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Parish Registers of Ongar, Essex

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Parish Registers of Ongar, Essex (1590-1735), printed in 1886
    Mary, daughter of Tho: Prentise, baptiz. 24 febr. (p.11)
    An. Dom. 1622 regni Jac. 20
    Mary, daughter of Thomas Prentice and Mary his wife, bapt. May 1 day. (p.16)
    An. Dom. 1624 anno regni regis Jacobi 22
    Thomas, son of Thomas Prentice, baily, and Mary his wife, bapt. April 25. (p.17)
    Jac: 19 An: Dom: 1621
    Thomas Prentice, husbandman, was lawfully maryed to Mary Hammerstone, widdow of ye same parish of Cheping Ongar, in Essex, were maryed Novemb: 30 An: dom: 1621, wth in ye royal Castle of ye tower of London, called Saint Peters ad vincula, bands being taken, and no impediement to ye contrary.
    Willm Hubbock, ye younger, being ye minister that maryed them. (p.81)
    Jac. 20 An: dom: 1622
    Thomas Prentice, Cowper, and Singleman, and Mary Starky, both of Cheping Ongar, were maryed ye third day of September.
    ffrancis Alsop, ye elder, Churchwarden.
    Edward Harris, Churchwarden.
    Thomas Graves, Pastor of Cheping Ongar. (p.81)
    Anno Domini: 1635 annoq regni regis Caroli II0
    John Vmphrye, vidatus, & Mary Prentice, vidua, maryed August 10th. (p.82)
    1706 Aug. 16
    Thomas Horsnaile and Marget Prentice. (p.86)
    1609 Ja. 7
    Henry, son of Tho. Prentice, murthered, was buried 9 Aprill. (p.96)
    1610 Ja. 8
    Elizabeth, wife of Tho. Prentise, buried 22 July. (p.97)
    1610 Ja. 8
    Marie, daughtr of Tho. Prentise, buried 30 Januarij. (p.97)
    An. Dom. 1622 regni Jac. 20
    Mary Prentis, an infant, ye daughter of Tho: Prentis, husbandma, buryed July 21. (p.98)
    Anno Domini 1634 annoq regni regis Caroli 10
    Thomas Prentise, an ancient inhabitant, was buryed the third day of December. (p.103)
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