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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Descendants of John Prentice, of Sharnbrook, England (c.1788)

The following information was provided by Kim Prentice Schlotterbeck. If you see any connections or have anything to add, feel free to contact her.

     John Prentice, b. in Oakley, Bedfordshire, England in 1788; d. 25 June 1854 from small pox; m. Lucy (b. in Bromhan, Bedfordshire in 1798).

Children of John and Lucy:

  1. Charles Prentice, b. 1819 in Bromham, Bedfordshire.
  2. John Prentice, b. 1824 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. He m. 7 Feb. 1843, Mary Westley.
  3. George Prentice, b. in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire; d. 15 July 1857; m. Sarah (both died in a drowning accident, see Prentice Articles).

     Charles Prentice, son of John and Lucy; m. 23 May 1843 in Sharnbrook, Mary Williamson (b. 1820 in Sharnbrook, Beds); they lived in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, England. Charles died 21 Feb. 1896. Mary died 23 Oct. 1897.

Children of Charles and Mary:

  1. William Prentice, b. 1843 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. He died 21 Jan. 1848 at the age of 5 years.
  2. Elizabeth Prentice, b. 1845 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire.
  3. Harriet Prentice, b. 1847 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. She died in July 1855 at the age of 8 years.
  4. Sarah Ann Prentice, b. 1849 in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire.
  5. George Prentice, b. 21 March 1852, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, England.

     George Prentice, son of Charles and Mary; m. Sarah Montague (b. 1 January 1852; d. June 2, 1932, Santa Rosa, CA; int. Willows Cemetery, Willows, CA); he d. June 13, 1934, Santa Rosa, CA, and int. Willows Cemetery, Willows, CA.

George and Sarah sailed to New Zealand on the Opawa. It sailed on 7 September 1878 from Plymouth, England. On 5 December 1878 it "stood in towards Timaru, unsafe" and on 7 December 1878 arrived at Port Lyttelton with 290 souls on board. The passenger list indicated they had a ten-year-old child with them named A. Prentice. Amy Prentice (b. June 18, 1869 Sharnbrook, England) was the daughter of Sarah Ann Prentice (George's sister).

Children of George and Sarah:

  1. Alfred Kenford Prentice, b. 23 June 1880 at Waitohi Flat, New Zealand; d. 1 June 1911 at Patea, NZ, ae. 32 (He died from cardiac incompetence and syncope.); m. to a Beatrice Penn, and they had one son, Reginald Montague James Prentice (b. 3 June 1909 in Patea, New Zealand; d. in 1965 at the age of 56 in New Plymouth, New Zealand).
  2. George Ernest Prentice, b. 3 October 1881 at Temuka, New Zealand; d. 12 August 1899 at Raetihi, NZ, ae. 17 (A tree fell on him and crushed him.)
  3. Ada May Prentice, b. 11 December 1882 at Waitohi Flat, Temuka, New Zealand; d. July 1883 (of Pertussis), and is buried in the St. Albans Church, Pleasant Point, NZ.
  4. Charles William Prentice (he went by William Charles), b. 22 May 1886, Waitohi, New Zealand; int. Willows Cemetery, Willows, CA.
  5. Ethel Mary Prentice (or May Prentice Shaw), b. 13 March 1887, New Zealand; d. 8 March 1924, Woodland, CA; int. Willows Cemetery, Willows, CA.; m. Herbert Shaw
    Child of Ethel:
    1. Margaurete Ellen Prentice, (raised by Sarah) b. 28 March 1904 at Raetihi, New Zealand. She is buried in Sonoma, CA in the Mountain Cemetery under the name of Margaret Ellen Tate.
    Children of Ethel and Herbert:
    1. Ernest Shaw, b. 27 August 1906; d. 10 January 1932. He was married to Alice B. Shaw.
    2. Noreen Shaw Sears Locey b.?; d. around 1990; m. 1st, _____ Sears; m. 2nd, _____ Locey. Noreen had two sons, Homer and David Sears.
  6. Percy Robert Prentice, b. April 3, 1889, Waitohi, New Zealand.

     Abraham Prentice, b. Sharnbrook, England. Possibly George's cousin. They both lived in New Zealand and were born in the same place in England. Abraham m. Mary Ann Lawson (Woolnough).

Children of Abraham and Mary:

  1. Amelia Ethel Prentice, b. 26 November 1879 at Pleasant Point, New Zealand.
  2. Ernest Leonard Prentice, b. 23 November 1881 at Pleasant Point, New Zealand

If you have any additional information about Abraham .. please contact Kim.

     Percy Robert Prentice, son of George and Sarah; m. Edna Claire Roush (b. Dec. 1895) on 31 July 1915, at Red Bluff, California; he d. 21 January 1956, Willows, CA; int. Willows Cemetery, Willows, CA.

Children of Percy and Edna:

  1. Robert Earl Prentice

Also ..

According to the Willows cemetery director, there are other Prentices' living in Willows who are unrelated.

Kim has the obituary for an Alfred Prentice (no relation) who died in Willows, CA, at the age of 74 on 16 January 1934. Native of Ohio. Lived in California for 60 years. Farmer. No known relatives.

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