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Linus Joseph Dewald Jr.
b.1932-07-05; d.2022-09-29; Roseville, Placer, CA; Neptune Society
(contributed by Scott Prentice on 2022-12-19)
JULY 5, 1932 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2022
Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., age 90, of Roseville, California passed away on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Linus was born July 5, 1932.
The obituary that should have been..
Linus Joseph "Joe" Dewald Jr., age 90, passed away on September 29, 2022, in Roseville (assumed), California. He was born on July 5, 1932 in Merriam, Kansas, the son of Linus Joseph Sr. and Emma Marie (Casper) Dewald.
Joe grew up near Kansas City where his father was an accountant for Goodyear. In 1942, the family moved to Albany, California, and in 1946 to Santa Ana, California. In 1949 Joe enlisted as a photographer in the Naval Air Reserve, but continued his education. In 1954 he graduated from the University of California at Long Beach, and in 1957 from the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law (UCLA). He was admitted to the Bar as an attorney.
He served as a consultant to the California Legislature in Sacramento in 1957-8. In September 1958 he was appointed Deputy District Attorney in Placer County by District Attorney Al B. Broyer. For the next 30 years he held a number of legal posts with the county in both the criminal and civil departments, including Placer County Counsel, specializing in trial work and personnel law. He served at Secretary-Treasurer, and later President, of the Placer County, CA, Bar Association. He was a founding Director of the Placer County Legal Aid Service and served for a number of years as Secretary-Treasurer.
He retired from county employment in 1989, but continued to serve as a Referee for the California State Bar Court and as an Arbitrator for the Placer County, California, Superior Court.
Joe married, in 1965, to Paula Mary Perron, daughter of Walter Clement Perron and Muriel Doris Stevens. A few years after their marriage, Joe discovered that they were distant cousins, both have an ancestor in New England. After 52 years of marriage, Paula passed away in 2018.
Joe was an active outdoor enthusiast. He snow skied, water skied, sailed, swam, and bicycled. He was also a dedicated computer genealogist who has written several genealogy books and traced some of his Prentice maternal lines back to Middle Ages royalty, including William the Conqueror and Emperor Charlemgne. He was an active contribiting editor to PrenticeNet for over 20 years.
Joe was preceded in death by his parents and loving wife, Paula. He had no siblings or children. His ashes were scattered at sea (presumed).

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