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» 55 Guest Book entries for 1999 ...
1999 Dec 30 - William B. Williams II, Willoughby, OH, United States
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am joining the Coast Gaurd. I am leaveing for Boot Camp sometime near the end of January. Exact date yet unknown. I know it will be a challenge but I am looking foreward to it. Please keep incontact with me by e-mail and I will let you all know where I get stationed after boot camp and my new address. Hope you all had a great holiday and will have a Y2K compliant new year! Love to all my cousins! ~Bill
1999 Dec 30 - stacy m.smith, myral beach, sc, usa
I want to learn about family history
1999 Dec 22 - Michael A Prentice, Bracknell, UK
Interesting Site. any Prentice's who knew Jim (james)Guy Prentice ?
1999 Dec 17 - Ann Richardson, Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, CAnada
daughter of Gordon Prentice,granddaughter of William Prentice,of Abbey,Sask,canada
1999 Dec 16 - Steven G. Prentiss, Norman, OK, U.S.
Correction: After checking some excerts for the 1883 book my family had made several years back,...Do not go back to Valentine but Henry. I am son of Orren Kenneth Prentiss, is son of Phillip Gordon Prentiss, is son of Alfred W. Prentiss, is son of Alfred Gordon Prentiss, is son of Lowry Prentice, is son of Daniel(6) and Abigail Prentice, is son of Daniel(5) Prentice, is son of Stephen Prentice, is son of Solomon(3) Prentiss, is son of Solomon(2) Prentice, is son of Henry Prentice....
1999 Dec 15 - Steven G. Prentiss, Norman, OK, U.S.
Nice to find this site. My family has a typed copy of portions of a book, possibly the 1883 book, describing our family. Will check to see if this is the same. The name Valintine comes to mind as possible direct ancestor. Thanks, Steven Prentiss, of Orren K. Prentiss, of Philip and Gertrude 'Box Car Trudy' Prentiss.
1999 Dec 02 - Robert Allan Prentice, East Elmhurst, NY, USA
Glad to know there's so many more! I rarely meet a Prentice in day-to-day life. --my personal website --buy a subdomain of "" to use for email and websites
1999 Nov 08 - Don Prentice, Rio Rancho, NM, USA
Just found this from Andrew M. Prentice. I have sent it this to my brother and he will send it to the one in our family that has been tracking down alot of the prentice family tree. Thanks, don
1999 Nov 05 - Timothy Balfour Prentice, Auckland, New Zealand
Great summary, and in depth knowledge.
HI !!
1999 Oct 23 - Cameron Wells Prentice, Jr., Canoga Park, CA, USA
I'm glad I found you. I'm told I'm related to Valentine Prentice, But I can only go to my great grandfather Albert Dwane Prentice. (he is the first of four as my cousin is the fourth.) CPrentice 0
1999 Oct 19 - stephanie, kissimee, fl, united states
this really helpped me in doing my project for us history even though i didnt want to do this person.
1999 Oct 17 - Judith Prentice Ragan, Simi Valley, CA, USA
I have been updating my 1931 Prentice genealogy book for 25+ years and would be interested to see if I can cross reference with anyone on your list.
1999 Oct 11 - Aaron Prentice-Evans, Australia
I've been meaning to start a family tree and trace my Prentice heritage back as far as I can and this site is a wealth of information, particularly the origins of the name. Keep it up.
1999 Oct 10 - Trisha Mangus, Lovell, WY, USA
I was a Prentice from Columbia, TN., and I love looking at this site. I have made a few connections. I am a great-great-grandaughter of John Prentice, b.1805, KY, and Mariah Green, b.15 Dec 1807. I would appreciate hearing from anyone with connections. Thanks!
1999 Sep 12 - Donna Cuillard, Simi Valley, CA,
Found you through the Harmon Site regarding your submission of inf on Mary Skinner/Nathaniel Harmon. They are also the line I am working on. Comes down to Cynthia Harmon, born 1774 married John A. Harper in Harpersfield, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Would like to exchange data. Do you have the Harmon/Skinner info so that I can receive a Gedcom file? Thanks Donna Cuillard Col. Alexander Harper Fam. Org. Genealogy Committee - Database
1999 Sep 12 - Charles E Prentice, yuba city, ca, united states of america
I was just looking around to see the different spellings of the Prentice name. Thank you.
1999 Sep 09 - Frank Chase Ripley, Middleburg, VA, USA
Grandson of Minnie Letitia Prentiss who was the daughter of Edmund Stanley Prentiss. This Prentiss family included Harris, Harris, and Oliver who was the original immigrant to Nova Scotia. I have collected quite a bit of info on them and would be happy to share.
1999 Aug 27 - M.D.Myles, Dallas, Tx, U.S.A.
Your history was very interesting.I am trying to find members from my father's family.The Dabbs Family from Mt.Pleasant,Texas.I hope I CAN FIND THEM. You have helped. Thanks
1999 Aug 27 - Marie Ann Prentice Morrison, Reed City, MI, USA
My Mothers name is Arlene Prentice. My Grandfather's name was Aaron Sherman Prentice, Grandmother Clara, resided in Kalkaska Michigan. I would like to know more about my familiy roots. please contact. Thank you.
1999 Aug 22 - judith g. prentice crociati, plymouth, ma, u.s.a.
My grandfather, Thomas W. Prentice, immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 16. He was born in Ayre, Scotland in 1886, and lived to be 100. He died in May of 1996. He had many siblings, who have visited us here. He married Mary Cook of Ireland and together they had 3 children, John, my father, Mary, now 83, and Thomas jr.(both sons now deceased). My brother and sister and I still have contact with his family in Scotland, especially 2 sisters, neices of my grandfather.
1999 Jul 27 - Paul R Prentice Jr, Bowie, Tx, USA
10th generation from Capt Thomas (the Trooper)and Grace Prentice. Always like to chat with relatives and others of this proud old name.
1999 Jul 25 - Allen R. Briem, Panama, Panama
Very nice site. I hope query can lead to more information about my grandfather Thomas Fraser Prentice.
1999 Jul 25 - Derek Prentice, Newcastle, nsw, Australia
G'day Mate Cheers
1999 Jul 19 - Debi Biffert, Halliday, ND, USA
The word was supposed to be "interesting"---I have built in typos in my keyboard....
1999 Jul 19 - Debi Biffert, Halliday, ND, USA
Hi...I am not related...that I know of...but I find your site very interested...although Adams is in my family line....I am looking for Herrons and Hallmans....if anyone can help me, let me know..keep up the good work on your site. Debi Biffert
1999 Jul 08 - Teresa Schuster, Orting, WA, USA
1999 Jul 08 - Teresa Schuster, Orting, WA, USA
VERY MUCH information!
1999 Jul 03 - Matilda Prentice Douglas Wilson, Fort Myers, FL, USA
Mother came from Glasgow in 1928 and her father was James Prentice. Ran a "trucking" company for many years. Looking for Great Grandparents information
1999 Jun 27 - John Prentice, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
My family arrived in Australia late 1800s from England. Possibly related ?
1999 Jun 24 - Shirley Kibby Thomas, Lodi, CA,
Looking for your "Kibbe" ancestors. enjoyed chatting with you.
1999 Jun 23 - Linda Mans, Lynn Haven, FL, USA
I am so happy I found this site. I am the 9th great granddaughter of John Prentice son of Valentine. I was born in Mass. and raised in New London, Conn. I plan on being a regular visitor to this new found site. Linda
1999 Jun 21 - Amy L. Prentice- Millsaps, Robinson, TX, U.S.A
I did a family tree project in junior high and I didnt have enough information on this side of the family, I am trying to make sure that the same thing doesnt happen to my kids. Is there a tree posted somewhere ?
1999 Jun 20 - James Prentice Loomis, Columbus, OH, USA
Now trying to find out genesis of Prentice in my line which began with David Prentice Loomis, b. New Philadephia, OH, 6-14-1877.
1999 May 29 - Derek Prentice, Cupar, Fife, Scotland
Looking forward to viewing the information gathered as I know how much work is needed to collect even a small amount of accurate information. Keep up the good work.
1999 May 27 - John Henley, London, UK
I've just discovered your site and enjoyed it. I've posted a question about my great grandmother, Elizabeth Mary (née Prentice) and her father Jeremiah. Hope to get an answer :-)
1999 May 27 - Robert Sims, Grafton, MA, USA
One of the sons of Solomon and Hepzipah was Solomon Prentice. He graduated Harvard College in 1727 and moved on to become the first minister of the new church in Grafton MA. He married Sarah Sartell of Chelmsford MA and they had 12 children. He moved from Grafton to Easton to Hull and returned to Grafton where he and his wife are buried. He led the life of a "Great Awaking" minister. Many people treasured his spirituality as others questioned his methods. He has a write up in a book about distinquished Harvard graduates. The senior Solomon is my ancestor eight generations removed. The senior Solomon was a surveyor and laid out what is now the Cambridge Common. Additionally, the headstone for Hepzipah should read January 15, 1741 (Cambridge Town Records).
1999 May 14 - Shelley Prentice, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Terrific site! It's amazing how much information people have gathered. I noticed a lot of the Prentice's have been traced back to the Massachussettes's area. I wonder if there is any connection to my family in Canada? I am the daughter of William Kenton Prentice(b.1939-d.1988) My grandfather was Elias Prentice (b.01/29/1902-d.1972). He was married to (Wilma)Jean Malloy.My great-grandfather was Levi Prentice(b.03/14/1855 d.01/08/1929)and was married to Eliza Prentice(maiden name Wheeler)b.11/19/1863 d.1937. My great grandfather Levi had 9 siblings though I don't know their names. My grandfather Eliza was one eight children. The family was from southern Ontario. My grandfather Eliza and his siblings were raised on a farm in Collingwood, Ontario,Canada. I'm not sure where the connection lies before Levi Prentice any ideas?
1999 Apr 30 - Bricen Cooper Prentice, III, Bossier City, LA, US
Grandson Of Bricen Cooper Prentice, (b. July 4, 1893) of TN. What a great site this is. It's fascinating to see so many Prentices and learn about the many braches in the family tree!
1999 Apr 27 - Valerie Janes Hutchison, Callao, VA,
I am interested in the Janes family. Most settled in NewFoundland, CA. Also, Pomeroy, Richards, Antle. I realize that deJeans, Jaynes, Jeans, are also important.
1999 Apr 24 - Warren Arnaud Brown, Brentwood, NH, USA
I just came on line and it was great to find your web page.I was born and grew up in Marblehead,MA. In the research of my mothers ancestors in the Marblehead Vital Statistics I discovered that Henry Prentice,of Cambridge,MA.(born in England before 1640) is my 8th Great Grandfather. I am now 82 year old and my wife, who is 80 this year and related to the Harlows of Plymouth ,MA., still enjoy working on and including new relatives in our genealogies.
1999 Apr 20 - Larry G. Prentiss, Skokie, IL, U. S. A.
Just found website, researching Prentiss family. Orginally from Acton, MA. Think line includes Caleb Prentiss.
1999 Apr 17 - Scott Prentice, San Rafael, CA, USA
Message for Greg McLellan .. your email address appears to be wrong. I tried responding to your question, but my email bounced! Send me an email and let me know your correct address, and perhaps we can help point you in the right direction.
1999 Apr 17 - Greg McLellan, Pensacola, FL, United States of America
I'm 14 years old I'm trying to find my past time realatives but I have no clue where to begin.
1999 Apr 11 - Jim Prentice, Glasgow, Scotland
Enjoyed discovering this wonderful site and hope that it can be source of information to help me with my family tree research. My great great grandfather was born in Omoa, near Wishaw in 1833. Anyone out there heard of him ? His mother was Mary Meikle.
1999 Apr 06 - James A. Prentice, Flint, Mi, US
Son of John B. Prentice born in Coldingham, Berwickshire, Scotland 3-7-1890.
1999 Mar 18 - Steve Prentice, US
Hi Scott, We really enjoy your website! It has a ton of good information. Thank you for letting us host the PrenticeNet website! Best Regards, Steve & Shaunna Prentice
1999 Feb 16 - Lee David Prentiss, South Pasadena, CA, USA
This is my new email address. I used to have, no longer. I also have I have four brothers and my parents are from Boston, Ma. They left Boston in 1929 and came to Southern California.
1999 Feb 10 - Liana Fox, Lincoln, UK
Found your wonderful web site but have not been able to add to it yet. I'm descended from the Prentices of Carnwath and they were pretty prolific.
1999 Jan 23 - Henry R Prentiss, Panama City Beach, Fl, USA
Originally from Danvers Mass. Grew up in Essex, Mass. I am not as interested as my brother Tom (of Essex, Ma) in the family tree,although it is a facinating subject. More info can be obtained from a book published by the Power Press 11 Devonshire St Boston, Ma. This book was published in 1852. A cousin (2nd) Paul Ferguerson of Danvers has this book, I believe! I saw it along with my father at his half sister`s Doris Prentiss`s house in Danvers in 1989. They are both deceased now. The family tree was all there, from the 1600`s. What little I wrote from it was "entered according to the act of congress in the year 1852 in the clerks office of the district court of the district of Massachusetts". I hope this be of some help to a "relative". This book was printed in 1852
1999 Jan 22 - Maureen Crothall nee Prentis, Hanmer, ON, Canada
My fathers family came from Swanscombe near Gravesend in Kent, England. Before that from Ireland. My grandfathers name was William and he had several members of his family spread out to northern England, Spain and other places. It would be lovely to find some of them. My grandfather married Ethel Harris after WW1. They had four boys, including my dad, Brian, Raymond, Dennis and Terence.
1999 Jan 21 - Lisa C. Prentice, Regina, Sask., Canada
This is a great web site. My father's name is Ross Prentice, and his father is Roy Prentice. Our ancestor originally came from Scottland and France. Also, have some Swedish and German ancestery.
1999 Jan 05 - Lee David Prentiss, Denver, Co, USA
My family left Boston, Ma in 1929. Fathers name was Warren S. Prentiss. I have four brothers, Warren L., Ralph G, Gary Alan, and Randy Jay. I am just starting the family history and was thrilled to find this site. Thanks
1999 Jan 05 - David Alexander Prentice II, TX, USA
Hello, all. I am elated to find a coat of arms and this great website (PrenticeNet) All I know of my lineage is that my Grandparents came from Speke,England. Thanks for the info! D+P+ :)