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London Marriage Licenses (1521-1896)

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London Marriage Licenses, 1521-1896, by Joseph Foster, 1887

Prentyse, Robert and Elizabeth Kellesdon (or Kelleson ?), of South Shoberye, widow, gen. lic. 4 Dec.1571. B. (p.1088)

Prentice, William of Colne Ingaine, Essex, Yeoman, and Ellen Hurrye, of same, spinster, daughter of _____ Hurrye, late of said county, yeoman, deceased -- at Colne Ingaine. 23 Aug. 1586. B. (p.1088)

Prentis, Stonard, of Barlinge, Essex, gent., bachelor, 23, and Elizabeth Bennett, spinster, 18, daughter of Richard Bennet, of Great Braxstead, co. Essex, esq., who consents -- at St. Gregory, London. 11 Jan. 1622/3. F. (p.1088)

Bishop of London's Office
Faculty Office of Archbishop of Canterbury
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