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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...


Buying items from the PrenticeNet Store helps to support the PrenticeNet website or Prentice Museum. You can also find things here that help to support PrenticeNet members. (If you're a member and would like to see your items or services listed here, just let us know.

Prentice Museum Items - Printed on hats, shirts, bags, mugs, water bottles, thermoses, clocks, aprons, mousepads, postcards, and other items from CafePress.com. Great for those hard-to-buy-for Prentices or fun items for yourself. If you see items in the Prentice Museum that you'd like to see on these CafePress merchandise, please let us know.

Prentiss Packing crate labels

Mr. Apple

Mr. Pear

Mr. Cherry

Misc. labels

J.I.Prentiss & Co.

Old Prentice Whiskey

Henry Prentiss Music Store
1828 newspaper ad

Books from iRoots.Net and PrenticeNet

» These books are available for purchase from lulu.com.

This page is maintained by PrenticeNet.
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