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The Will of John Prentice

The Will of John Prentice of St. Paul's Parish, Colleton County

Source: South Carolina Wills from 1752-1756

PrenticeNet Note: For more information on John, see Descendants of Henry Prentice.

JOHN PRENTICE, St. Paul's Parish, Colleton County, planter. Mother: Mary Prentice of New England, lot in town of Cambridge bounded by Cambridge Common and road that leads to Water Town; Smith and Ruben Prentice, all land in this province. Sisters: Mary, Susanna, Tabitha, and Lydia Prentice. Aunt: Mary Smith, use of land where I now live for life. Exors: brothers Smith and Ruben Prentice; Rev. Mr. John Osgood: William Baker; Richard Waring, Sr.; Richard Waring, Jr. Wit: Edmund Sumner, Samuel Burnley, Mary Sumner.

D: 30 Mar. 1752 (sic). P: 23 Mar. 1752. R: nd. p. 68.

Provided by Linda Mans .. thanks Linda!

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