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Hattie Printiss of Milton, VT

Widow Hattie Printiss of Milton, Chittenden Co., VT
Fall 1998 and Revised 21 May 2001

Update of 21 May 2001: Hattie is the wife of Edward Nye Moore Prentiss and Edward is the son of Henry and Catherine Prentiss. See now our Summer 2001 article on Henry Prentiss of Scotland and VT.
Original Article:
The 1880 Milton, Chittenden Co., VT census identifies the following family:
  • Hattie (O'Brian) Printiss, age 28, b. c. 1853, VT
  • Durkee Printiss, age 7, b. c. 1873, VT
  • Lucinda Printiss, age 4, b. c. 1877, VT
  • Samuel Printiss, age 1, b. c. 1879, Canada
  • D. C. O'Brian, father of Hattie, above.

If you can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com

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