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Robert Prentice of VA and TN

To see full list of articles in this Spring '98 Issue, Click Here
Robert Prentice of Virginia and Dekalb Co., TN

NOTE: This article has now been replaced with our Spring 2003 article on Robert Prentice of TN and VA .
1.	Robert Prentice was born in 1777 somewhere in Virginia (per Irma Prentice).  
As Ensign, he was a member of the Tennessee Militia from Sevier Co, TN 
on 10 Oct 1796.	Robert married Ann (surname unknown) before 1815.  
Ann died before 1825.  Children:

	i.	Margaret Prentice, b. 1815.				[2]
	ii.	(perhaps) Isaac Prentice, b. c. 1817.			[3]
	iii.	(probably) Jackson Prentice, born c. 1820		[4]

Irma Prentice's E-mail of 21 Oct 1998 cites an 1820 TN census showing, 
in the household of a Robert Prentice, 3 additional males and 1 a
dditional female.  It is not known if this is the same Robert 
Prentice, b. 1777, but for tracking purposes it is tentatively 
assumed they are the same person.  Additional children would be:
	iv.	(male) Prentice, b. 1794-1802.  Irma Prentice
	        believes he may be William Prentice who was living 
		near Robert in the 1830 census in Smith Co., TN.
	v.	(male) Prentice, b. 1802-1804.
	vi.	(male) Prentice, b. 1804-1810.
	vii.	(female) Prentice, b. 1804-1810.

Robert then married, as his second wife, Sarah (surname unknown) in 1825 in 
Smithville, Dekalb Co., TN.  They had two additional sons: 
	iv.	John Prentice, born in 1826.  He is unmarried, living with 
		his parents, and listed as an "idiot" in the 1850 DeKalb Co., 
		TN census.
	v.	Robert Prentice, b. 1831.					[5]

2.	Margaret Prentice,  born in 1815.  She appears nearby in the 
1840 census with her husband, Nicholas Parsley, born 1813. They 
moved from DeKalb Co., TN to Lawrence/Sharp Co., AR sometime after 
the 1850 TN census.  Children:
	i.	Monroe Parsley, b. 1839, who m. Nancy Jane Tomkins.
		They had a daughter, Margaret Parsley.
	ii.	Louise Parsley, b. 1841.
	iii.	Sylvanus Parsley, b. 1843, who m. Mary Jane Smith.
	iv.	Luther Parsley, b. 1844, who m. Martha A. (unknown).  
		a.	Ada L. Parsley
		b.	Alice Parsley
		c.	Lee B. Parsley.
	v.	Levi Parsley, b. 1847. who m. Mary L. (unknown) and had a son:
		a.	David L. Parsley.
	vi.	George Parsley, b. 1850, who m. Nancy J. (unknown) and had:
		a.	Tilden Parsley
		b.	Julia A. Parsley.

3.	(Perhaps) Isaac Prentice, born c. 1817.  A farmer, he married, first, 
Phadey M., b. 1816, and married, second, Rhoda (surname unknown), born 1814.  
At some date between 1950 and 1960, Isaac and his family moved to 
Lawrence/Sharp Co., AR.  Their children:
	i.	James Prentice, b. 1844.					[6]
	ii.	Melissa Prentice, b. 1847.
	iii	Alvin Prentice, b. 1849 					[7]
	iv.	Martita Prentice, b. 1851.

4.	(Probably Jackson Prentice. born c. 1820, who appears on the same 
page (253) with Robert in the 1840 Dekalb Co. census; Robert was age 53, 
and born about 1777.  It seems reasonable to think that Robert may be 
Jackson's father. In the earlier 1830 Smith Co., TN census, Jackson was 
not listed because he was then a minor. However, listed there in that 1830 
census was a Robert Prentice whose age matched the above Robert Prentice.  

	The 1860 DeKalb census shows Jackson, age 50 and born 1810, living 
alone, indicating perhaps his wife had died and his children had either married 
or died by such date. By letter 2 Feb 1998, Irma Prentice identifies his abode 
as a "poor house" and that he was having "insane fits." Jackson died sometime 
after 1860.  After his death, Rachel married, as her second husband, Paschal 
Wright in TN in 1862.  Interestingly, under "Remarks" in the census record 
was the word, "Idiotic." At that time and place it might have referred to 
mental deficiency, or it might have referred to a physical condition such 
as cerebral palsy. 

	The 1830 Smith Co. census also listed two men, both named William 
Prentice (ages 20-30 and born 1800-1810), one with a wife older than he. 
There were no Williams listed in the 1840 DeKalb Co. census. 

Jackson married, as his first wife, Rachel Kelley (1821-1878). 
i.	William Burton Prentice, b. 22 Feb 1838				     [4a]
ii.	George W. Prentice, b. 11 Nov 1839. 
iii.	Sarah Elizabeth Prentice, b. 8 Feb 1842. 
iv.	Rebecca "Jane" Prentice, born 29 Sep 1844. 
	She m. Lewis/Levi R. Taylor on  12 Feb 1869.  
	a.	Millie J. Prentice, b. c. 1869.
	b.	Rachel Prentice, b. 1870.
	c.	Josephine Prentice, b. 1872.
	d.	Dibrel L. Prentice, b. c. 1873-4.
	e.	R. H. Prentice, b. 1876.
	f.	W. B. Prentice, b. 1878.
	g.	Fannie Bell Prentice, b. feb. 1881
	h.	Ida Prentice, b. 1885.
v.	John "Nicholas" Prentice, b. 20 Dec 1846, born c. 1846. 
vi.	Millie "Caroline" Prentice, born 12 Jan 1849.  By letter of 18 Jan 1998, 
	Tracy Dover Huggins, a descendant, has provided an extensive listing of 
	Millie's descendants. 
vii.	For another possible son, see James Prentice, Putnam Co., TN) 

4a.	William Burton Prentice, b. 22 Feb 1838 and d. 24 Mar 1818.  Buried 
Gordonsville Cemetery, Smith Co., TN. He m. 1st Martha L. McDonald.  Children: 
	a.	Lucy Prentice, b. 1861, who m. George W. Fisher. 
	b.	William James Prentice, b. 1864 and d. 1954; he 
		m. Annie Maude Winfree. 
	c.	John Efron Prentice, b. 1866				[4c]
	d.	Robert L. Prentice  (1868-1943) m. Lula Ellen Thomas;  
	e.	Nettie Forrest Prentice  (1870-1941) m. Sam Preston;   
	f.	Martha F. Prentice  (1872-1950) m. Lely Squires

	William Burton Prentice (b. 22 Feb 1838) married, 2nd Martha Strickland, 
an indian from AR, in 1881-2 in Fayette Co., Braden, TN.  William and Martha 
Strickland Prentice may have lived in Shreveport, LA, since that is where 
their four children raised their families.  They are either buried there 
or in Homer, LA.  He is buried in Gordsonsville Cem. in Smith Co., TN.  
	g.	Thomas Flin  Prentice, b. 9 Oct 1883 and d. 4 Apr 1951; 
		m.Cadley Bryant;  
	h.	Lula May Prentice, b. 14 Dec 1885 and d. 9 Jun 1950; m.  
		John L.Robinson;  
	i.	Lonnie Bert Prentice, b. 4 Mar 1890 and d. 30 Mar 1971; 
		m. Dee Patterson; 
	j.	Bricen Cooper Prentice, b. 4 Jul 1893 and d. 28 Feb 1987; 
		m. Beatrice Caber Teel.

4c.	John Efron Prentice, b. 1866 and d. 1934; he m. Lula Bell Harper.  
	1.	Carrie Helen Prentice, b. 19 Mar 1893 and d. 30 Sep 1939.; 
		m. Canter, m. Tanner  			
	2.	Daisy Mae Prentice, b. 9 Aug 1895 and d. 22 Nov 1977; 
		m. Benton, Kittrell
      	3.	Charles Lee Prentice, b. 22 May 1896 and d. 21 Dec 1986.
      	4.	William Walter Prentice, b. 30 Oct 1899 and d. 
		15 Nov 1902.
        5.	Elsie Lou Prentice, b. 9 Oct 1903 and d. 14 Jul 1993; 
		m. Midget
	6.	Johnnie Young Prentice, b. 7 Jun 1907 and d. 9 Jan 1985; 
		m. Davis.
	7.	Vallie Hazel Prentice, b. 24 Nov 1911; m. 
	8.	Earl Nelson Prentice, b. 8 Feb 1915-17 and d. 31 Ju. 1979; 
		m. Rosie Earline Smith.  Children:                             
		i.	Mable Earline Prentice (DOB 9-14-1933) 
			m. Douglas O'neil Sloan Children:           
			1.	Douglas O'neil Sloan, Jr. (DOB 12-2-1951)
			2.	Victor Wayne  Sloan (DOB 3-19-1954) 
				m. Nancy Pyland
			3.	Timothy Carson Sloan (DOB 11-16-1957) 
				m. S.  Chung 
			4.	MaDonna Yvette Sloan (DOB 10-301962) 
				m. P. Vance
		ii.	Barbara Jeanette Prentice (DOB 2-3-1939) m. Hall
		iii.	Joe Nelson Prentice (DOB 3-8-1941)
		iv.	Marsha Lynn Prentice (DOB 12-13-1948) m. Crosslin  

5.	Robert Prentice, born 1831 in Smithville, De Kalb Co., TN and 
d. 1890 in DeKalb Co., TN and is buried in the Christian Cem. in Silver Point, 
Putnam, TN.  He served in the Union Army during the Civil War from 
21 Oct 1863 to 13 Dec 1864.  He was a member of Co. C, First TN Mounted 
Infantry under Com. Wade Jones from Buffalo Valley, Putnam Co., TN.  
Robert is buried in the Christian Cemetery in Silver Point, Putnam Co., 
TN.  Robert m. 1st, in 1852 in DeKalb Co., Elizabeth, b. 1831, TN.  
	i.	James Prentice, b. 1851 and 3 Aug 1933.			[8]
	ii.	George W. Prentice, b. 1857.  				[9]

Robert m. 2nd, in Dec 1887, Adelaid Wallace Smith, a widow, at Silver Point, 
TN.  Adelaid is probably the Adelaid Prentiss, b. Feb. 1847, TN who appears 
in the 1900 and 1920 census living in the Putnam County home of of her son, 
James W. Smith.

6.	James Prentice, b. 1844, who m. 1st Nora.  Children (per 1880, 
Big Creek, Sharp Co., AR census:
	i.	William Prentice, b. c. 1868, AR.
	ii.	Laura Prentice, b. c. 1875, AR.
	iii.	Georgia Prentice, b. c. 1878, AR.
	iv.	Isaac Prentice, b. c. 1879, AR.

James married, 2nd Lola/Lula Gormley, in June, 1882.  She was b. c. 1868 and 
had two children by a prior marriage: Eliza and Robert L. Gormley.  Lula was 
living alone in the 1920 Garland Co., AR census; James was perhaps by then 
deceased.  Children of James and Lola/Lula (per 1900 Black Rock, Lawrence Co., 
AR census:
	v.	Charles A. Prentice, b. Jun 1886, AR.
	vi.	Martitis Prentice, b. Aug 1889, AR.
	vii.	James F. Prentice, b. Jul 1894, AR.
	viii.	Bertha M. Prentice, b. Oct 1895, AR.  She m. Oscar Beakley in 
		Garland Co., AR on 2 Apr 1916.
	ix.	Everette M. Prentice, b. Sep 1898, AR.

7.	Alvin Prentice, b. 1849 who m. Sarah J. (unknown).  Children (per 1880 
and 1900 Strawberry, Sharp Co., AR census and 1920 Hoxie, Lawrence Co., AR census).  
	i.	Charles Prentice, b. Feb 1874, AR. He m. Elizabeth. Children 
		(per 1900 Black Rock, Lawrence, AR census): 
		a.	Elmer M. Prentice, b. Mar 1897, AR. a.  Charles 1874
		b.	Margaret M. Prentice, b. c. 1902, AR.
		c.	Myrtle Prentice, b. c. 1904, AR.
		d.	Virgil L. Prentice, b. c. 1905, AR.
		e.	Manda M. Prentice, b. c. 1907, AR.
		f.	Charles E. Prentice, b. c. 1914, AR.
		g.	Francis L. Prentice, b. c. 1917, AR.
	ii.	James Monroe "Monroe" Prentice, b. c. 1877, AR.
	iii.	Mary A. Prentice, b. c. 1879, AR.
	iv..	Willie/William L. Prentice, b. Jan 1889, AR.
	v.	Hattie M. Prentice, b. Nov 1890, AR.
	vii.	Jessie Prentice, b. Mar 1897, AR

8.	James Prentice, b. 1851 and d. 3 Aug 1933; buried Odd Fellows Cem., 
Baxter, TN. He married, first, Martha Wallace of Bedford C., TN on 22 Sep 1870. 
She was the daughter of Josiah Wallace of Bedford Co., TN.  Children:
	a.	Frances Prentice, b. 1872.
	b.	Mary Prentice, b. 1873.
	c.	Josephine "Josie" Prentice, b. Sep 1879.
	d.	James "Munroe" Prentice, b. 14 Apr 1884 at Buffalo Valley, TN 
		and lived near Ramer, TN.  Buffalo Valley lies about 10-15 
		miles north of Smithville where Robert Prentice was living 
		at the time of the 1840 and 1850 Dekalb County, TN census.  
		James d. 1969 (per Aubrey "Buzz" Prentice).  
		He m. 1st Susan Frances Coleman, b. Mar. 1888.  Children:
		1.	Fred Ray Prentice (1904-1977), Selmer, Tennessee. 
			He m. Ms. Curtis and then Ms. Hunter.
		2.	Arby C. Prentice (1906)-1988, Hayti, Mo. (below) 
		3.	Mary "Eileen" Prentice (1907-1985), Hayti Mo. 
			She m. Mr. Walker.
		4	Carmel Prentice (1909-1934).  She m. Mr. Pappas. 
		5	Paschal "Pat" Lamar Prentice (1911-1951). 
			He m. Ms. Hogue.
		6.	James "Henry" Prentice (1915-1996), Fenton, Mo. 
			He m. Ms. Davis.
		7.	Dulcie Modema Prentice (1921-1922). 
		James m. 2nd Maggie May "Maggie" Delaney on 2 Nov 1932. No children.  
		They lived in Silver Point, TN

		Arby C. Prentice, above, was born in 1906, Reverie, TN, and 
		married Edith Laverne Caig in early 1920's. 
		She died June 15, 1988, at age 82. They had six children: 

		1.	Doris Pauline (Mendenhall) Prentice 
		2.	Bobby Glenn Prentice (deceased) 
		3.	Mildred Carmine (Sanders) Prentice 
		4.	Jimmie Earl Prentice 
		5.	Arby C. Prentice, Jr. 
		6.	Patsy Nelle (Warren, Page) Prentice 

	e.	Martha Susan Prentice, b. Mar 1888; she may have married 
		Bradley Carr in DeKalb Co. on 14 Sep 1910.
	f.	Martin Bradley Prentice, b. Dec. 1889.
	g.	Lonnie D. Prentice, b. Sep 1891.
	h.	Erma M. Prentice, b. 1897 and d. 1917 of TB and buried in 
		the Christian Cem. in Putnam Co.
	i.	(perhaps) Betty Prentice, mentioned in an old family Bible.
	j.	(perhaps) Carolyn Prentice, mentioned in an old family Bible.

	James married, second, Amanda Brassell, b. 1851.  Robert and his family 
	were still living in DeKalb County where they appear in the 1850 census.  

9.	George W. Prentice, b. 1857.  He may be the George Prentice (b. c. 1859)  
who appears in the 1880 DeKalb census with his wife, Sarah Ann (b. c. 1864) with 
their children:
	a.	Malissa Prentice, b. c. 1877, TN.
	b.	Emiline Prentice, b. c. 1878, TN.
	c.	Arville Prentice, b. c. 1879, TN
	Also appearing in George's household is Mary Prentice, b. c. 1852.  
For more about a possible second marriage, see "George Washington Prentice" at

If you have any information which can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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