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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Libraries and Bookstores

A collection of genealogy libraries and bookstores (in no particular order). Many with extensive online resources! Please add comments or send in others that you know of.

Genealogy Libraries

California State Library (previously Sutro Library) - J. Paul Leonard Library – Sutro Library, Fifth Floor, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132-4030. 415-469-6100. Open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays.

California Genealogical Society - 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA 94612-3031; (510) 663-1358; Library@californiaancestors.org

Sacramento Family Search Library - 2745 Eastern Avenue, Sacramento CA 95821; 916-487-2090; sacregfhc@gmail.com

Napa Valley Genealogical Society - 1701 Menlo Avenue, Napa, California 94558; 707-252-2252

New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) - 101 Newbury Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116-3007; (617) 536-5740

Genealogy Center / Allen County Public Library - 900 Library Plaza, Fort Wayne, IN 46802; (260) 421-1225

Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research / Houston Public Library - 500 McKinney Street, Houston, Texas 77002; (832) 393-1313

Birmingham Public Library - 2100 Park Place · Birmingham AL 35203; (205) 226-3665

Denver Public Library - Genealogy, African American & Western History Resources -

  • Western History/Genealogy - Central Library: 10 W. 14th Ave. Pkwy., Denver, CO 80204; 720-865-1821
  • Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library: 2401 Welton St., Denver, CO 80205; 720-865-2401

Dallas Public Library - Genealogy & History - J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, 8th floor - 1515 Young Street, Dallas, TX 75201; 214-670-1433; genealogy@dallaslibrary.org

Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library - Genealogy and Local History - 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati OH 45202; 513-369-6900

Genealogy Bookstores

American Ancestors (New England Historic Genealogical Society)

Higginson Books - Genealogical and Historical Books - 10 Colonial Rd. Ste. 5-6, Salem, MA 01970; 978-745-7170; higginsonbookcompany@gmail.com

Heritage Books Inc. - Genealogies - 5810 Ruatan St., Berwyn Heights, Maryland 20740; 800-876-6103; info@HeritageBooks.com

Janaway Publishing, Inc. - 732 Kelsey Ct., Santa Maria, California 93454; (805) 925-1038; service@JanawayGenealogy.com

Genealogical.com - 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 229, Baltimore, Maryland 21211; (800) 296-6687

PrenticeNet Book Collection: Prentice Related

Eight Generations the ancestry, education, and life of William Packer Prentice, by his son, William Kelley Prentice, 1947.
Extensive biographies of William Packer Prentice and his ancestors: Henry (the planter), Solomon, Solomon, Solomon, Nathaniel Sartell, Sartell, and Ezra Parmelee. See Map of Cambridge in 1948, for the story of The Old Prentice House (187KB image).

Henry Harmon Spalding, by C.M. Drury, 1936
A detailed account of the life of H.H. Spalding, an early pioneer of the Oregon Teritory. Also contains information about Narcissa Prentiss.

The History and Genealogy of the Prentice, or Prentiss Family, First Edition, by C.J.F. Binney, 1852.
Purchased from Tuttle Antiquarian Books, Rutland, Vermont.

The History and Genealogy of the Prentice, or Prentiss Family, Second Edition, by C.J.F. Binney, 1883.
This book covers the history of the four main branches of the Prentice family in America from 1631 to 1883. It also lists many (aparently) unrelated Prenitces.

The Life and Times of Seargent Smith Prentiss, by Joseph D. Shields, 1883.
Among other things, a famous politician from Mississippi.

Marcus Whitman M.D., Pioneer and Martyr, by C.M. Drury, 1937
A detailed account of the life of Marcus Whitman, an early pioneer of the Oregon Teritory. Marcus was the husband of Narcissa Prentiss.

Narcissa Whitman, Pioneer of Oregon, by Jeanette Eaton, 1941
The life of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman.

The Prentice Family in the Western Reserve, by Charles R. Prentice, 1997.
The Descendants of Peleg Prentice who came to Indian Point, Ohio about 1825.

Warren Prentice, 1827-1916, Sailor, Soldier, Early Settler by Willard J. Prentice, 1986.
Genealogy and history of the Prentice family, descendants of Capt. Thomas Prentice. This book focuses on the life of Warren Prentice.

Where Wagons Could Go, by Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding, 1808-1847; edited by C.M. Drury, 1963
Portions of the diaries of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman, Eliza Hart Spalding, Mary Augusta Dix Gray, and Sarah Gilbert Smith.

This page is maintained by PrenticeNet.   Last updated 30 August 2020.
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