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Joseph Prentice of Adams, MA

Joseph Prentice of Adams, Berkshire, MA
Summer 1999

Note: This article is now replaced by the later Spring 2002 article about Joseph Prentice of Adams, MA and Stamford, VT .

The 1850 Adams, Berkshire, MA census shows Joseph Prentice, b. c. 1817 in MA, his wife, Elvira, and their children:

  • Mary Prentice, b. c. 1844, MA.
  • Joseph Prentice, b. c. 1849, MA.
Joseph might be a son of Joseph Prentice of Huntington, Hampshire, MA who was b. c. 1763, died in Huntington, Hampshire, MA, and who was said by Binney to have had 2 sons and 4 daughters whose names we have not yet determined. He is 278/58 in our PRENTICE BOOK.

If you have any information which can help us identify the ancestry and descendants of any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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