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Basil Prentice of New Jersey

Basil Prentice of New Jersey
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2002 and Revised 18 Feb 2008

Update of 2 Apr 2002: Basil Prentice is a descendant of John Prentice of Ireland and Southampton, England , discussed in our Fall 2003 issue.
We are helping Gary Hunt in tracing some Prentice roots. Here is what we have so far:

1. (unknown) Prentice.

He m. Helen M., b. c. 1877, Cowes, Hampshire Co., England, who appears in the 1901 census in District 12, Sholing, Hampshire Co., England with the notation "head away" apparently signifying that her husbant was away from home for some reason. Children named in the 1901 census are:

  1. Muriel D. Prentice, b. c. 1899, Cowes, Hampshire.
  2. Basil D. S. Prentice, b. c. 1900, Woolston, Hampshire, England. . . . . . . [2]

Basil D. S. Prentice, b. c. 1900, Woolston, Hampshire, England. He is likely the same person as the Basil Prentice, b. c. 1900-1901, England who is sought by Gary Hunt, above. His birth year and place are the same as those contained in the 1930 census. Basil d. 28 Nov 1975 in Hartford, CT. About 1927 Basil and his wife were living in NJ. They appear in the 1930 census in Richmond, Richmond Co., NY and by 1975 they were apparently living in Hartford, CT. By email of 18 Feb 2008, Jeanine Hartzell provides the following additional information:

    Hello, I just googled Basil Prentice to see if any of his artwork was posted on the internet. I was at the Prentice home in East Hampton CT. in the early 70's with Lorna's daughter Holly Ann Hooker. Basil was an extremely gifted artist. He had an art studio on his property. He did life like watercolors. He had busts of Lorna and his wife and others. The collection was taken by the relatives from CA Holly was very upset because she believed they should be in a museum for all to enjoy. Basil had a son named Rodney and I believe there was another from CA. Lorna was a concert pianist and a great painter. Holly was also. Holly had a congenital heart defect and passed away in her 40's. She is buried in a cemetary in East Hampton, CT along side her mother Lorna, and her grandfather Basil and grandmother. She adored her grandfather he was a very kind person. When Basil and his wife were gone the house was left with Rodney Prentice. He was the youngest child.

Basil m. Winifred O'Donnell c. 1924-5. She was b. 1900 in Scotland, as were both of her parents, and d. Apr 1984 in Denver, CO. She was the daughter of John O'Donnell and Rose Duffy. For now, it is not known whether they were married prior to Basil's emigration to the United States. They appear in the 1930 census in Richmond, Richmond Co., NY. Basil and Winifred had at least one child:

  1. Lorna D. Prentice, b. c. 1927 in NJ.

Rose Duffy was a sister to Gary's Grandmother, both born in Scotland.

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