice, Thomas of Liberty, OH
Prentice, Thomas of PA & Scotland
Prentice, Walter, Canfield, OH
Prentiss, Watson of Hartford, CT
Prentice, William of Geddes, NY & Ireland
Prentice, William of NY & PA
Prentice, William of PA & NY
Prentice, William James of IA & England
Prentice, William W., Worthington, MA

Census Records
Life in the 1500s

If you have any additional comments or information about the articles in this Issue, we would like to hear from you. You may contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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