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Prentices in The Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England

See also: Introduction to Savage - Author of "A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England"

From GRS 3.03, Copyright (c) 1994 Automated Archives, Inc. CD 149, 1st Edition -JAMES SAVAGE, -VOL 3 DICT. FIRST SETTLERS OF N.E.


    EDWARD, Newton, s. of the sec. Thomas of the same, by w. Sarah, d. of Humphrey Osland, who surv. him, had only Edward, b. 19 Nov. 1706 and d. 16 Sept. 1724. Near fortry yrs. aft. the wid. join. in deed with gr.ch. convey. the est.
    ENOS, Newton, br. of the preced. perhaps youngest, by w. Lydia, had Ebenezer, b. 4 Nov. 1710, and Jackson tells no more.
    HENRY, Cambridge 1640, was an orig. propri. of Sudbury, freem. 1650, d. 9 June 1654. His first w. Eliz. d. 13 May 1643, and by sec. w. Joanna, he had Mary, b. 25 Nov. 1644; Solomon, 23 Sept. 1646; Abiah, a d. 22 May 1648; Samuel, 3 Aug. 1650; Sarah; and Henry. His wid. m. 24 July 1662, John Gibson; and Mary m. 8 Mar. 1664, Nathaniel Hancock.
    HENRY, Cambridge, prob. s. of the preced. freem. 1684, by w. Mary, had Mary, wh. d. 2 May 1685; Mary, again, d. 11 Mar. 1686; Hannah, d. 3 June 1687; Jonathan, d. 1 May 1688; and perhaps some that liv.
    JAMES, Cambridge, on that side wh. bec. Newton, may have been s. of Robert of Roxbury, b. in Eng. by w. Susanna, d. of famous capt. Edward Johnson, had James, b. 11 Mar. 1656; Susanna, 29 June 1657; Hannah, 24 Apr. 1659; Eliz. 25 Aug. 1660; Sarah, 1662; and Rose; was freem. 1690, selectman, 1694, and d. 7 Mar. 1710, aged 81. The wid. and s. James had admin. and he and the two next ch. are rememb. in gr.f. Johnson's will in 1671. James sold his sh. in est. of his f. to the five sis. all single women, a designat. that could, I suppose, apply to no other five, or four, or three, sis. of their age in N. E.
    JAMES, Newton, s. of Thomas, the sec. of the same, m. 8 Mar. 1709, Eliz. d. of Henry Bartlett of Marlborough, had Robert, b. 19 Apr. 1714; James, 1 Mar. 1715; and Mary, 19 Nov. 1716; he liv. only to 1719, and his w. surv.
    JOHN, New London, s. of Valentine, b. in Eng. brot. by his f. to Roxbury 1631; was a blacksmith, rem. from R. 1652; by w. Esther, had John, b. 6 Aug. 1652; Joseph, 2 Apr. 1655, d. at 21 yrs.; Jonathan, 15 July 1657; Esther, 20 July 1660; Peter, 31 July 1663, d. at 7 yrs.; Stephen, 26 Nov. or Dec. 1666; and the five last of these were brot. to bapt. 19 Apr. 1668, at Roxbury, more than a hundred miles, as had the first b. been 29 Sept. 1667, into the ch. there, the f. hav. been rec. 24 Sept. 1665. Other ch. he had, Mercy, b. Dec. 1668, d. at 21 yrs.; Hannah, June 1672; Thomas and Eliz. tw. 6 Nov. 1675; and Valentine, whose date is not found. He was a prosper. man, rep. 1668 and 70, owned shipping and cultiv. ld. m. 1685, sec. w. Rebecca, d. of Ralph Parker, had Ralph, and d. a. 1691. Often the name appears Prents. Esther m. Benadam or Benjamin Gallop; Hannah m. lieut. John Frink of Stonington; and Eliz. d. unm. 13 Dec. 1770.
    JOHN, Newton, s. of capt. Thomas of the same, m. 28 June 1677, Eliz. d. of the first Edward Jackson, had no ch. and d. 4 Mar. 1689. His wid. m. 13 Nov. 1699, Jonas Bond.
    JOHN, New London, mariner, s. of first John of the same, in one of whose vessels he was part owner and master, m. Sarah, d. of Matthew Jones of Boston, had Ann, Sarah, Patience, Eliz. and Irene, wh. all m. but no s. Perhaps he was of Stratford 1701, and d. 21 Mar. 1715.
    JOHN, Newton, s. of the sec. Thomas, m. 1696, Hannah, d. of Humphrey Osland, had Hannah, b. 25 Oct. 1697; Experience, 26 Sept. 1700; and Rebecca, 27 Mar. 1704; and his w. d. 2 May next. By sec. w. Bethia, he had Eliz.; Bethia, 16 Aug. 1713; and Ann, 17 Nov. 1717; and he d. 4 Jan. 1721.
    JONATHAN, New London, s. of John the first, m. Eliz. d. of Robert Latimer, whose elder sis. Sarah Jones had m. his elder br. John.
    ROBERT, Roxbury, d. or was bur. 3 Feb. 1666, and his inv. of 7th of the same, was giv. in by his br. capt. Thomas, on 26 Apr. foll. but I can find nothing of his time of coming, or whether he had w. or ch.
    SAMUEL, Newton, s. of the sec. Thomas of the same, m. Esther Hammond, had Samuel, b. 25 Nov. 1702; Praise, 26 Jan. 1705; and Mary, 12 Apr. 1708.
    SOLOMON, Cambridge, s. of Henry the first, had two ws. Eliz. wh. d. bef. 1678, and Hepzibah, wh. surv. him, and d. 15 Jan. 1742, in her 89th yr. He had Solomon, b. 1673; Thomas, 7 June 1674; Stephen; Nathaniel; and others, most of them prob. by sec. w. and d. 24 July 1719.
    THOMAS, Cambridge, on S. side of the riv. now Newton, brot. from Eng. w. Grace, and d. Grace, bapt. there, had here Thomas and Eliz. tw. b. 22 Jan. 1650; Mary; John, 2 Feb. 1654, d. next yr.; John, again, 10 July 1655; and Hannah, 1661; was freem. 1652; rep. 1672-4, in 1675, on the first day aft. Philip began hostil. went to the war in comm. of a troop of horse, and with great reput. serv. through it. His influence was great in obt. separat. of Newton, in wh. his est. was. The w. d. 9 Oct. 1692, and he d. 6 July 1710 in 89th yr. Jackson assures us that the gr.-st. says 1709, and with error is easily beliv. Grace m. 27 Nov. 1667, Thomas Oliver; and Eliz. m. 4 May 1675, Thomas Aldrich of Dedham. The epitaph that in Homer's Hist. of N. is said to be on his gr.-st. belongs to somebody else, lying 45 feet from the grave of the capt. whose head and foot stone have plain inscript. as I am assur. by the highest authority.
    THOMAS, Cambridge, in the part now Newton, prob. br. of James, possib. neph. of the preced. b. in Eng. it is thot. m. Rebecca, d. of Edward Jackson, sen. had Frances, Thomas, John, Edward, James, Ebenezer, Enos, Rebecca, and Sarah, but unhap. no date is giv. for either, was freem. 1680, selectman in 1686, and sev. yrs. aft. and d. 11 Dec. 1724, at great age, perhaps above 90. Frances m. 13 Nov. 1687, Joseph Palmer of Stonington; and Sarah m. 15 May 1707, John Hyde.
    THOMAS, Newton, s. of Thomas the first, m. 20 Mar. 1676, Sarah, d. of Thomas Stanton, had Thomas, b. 13 Jan. 1677; Grace; Samuel, a. 1680; and John, 1682, H. C. 1700, the min. of Lancaster; was freem. 1680, and d. 1684. His wid. m. William Denison of Stonigton.
    THOMAS, Newton, s. of Thomas the sec. by w. Eliz. had John, b. Mar. 1692; Rebecca, 2 Dec. 1693; Thomas; and Ebenezer, 1706, and d. 11 Dec. 1724.
    VALENTINE, Roxbury, came in 1631, prob. with Eliot in the Lion, bring. w. Alice and s. John, hav. bur. one ch. at sea, as the ch. rec. tells, was freem. 7 Aug. 1632, perhaps had one ch. b. here, but d. prob. bef. the end of next yr. for the town rec. has it, that she m. 3 Apr. 1634, John Watson. One Alice P. wh. possib. was d. of his, d. at Concord, 8 Mar. 1644. Ellis, in his Hist. of R. quotes from the ch. rec. the ment. of his sufferings and d. closing with a clause that proves how variously our ancient MS. may read, "leaving a good cup of gentleness behind him," when my version of the words in Italic is "SAVOR OF GODLINESS."
    VALENTINE, Woodbury, youngest s. of John of New London, m. Abigail, d. of the sec. Zechariah Walker, had John, bapt. Oct. 1710, d. at 5 yrs.; Esther, b. 16 May 1712, d. young; Joseph, 20 Jan. 1715; Esther, again, 2 May 1717; John, again, 1 Nov. 1719; Thomas, 9 May 1722, d. soon; Thomas, again, d. at 21 yrs.; Christopher, 13 Apr. 1726; Abigail, bapt. 17 Nov. 1728; and Patience, b. 7 July 1731.

A portion of the descend. of Henry, change the two last letters for ss, but the distinct. was not, for the first hundred yrs. uniform, and Valentine's progeny always used these. In both forms, nineteen had been gr. in 1834 at Harv. four at Yale, and five at other N. E. coll. and of ten clerg. eight were of Harv. two of Yale.

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