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Joseph Prentice of Stamford, VT

Joseph Prentice of Adams, MA and Stamford, VT
Fall 1999

Note: This article is now replaced by the later Spring 2000 article about Joseph Prentice of Adams, MA and Stamford, VT

The 1880 Stamford, Bennington Co., VT census identifies the following family:

  • Joseph Prentice, age 64, b. c. 1816, MA
  • Monroe Prentice, age 31, b. c. 1849, MA
  • Hattie M. Prentice, age 34, b. c. 1846, MA
  • Walter M. Prentice, age 8, b. c. 1872, MA
  • Robert W. Prentice, age 3, b. c. 1877, NY
  • Elvia (Elvira?) Prentice, age 1, b. c. 1879, VT
Joseph is identified in the census as Monroe's father. He may be the same person as that shown in the 1850 Adams, Berkshire Co., MA census and MA IGI as:
  • Joseph Prentice, age 33, b. c. 1817, Farmer, MA
  • Elvira (Ayers) Prentice, age 32, b. 1818, MA
  • Mary Prentice, age 6, b. c. 1844, MA
  • Joseph Prentice, age 1, b. c. 1849, MA
If he is the same Joseph, "Monroe" may be the middle name of the 1849 Joseph. Joseph and Elvira were married about 1 May 1841 in Windsor, Berkshire Co., MA.

Although only a guess at this point, Joseph may be the son of either Joseph, Phineas or William Prentice, all of whom are sons of Joseph Prentice and who appear on pg. 278 of our 1997 PRENTICE book. Phineas is especially interesting because his last known son, Morgan Lewis Prentice, was baptised in 1813 in Windsor, Berkshire Co., MA where Joseph married Elvira in 1841.

If you can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com

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