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George L. Prentice of N. Kingstown, RI

George L. Prentice of N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2000 and Revised 20 Apr 2004

George L. Prentice was the son of Joseph S. Prentice and grandson of Samuel Prentice of Millville, MA (but, see Fn. 1).

George was b. Jan 1844 at an unknown location in NY. By age 6 he was living with his parents in N. Kingstown, RI. He appears in the 1900 N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI census with his wife, Ellen who was b. Feb 1858 on Cape Cod, MA. It is said that Ellen met George on a visit to Wickford (part of N. Kingstown). George died very suddenly on 7 May in his 88th year which was probably in 1932. Known children:

  1. George L. Prentice Jr., b. Sep 1882, RI. He appears in the 1920 N. Kingstown census with his wife, Harriet E. Jacques who was b. 29 Feb 1856 and d. 5 Dec 1930 in RI. Children shown in the 1920 census:
    1. George Edward "Hap" Prentice, b. c. 1909, RI and d. bef. 2000.
    2. Mary V. Prentice, b. c. 1911, N. Kingston, RI. . . . . . . . . [2]

George and Ellen "Mother" Prentice ran the Wickford House in North Kingstown from 1880 through World War I. Jamie Carter has published a book entitled "North Kingstown" which includes material about the Wickford House. She has also provided us with the text of an article in "The Standard" of Thursday Evening, 24 Dec 1896 which relates that:

    "Owing to the young blizzard that prevailed last Wednesday night, Gordon's Minstrels thought it inadvisable to exhibit, thus our playgoers lost another treat. George Prentice, Jr., shows himself to be public spirited by the way he takes out his goat each snowy morning and cleans off the sidewalks with his snow plow."

She also mentioned an article in "The Standard" of 17 Jul 1952 telling how well-known "Mother Prentice" was. It told of her generosity, her cooking skills, and her generous servings of breads, entrees and deserts.

2. Mary V. Prentice, b. c. 1911, N. Kingston, RI. Her obituary in The Providence Journal of 22 Sep 2000 says she m. John K. Johnny King Holland, a former radio personality and television pioneer who left show business to operate the Whistle Stop Restaurant in Wakefield with his wife for 17 years until 1977. Mary d. Wed., 20 Sep 2000 at Scallop Shell Nursing Home, Peace Dale. Mary was a lifelong resident of South County. She was a member of Church of the Ascension, Wakefield. Bur at Elm Grove Cem., N. Kingstown. Children living at her death:

  1. John K. Holland Jr. of Narragansett.
  2. Jeannette P. Holland. She m. Mr. Duckwitz of Mount Clemens, MI


Fn. l: The "History of Washington and Kent Counties" identifies George's grandfather as "Joseph Prentice," but without citing a source. The information, may, or may not, have been provided by a descendant with correct information.

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