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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830

Records of The Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830, copied and edited by Stephen Paschall Sharples, S.B., published by Eben Putnam, Boston, 1906

. transcribed text . | . baptisms . | . marriages . | . deaths .


All information was copied as accurately as possible.
Spelling errors or discrepancies are *generally* as they
exist in the original document. The following modifications
were made:

- The olde "f" is replaced with the "s" as appropriate
- Dates are shown in a consistent manner, not exactly as
  they are written in the document. The intent is to clearly
  indicate the correct date.
- Superscript characters are indicated with a '^' character.
- Transcription notes are contained within curly braces
  '{...}', all parenthesis and square brackets are as shown
  in the original document.
- The exception to the rule stated above, is that the page
  numbers are shown in square brackets on the line before
  the text on that page.

This document was intended to be an extraction of all
Prentices and their children (and possibly their
grandchildren) from the Church Records.



Records of The Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830

copied and edited by Stephen Paschall Sharples, S.B.
published by Eben Putnam, Boston, 1906


(include pages iii thru vii)

List of Members in the Church of Cambridge, 1658-1667,
in the handwriting of Rev. Mr. Jonathan Mitchell.

  Gregory Stone Deacon of this Ch, & Lydia his wife in f.C. {f.C. = Full Communion?}
  Whose children
John, Daniel, David, Elizabeth, Samuel, Sarah, Also John Cooper
Son of the forsaid Lydia and Lydia Fiske her daughter, being all of
them through the Rich Grace of Christ come into full Communion
with his people; they will be mentioned afterward in their places, all
John Stone now Joyned member of the Church of Xt. at Sudbury.
Lydia Fisk now deceased.
Elizabeth Stone now Potter living at Ipswich.
Sarah Stone now miriam; Joyned to ye Ch. at Concord.

  John Cooper (Son of Lydia now ye wife of Deacon Stone above
named) & Anna His wife both in full Comm.
  Their children now living are
Anna*        *married to E.P. & deceased
Mary       \
Samuel     / all baptized in this Church
John      /
Nathaniel baptized May 8, 1659, deceased Decemb. 1661
Lydia baptized April 13, 63
Hannah baptized Decemb. 29, 1667

  Joane Prentice widow of Henry Prentice deceafed is memb
in full Comm. as was her Said Hufband alfo.
  Their children
  all borne & baptized in this Church.

  Thomas Prentice & Grace his wife both in full Comm.
  Their children
Grace  baptized in England & about 4. years old at Her parents
Thomas      \
Elizabeth    | all baptized in this Church
Mary        /
John       /

  Mary Goave the wife of John Goave admitted into fellowship & full
Communion Februar. 28, 1664.
  Her children
Mary, baptized March 3, 1660/1
John, baptized March 3, 1660/1
Aspinwall, baptized Octob. 6, 1661 deceased Oct. 14, 1661
Nathaniel baptized Novemb. 16, 1662
James baptized Decemb. 13, 1663
_____ Goave baptized August 4, 1667

  Nathaniel Hancock admitted into fellowship May 31, 67. baptized
June 2d 67, aged.

  Mary Hancock (formerly Prentice ye daughter of Henry & Joana
Prentice above named) admitted into full Communion May 23. 1665.
  Her child.
Nathaniel baptized May. 28 (1665) deceased.
Mary baptized May 13, 1666.
Sarah baptized Septemb. 15, 1667.

The Church Record

[The Records that follow were commenced by
The Reverend William Brattle.
The Church has no records covering the time
from The Reverend M. Jonathan Mitchell's death
to the beginning of these Records.]

Records of the First Church in Cambridge

  Wm Brattle Succeeded ye Revd Mr Nathl Gookin and was
Ordained a Minister of Jefus Christ & a Paftor to ye Flock at
Cambridge Nov: 25: 1696. Pre ye Revd Mr Inc: Mather: The Revd
Mr Norton, Mr Allin & Mr Williard laid on hands: The Revd Mr
Samll Willard gave ye Right hand of Fellowship.
                                        Deo Sit Gloria, Amen.

  Persons Admitted to full Communion fince Nov: 25, 96.
Dec. 13 96.	2. Nathan^l Hancock
		4. The wife of N. Hancock  {Mary Prentice}

[37 - no PRENTICE records]

Aug. 1, 1697	10. The wife of Solomon Prentice Junr.
June 19, 1698	10. The wife of John Cooper

July 28, 1700	3. The wife of Sam Cooper

July 13, 1701	2. Thomas Prentice. Ob. Dec. 7, 1709.

Jan. 6, 1705/6	3. Mr John Gove, Schol:  {scholar?}
Dec. 22, 1706	10. Mary Prentice

Sep. 28, 1707	3. The wife of Jonathan Gove
Dec. 7, 1707	1. John Cooper

Mar.11,1710/11	2 Solomon Prentice

  Infants and Others in their Minority Baptized by
Wm Brattle:

Dec. 17, 1696	Samuel & Walter ye sons, Anna, Lydia, Sarah,
		Mary & Elizabeth, ye daughters of Samuel Cooper {date is out of order with others}

Aug. 8, 1697	Tabitha ye Daughter of Henry Prentice

Nov. 21, 1697	Thomas ye son of Thomas Prentice
June 12, 1698	Samuel ye son of Solomon Prentice

July 3, 1698	John ye son & Elizabeth ye daughter of John Cooper
July 24, 1698	William & John ye sons & Elizabeth & Jane ye daughters of John Dickson
Oct. 2, 1698	John ye son of Samuel Cooper

Dec. 11, 1698	Nathaniel, ye fon of Henry Prentice
Apr. 2, 1699	Mary ye daughter of Thomas Prentice
Apr. 23, 1699	Tabitha ye daughter of Nathaniel Hancock

July 7, 1700	Anna the daughter of John Cooper
Aug. 18, 1700	Jacob, the Son of Henry Prentice
Nov. 3, 1700	Ruth, the daughter of Solomon Prentice

Dec. 20, 1702	Thomas, the son of Thomas Prentice
Apr. 4, 1703	Sufanna, the daughter of Henry Prentice
May 9, 1703	Lydia, ye daughter of Solomon Prentice

Mar. 5, 1703/4	John, ye Son of Thomas Prentice

May 13, 1705	Solomon, ye Son of Solomon Prentice
Aug. 5, 1705	Elizabeth, ye daughter of Thomas Prentice
Oct. 14, 1705	Mary, ye daughter of John Prentice

Dec. 1, 1706	Henry, ye son of Thomas Prentice
May 11, 1707	Samuel, ye Son of Solomon Prentice

July 20, 1707	John, ye Son of John Prentice
Dec. 7, 1707	Jonathan ye son of Deacon Cooper

July 27, 1708	William, ye Son of Thomas Prentice

Oct. 30, 1709	Hephzibah, ye daughter of Thomas Prentice
Feb. 5, 1709/10	Johanna, ye daughter of Solomon Prentice
Mar. 5, 1709/10	Mary, ye daughter of Jonathan Gove
April 16, 1710	Henry, ye son of John Prentice

  Persons Adult wo own'd the Covenant & were Baptized
by W Br  {William Brattle}

Aug. 19, 1705	Mary ye wife of John Prentice

  Infants and Others in their Minority Baptized by W Br

June 1, 1712	Ebenezer, the son of Solomon Prentice
Aug. 24, 1712	Lydia, ye d. of Jonathan Gove
Oct. 26, 1712	Susanna, ye daughter of John Prentice

April 26, 1713	Jonas, ye Son of Nathaniel Prentice

  Persons wo Owned ye Covenant in order to their
Children's Being Baptised.

Nov. 21, 1697	Thomas Prentice

  Persons who Own'd ye Covenant in order to yr having their
children Baptised by N. App.

May 3, 1719	William Dickson
Nov. 22, 1719	Henry Prentice & his Wife Elizabeth

Dec. 24, 1738	Tabitha Skinner

  Infants baptized brought from page (14) Jan. 5. 1713/4
{Continued from p.63, "Infants and Others in their Minority
Baptized by W Br"}

Dec. 5, 1714	Mary, the daughter of Benjamin Baulch
Mar. 13, 1714/5	Sarah, ye daughter of Solomon Prentice
Apr. 24, 1715	Kezia, ye daughter of Jonathan Gove
May 22, 1715	Nathaniel, ye Son of Nathaniel Prentice

July 22, 1716	Abigail, ye daughter of John Prentice

  Persons Married by Wm Brattle

Dec. 23: 1696	Thomas Prentice & Mariah Rufsell

Nov. 6: 1701	Thomas Prentice & Mary Batfon
Jan. 5: 1704/5	John Prentice & Mary Smith

Dec. 26, 1706	Jonathan Gove & Lydia Cooper
Jan. 4, 1710/11	Benjamin Baulch & Mary Prentice

Feb. 1, 1710	Edmund Frost & Hannah Cooper
Sep. 9, 1714	Ephraim Frost & Sarah Cooper

  Persons Married by Nathll Appleton

Feb. 13, 1718	Francis Kidder & Mary Prentice
June 12, 1718	Wm Dickfon & Ruth Prentice
Feb. 13, 1719	Joseph Carter & Anna Cooper
Mar. 29, 1720	Samuel Cooper & Sarah Kidder
June 21, 1720	John Cooper Sen^r & Sarah Hancock
April 6, 1721	John Cooper & Lydia Prentice
June 7, 1721	Walter Cooper & Mary Goddard

Nov. 26, 1723	Nath^ll Goddard & Mary Cooper
Mar. 19, 1724	Thomas Soten & Hannah Prentice

  Persons Admitted to Full Communion

Mar. 20, 1714/5	Stephen Prentice
		Nathl Prentice
		Ye wife of St. Prentice
		Ye wife of N. Prentice

  Persons Admitted to Full Communio by Nathaniel Appleton

July 6, 1718	Sam^ll Prentice
Feb. 15, 1718/9	Mary W; Francis Kidder

Mar 26, 1719/20	Benjamin Balch
		John Cooper
		Eliz: Prentice
Oct. 30, 1720	Jonathan Gove

Feb. 20, 1720/1	William Dickson
		Ruth, w. of Wm Dickson
Nov. 26, 1721	Walter Cooper
Jan. 21, 1721/2	Mary Cooper
Oct. 28, 1722	Henry Prentice
		Elizabeth Prentice

  Infants Baptized by Nathaniel Appleton

Oct. 20, 1717	Sarah of Solomon Prentice
Mar. 2, 1718	Hannah of Jonathan Gove
Sep. 7, 1718	Tabitha of Nathaniel Prentice

Mar. 29, 1719	Mary of Francis Kidder Junr
May 3, 1719	William of Wm Dickson
Nov. 22, 1719	Joshua of Henry Prentice
Feb. 28, 1720	Stephen of Solomon Prentice

June 12, 1720	Solomon of Wm Dickson
June 26, 1720	Samuel of Francis Kidder
Sep. 18, 1720	Nathaniel of Samuel Cooper
Jan. 1, 1721	Sarah of Jonathan Gove
Feb. 5, 1721	Solomon of Nathaniel Prentice
Dec. 24, 1721	James of Francis Kidder

Aug. 27, 1721	Solomon of William Dickson
Oct. 15, 1721	Samuel of Samuel Cooper
Feb. 25, 1722	Caleb of Henry Prentice
Apr. 8, 1722	Lydia of John Prentice

  Persons admitted to full Communion

Nov. 24, 1723	Eliz. D: of Jn^o Cooper
		Eliz. D: Thos Prentice

Mar. 15, 1723/4	Sam^ll Cooper
Aug. 30, 1724	Wid^w Lydia Cooper
Apr. 11, 1725	Thomas Prentice, Student
Jan. 16, 1725/6	Solomon Prentice, Student

Mar. 13, 1726	Mary wife John Prentice
June 4, 1727	Mary Kidder

May 5, 1728	Henry Prentice Junr.

Apr. 6, 1729	Hannah, wife of Tho^s Soden
Sep. 21, 1729	Lydia Gove D. of Jon^a Gove
Nov. 16, 1729	John Gove
Jan.11,1729{/30}	Jonathan Cooper

Jan.11,1729{/30}	Mary Gove D. of Jon^a Gove

Oct. 18, 1730	John Prentice Junr.
Feb. 7, 1730/1	Samuel Prentice of Sol: Prentice

Mar. 30, 1734/5	Mary Balch
May 25, 1735	Ebenezer Prentice
Nov. 9, 1735	Jonas Prentice
Feb. 29, 1735/6	Sarah Wife of Ebenezer Prentice
April 25, 1736	Wm Prentice
		Henry Prentice 3^tius
		Nath^ll Prentice

June 18, 1738	Sarah w. of Jon^a Cooper

  Infants Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

July 21, 1723	Ruth of Wm. Dickson
Sep. 8, 1723	Mehetable of Thomas Skinner
Sep. 29, 1723	Mary of Solomon Prentice
Oct. 20, 1723	Joseph of Samuel Cooper
Jan. 26, 1724	Francis of Francis Kidder

Mar. 31, 1724	Walter of Walter Cooper. Baptized att his own
		house ye child laboured under such Weekness yt it
		was not thought safe or convenient to bring it forth
		in publick.
June 28, 1724	Martha of Henry Prentice
Nov. 15, 1724	Josiah of William Dickson
Jan. 24, 1725	Susanna of Thomas Soden

Mar. 7, 1725	John of Samuel Cooper
Jan. 30, 1725/6	Lydia of Thomas Kidder
Mar. 6, 1725/6	Smith of John Prentice

May 10, 1725/6	Thomas of Thomas Soden
June 19, 1725/6	Reuben of John Prentice
Oct. 23, 1726	Ruth of Wm. Dickson
Oct. 30, 1726	Jonathan of Thomas Skinner
Feb. 5, 1726/7	Joseph of Samuel Cook Junr

Oct. 21, 1727	Elizabeth of Henry Prentice

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Apr. 8, 1725	Thomas Kidder & Lydia Cooper
Oct. 21, 1725	John Cooper & Hannah Johnson
Mar. 31, 1725/6	Sam^ll Cook & Joanna Prentice
May 5, 1725/6	Mathew Johnson & Eliz^th Prentice

June 29, 1727	William Badger & Hepsibah Prentice
Jan. 30, 1728/9	Henry Prentice & Katherine Felch  {#18}

Feb. 10, 1731/2	James Pierce & Mary Prentice

  Persons Adult Wo owned Ye Covenant & were Baptized

Mar. 26, 1737	Roger, a negro Man Servant of Henry Prentice

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Oct. 25, 1732	Jonathan Cooper & Sarah Prentice

Aug. 19, 1735	Henry Prentice 3^tius & Sarah Hill  {#29}
Dec. 23, 1736	Samuel Prentice & Eliz^th Cook
Apr. 19, 1736/7	Isaac Brown & Mary Balch
Nov. 3, 1737	William Skinner & Tabitha Smith

Aug. 26, 1740	Simon Cooper & Judith negro servants of Samuel Smith
Apr. 10, 1741	Mr Samuel Andrew & Eliz^th Cooper

  Infants Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

Nov. 26, 1727	Joseph of Thomas Kidder
Jan.28,1727{/8}	John of John Cooper Junr.

June 9, 1728	Hannah of Thomas Soden
Oct. 14, 1728	Tabitha of John Prentice
Oct. 20, 1728	Samuel of Samuel Cook Junr
Jan. 12, 1728/9	Margery of Wm Dickson
		Sarah of Samuel Cooper

Mar. 23, 1728/9	Abraham of Abraham Watson
		Walter of Walter Cooper
Aug. 31, 1729	Hannah of Thomas Skinner
Nov. 23, 1729	Mary of Henry Prentice, Jun^r

Jan. 4, 1729/30	William of John Cooper Junr
Feb. 8, 1729/30	Solomon of Thomas Kidder
Feb.15, 1729/30	Jonas of Wm Dickson
May 3, 1729/30	Susanna of Samuel Cook Junr

July 26, 1730	Samuel of Thomas Soden
Sep. 20, 1730	Thomas of Henry Prentice

Jan. 23, 1731/2	Hepsibah of Henry Prentice
		Thomas of Thomas Kidder
Apr. 2, 1731/2	Anna of John Cooper Junr
May 28, 1731/2	Jonas of Wm Dickson

Aug. 6, 1731/2	William of Thomas Soden
Nov. 5, 1732	Lydia of Samuel Cook
Dec. 10, 1732	Mary of James Peirce {sp}

Jan. 6, 1733/4	Martha of Walter Cooper
Feb. 17, 1733/4	Nathan of Thomas Kidder
		Elizabeth of James Peirce {sp}

Oct. 6, 1734	Thomas of Henry Prentice
Oct. 27, 1734	Robert of Thomas Soden

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

June 16, 1743	John Ware & Martha Prentice

Nov. 9, 1743	The Rev^d Mr Joshua Prentice & Mrs. Mary Angier
Nov. 10, 1743	Mr Stephen Prentice & Lydia Prentice
Dec. 29, 1743	Daniel Prentice & Deborah Wyeth
Sep. 17, 1744	Caleb Prentice & Lydia Whittemore
May 2, 1745	Ebenezer Eliot & Susannah Soden
Dec. 31, 1747	Seth Hasting & Hanah Soden  {'Hanah' spelled as shown}

Mar. 28, 1751	Abraham Watson, Jun^r & Lucy Prentice
Oct. 16, 1752	Henry Prentice Jun^r & Mary Walker
Oct. 18, 1753	Revd Mr Amos Adams & Mrs. Elizabeth Prentice (Samuel's wife from p.110?)

{misc. church records}

Jan. 7, 1718	Dyed Deacon Cooper

  Infants Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton 1734

Mar. 23, 1734/5	Jonathan of Jonathan Cooper

June 8, 1734/5	Lydia of Wm Dickson
Sep. 21, 1735	Joanna of Sam^ll Cook
Dec. 14, 1735	John of James Pierce

July 4, 1735/6	Jacob of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Aug. 29, 1736	Tabitha of Thomas Kidder
Sep. 5, 1736	Sarah of Jonathan Cooper
Oct. 31, 1736	Jane of William Dickson
Nov. 7, 1736	Joanna of Samuel Cook
Nov. 28, 1736	Samuel of Walter Cooper
Mar. 6, 1737	Ebenezer of Ebenezer Prentice

May 22, 1737	Mercy of Jonas Prentice
Oct. 16, 1737	Susanna of James Peirce {sp}

Apr. 9, 1738	Nathan of Henry Prentice
May 7, 1738	Martha of Walter Cooper

Feb. 18, 1739	John of Thomas Kidder
		Samuel of Jonathan Cooper
Apr. 15, 1739	Joseph of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Apr. 29, 1739	Jonas of Jonas Prentice
June 10, 1739	Sarah of Samuel Cook
July 29, 1739	Hannah of Wm Dickson

Dec. 30, 1739	James of James Peirce {sp?}
Feb. 10, 1740	Benjamin of Walter Cooper
May 25, 1740	Abigail of Henry Prentice 3^tius

Jan. 25, 1741	Sarah of Henry Prentice
May 24, 1741	James of Jonas Prentice
June 21, 1741	Sarah of Thomas Kidder
July 26, 1741	Simon of Jonathan Cooper

Nov. 8, 1741	Samuel of Sam^ll Cook
Dec. 20, 1741	Abigail of James Pierce
Jan. 17, 1741/2	Margaret of Wm Fessenden baptized by Mr Tho^s Prentice
Apr. 18, 1741/2	Nathaniel of Walter Cooper

Aug. 29, 1741/2	Thomas of Thomas Kidder, Baptized at his house ye child dyed.
Oct. 3 1741/2	William of Henry Prentice 3^tius

  Persons admitted to full Communion by Nath^ll Appleton

May 20, 1739	Daniel Prentice

Mar. 2, 1740	Stephen Prentice Junr
		Mercy, wife of Jonas Prentice
Nov. 30, 1740	Caleb Prentice
Jan. 25, 1740/1	Joshua Prentice B.A.

May 14, 1741	Roger, negro of Henry Prentice
Sep. 6, 1741	Martha Prentice, D^r of Henry Prentice (D^r = dau.)
Dec. 27, 1741	Lydia Prentice, D^r of John Prentice

Jan. 20, 1744/5	Solomon Prentice Junr by Dismission from Lexington

Dec. 17, 1749	Deborah Wife of Daniel Prentice
		Elizabeth Daughter of Deacon Prentice
Feb. 1754	Hepzibah Prentice, daughter of Deacon Prentice

Mar. 16, 1755	Mary Wife of Henry Prentice Junr

Sep. 21, 1760	Abigail Gove (dism^d & rec^d to 2nd Chh. in Dorcester, 1808.)
Aug. 21, 1763	Abigail Prentice D^ghtr of Henry Prentice, Junr

Aug. 18, 1765	Jonas Prentice Junr
		Widow Mercy Cooper
Feb. 2, 1766	Abraham Watson Junr
		Lucy Watson his wife.
May 30, 1766	Joanna Cook
		Sarah Cook, daughters of Sam^ll Cook

Oct. 11, 1767	Caleb Prentice Junr B.A.

Oct. 6, 1771	Martha Prentice widow

Feb. 28, 1773	Sam^ll Prentiss B.A.

  Infants Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

Aug. 7, 1743	Daniel of Jonathan Cooper
Oct. 16, 1743	Nathaniel of Jonas Prentice
Oct. 30, 1743	George of James Pierce, by Mr. Prentice
		Mary of Oliver Thomas, by Mr. Prentice
Jan. 1, 1743/4	Samuel of Solomon Cook

Sep. 16, 1744	Sarah of Thomas Kidder
Oct. 7, 1744	John of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Dec. 30, 1744	Daniel of Daniel Prentice, by Mr. Abbot

Apr. 28, 1744/5	Caleb of Caleb Prentice
Aug. 18, 1745	Solomon of Solomon Prentice Junr
Aug. 25, 1745	Samuel of Walter Cooper held up by Mr. Goddard
Sep. 22, 1745	Lydia of Jonas Prentice
Nov. 10, 1745	Hanah of James Peirce, by Mr Cotton
Feb. 9, 1745/6	Solomon of Jonathan Cooper

Mar. 23, 1745/6	Jacob of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Sep. 14, 1746	Sarah of Daniel Prentice
Nov. 16, 1746	Caleb of Caleb Prentice
Nov. 30, 1746	Benjamin of Thomas Kidder

Aug. 16, 1747	Eunice of Sam^ll Cook
Dec. 27, 1747	William of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Apr. 24, 1747/8	Lydia of Jonathan Cooper

July 31, 1748	Hannah of Solomon Prentice Junr
Aug. 28, 1748	John of Jonas Prentice, by Mr. Cook
Sep. 25, 1748	Elizabeth of Caleb Prentice
Oct. 23, 1748	Sam^ll of James Pierce
Nov. 6, 1748	Sarah of Daniel Prentice

Jan. 22,1749/50	Henry of Henry Prentice 3^tius
Feb. 11,1749/50	Solomon of Samuel Cook
		Samuel of Caleb Prentice
Aug. 19, 1750	Jonathan of Daniel Prentice
Dec. 16, 1750	Isaac of Solomon Prentice Junr

Oct. 20, 1751	Sarah of Henry Prentice 3^tius, by Mr. Cooper
Jan. 19, 1752	Thomas of Jonas Prentice
Mar. 15, 1752	Abraham of Abraham Watson Junr

June 14, 1752	Nathan of Nathan Tufts, by Mr Th^s Prentice
Oct. 15, 1752	Mary of Daniel Prentice
May 27, 1753	Samuel of Caleb Prentice
July 29, 1753	John of Henty Prentice Junior {prob. "Henry"}

May 26, 1754	Lucy of Abraham Watson Junr
Sep. 29, 1754	Elizabeth of Jonas Prentice, by Mr Emmerson

Dec. 8, 1754	William of Caleb Prentice
Jan. 19, 1755	Joshua of William Gammage, by Mr J. Prentice
June 1, 1755	Thomas of Henry Prentice Junr

Mar. 14, 1756	Hepzibah of Daniel Prentice
Apr. 18, 1756	Walter of widow Lydia Cooper, N.B. her husband Walter Cooper dyed lately.
		Mercy of Jonathan Cooper
Feb. 6, 1757	Henry of Caleb Prentice
Mar. 13, 1757	Hannah of Jonas Prentice

Oct. 23, 1757	Jerusha of Henry Prentice Junr
May 21, 1758	Samuel of Daniel Prentice, by Mr. Prentice Charlestown
Oct. 1, 1758	Jonathan of Jonathan Cooper Junr
Jan. 28, 1759	Lydia of Caleb Prentice

Sep. 23, 1759	Sarah of Abraham Watson Junr
Dec. 30, 1759	Henry of Caleb Prentice

  Persons who owned ye Covenant & had yr Children Baptized,
    or to Qualifye ymselves for ye Baptism of them

Apr. 18, 1756	Jonathan Cooper Junr

Aug. 17, 1766	Nathaniel Prentice

  Persons Adult Wo owned Ye Covenant & were Baptized by N. Appleton

Aug. 25, 1782	Beulah Prentice, who was admitted to full communion

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Jan. 9, 1755	The Rev^d Mr Joshua Prentice & Mrs. Margaret Appleton
Mar. 13, 1755	Walter Cooper & Lydia Kidder
June 5, 1755	Jonathan Cooper Junr & Mercy Prentice
Mar. 1, 1757	Reuben Prentice & Martha Hubbard
Sep. 15, 1757	Charles Hill & Sarah Prentice

  Wood sent in 1701

Oct. 27.	... Tho: Prentice, ...

  Wood paid for Anno 1697/8

Feb. 14, 97	The wife of Henry Prentice 1-1/2 fr. But.  0.1.0

  Wood sent in, Anno 1698

Nov. 9, 98	... Sol. Prentice, Junr. ...

  Wood brought in Anno 1702

Oct. 8		... Thomas Prentice ...

  Wood brought in Anno 1703

Dec. 15, 1703	... Thomas Prentice ...

  Wood brought in Anno 1706

Oct. 21, 1706	... Thomas Prentice ...

  Wood recd

Nov. 3, 1729	... Solomon Prentice ...
Nov. 24, 1730	... 29 loads ye next week Solomon Prentice, Henry Prentice ...
Nov. 21, 1731	... Solomon Prentice, Henry Prentice ...

Nov. 15, 1732	... Stephen Prentice ...
Nov. 14, 1733	... Stephen Prentice: Henery Prentice ...

  Wood Carted by

Nov. 19, 1734	... Stephen Prentice ... Henry Prentice ...
Nov. 15, 1736	... Stephen Prentice Sam^ll Prentice ...

Nov. 22, 1737	... Stephen Prentice ...
Nov. 14, 1738	... Henry Prentice ... Stephen Prentice ...
Nov. 20, 1739	... Stephen Prentice ... Henry Prentice ...
Nov. 21, 1740	... Henry Prentice ...
Jan. 20, 	... Henry Prentice ... Solomon Prentice ... Stephen Prentice ...
Nov. 1741	... Stephen Prentice ...

  Wood brought from ye Newton Lott by my good Friends & Neighbors

Oct. 22, 1742	... Deacon Prentice ...

  From Menotomy

Nov. 9, 1743	... Deacon Prentice, Daniel Prentice ...
December	... Stephen Prentice
1744		... Deacon Prentice ...

1745		Deacon Prentice ...
1746		... Stephen Prentice, his own wood ...
1747		... Stephen Prentice, gave ye wood ... Caleb Prentice ...
1748		Stephen Prentice, Deacon Prentice, ...
Nov. 23, 1763	... Jonas Prentice ...

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Dec. 30, 1762	Daniel Leeds, B.A. & Abigail Gove
Jan. 10, 1763	Jonathan Hill & Lydia Cooper
May 5, 1763	Samuel Cooper & Hannah Geoghegan
Sep. 22, 1763	The Revd Mr Bunker Gay & Mrs Abigail Prentice
Nov. 22, 1764	Nath^ll Prentice & Abigail Logan Married by the Hon^ble Judge Danforth Esq^r

  The Names of Children Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

Oct. 19, 1760	Sarah of Jon^a Cooper, Junr, By Mr Storer
July 19, 1761	Sarah of Solomon Prentice

Feb. 6, 1763	Anna of Jonathan Cooper Junr
Feb. 13, 1763	Mary of Abraham Watson Junr

Oct. 28, 1764	Nath^ll Prentice, son of Abraham Watson, Junr

  Children Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

May 12, 1765	Mara, Daughter of Widow Mercy Cooper, whose
		  husband died suddenly 16 days past.
Sep. 22, 1765	Ruth of Abraham Watson Junr

Aug. 17, 1766	Nathaniel Shepard of Nath^ll Prentice
Nov. 2, 1766	Jonas of Jonas Prentice Junr

July 24, 1768	Lydia of Abraham Watson Junr
Aug. 7, 1768	John of Nath^ll Prentiss
Dec. 18, 1768	Mary of Edward Prentice
Feb. 1, 1769	Mary, a child brought up by Mr. Sam^ll Cook & his
		  wife & who undertook if ye child should live to
		  bring it up in ye nurture & admonition of ye Lord.
		  The child was above 7 years of age being dangerously
		  ill I baptized att their house.
June 4, 1769	Mehetable of Mr Nathan Prentice

Oct. 8, 1769	Jonas of Jonas Prentice Junr

  Att a Meeting of ye Bretheren of ye first Church in Cambridge
April 25, 1740.
2. They accordingly brought in yr written votes for ye persons
to be of sd committee & ... Mr. Stephen Prentice ... were
chosen to ye sd service & trust for ye current year.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh, Oct. 13, 1741.
  Voted that Deacon Samuel Bowman, Mr Solomon Prentice
& Mr Thomas Sparhawk be joyned to ye remaining part of
ye sd committee appointed April 25, 1740 & to transact
in all ye affairs yt ye sd committee desired & impowered
to transact in relating to ye settling ye bounds & cutting
of trees in sd lott according to ye votes of ye sd Chh
October 22, 1740.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh, Nov. 24, 1741.
  Voted. That yr should be two Deacons chosen. Accordingly
by written votes of ye Bretheren Mr. Henry Prentice,
& Mr Samuel Whittemore were chosen to ye office of Deacons.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh June 5, 1752.
2. A complaint being exhibited against our Brother Henry
Prentice Junr, Seting forth his having on 27th of May last
uttered himself in a very Uncristian manner by prophane
Cursing & horrible Imprecations: But ye Evidences not being
present voted yt ye Consideration of the Complaint be deferred
to Some other meeting of ye church yt our Pastor Shall
3. Voted yt ye sd Brother Henry Prentice forbear Coming to
ye Sacrament of ye lord's Supper untill ye matter of ye
Complaint against him be considered & judged upon by ye Church.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh July 31, 1752.
  Brother Henry Prentice Junr made an humble Confession to
ye Bretheren of ye horrible out breaking of his Passions
according to ye Complaint Exhibited against him att ye last meeting.
  The Bretheren voted their acceptance of ye Same and
Restored him to ye free Enjoyment of Special ordinances.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh July 31, 1752.
2. Voted yt Mr Thomas Soden be added to ye Committee for
Inspecting &c ye Chh Lott att Newton in ye room of Mr
Ebenezer Wyeth Deceased. Accordingly ye Committee for that
purpose are Deacon Sparhawk, Deacon Whittemore & Deacon
Prentice, Chosen April 20, 1744 & Mr Jonathan Hastings
Chosen April 18, 1746 & Mr Thomas Soden Chosen this day.

  June 4, 1762. Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh.
1. By handy vote Deacon Whittemore, Mr Thomas Soden,
Deacon Prentice, Mr Ebenezer Frost, Mr Peter Tufts, Thomas
Sparhawk Esqr, Mr Wm Dana were Chosen for ye Committee
to Inspect ye manners of Professing Christians &c.

  May 6, 1763. Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh.
  By handy votes Deacon Whittemore, Mr Edward Manning,
Mr Thomas Soden, Deacon Prentice, Mr Sam^ll Kent,
Thomas Sparhawk Esqr, Mr Wm Dana were Chosen as a Committee
to Inspect ye manners of Professing Christians &c.


 --- PHOTOCOPY ---


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 --- PHOTOCOPY ---


 --- PHOTOCOPY ---

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Nov. 16, 1768	Samuel Cox & Lydia Cooper
Dec. 20, 1768	Mr Caleb Prentice & Mrs Rebekah Rockwell
Oct. 4, 1769	Benaiah Davenport & Elizabeth Prentice
Jan. 9, 1770	The Revd Joshua Prentice & Mrs Mary Haley
Aug. 23, 1770	Edward Fillebrown & Lydia Prentice
Apr. 23, 1772	John Prentice & Mary Scriptor

  Persons who ownd ye Covenant to Qualifye themselves
    to Receive Baptism for their Children, by N. Appleton

June 16, 1771	Edward Fillebrown by Dr. Haven
Sep. 13, 1772	Benaiah Davenport & Elizabeth his wife
Jan. 31, 1773	John Prentiss

Oct. 20, 1776	Thomas Prentiss

  Children Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton

Mar. 10, 1771	Thomas of Edward Prentiss

June 16, 1771	Lydia of Edward Fillebrown, by Dr Haven
Oct. 13, 1771	Abigail of Nath^ll Prentiss
Jan. 5, 1772	Catherine of Abraham Watson Junr
Sep. 13, 1772	Elizabeth of Benaiah Davenport
Sep. 20, 1772	Edward of Edward Fillebrown

Jan. 31, 1773	Mary of John Prentiss
Apr. 25, 1773	John or Edward Prentiss
Nov. 21, 1773	William Tyng of Abraham Watson Junr

July 24, 1774	James of Nath^ll Prentice
May 14, 1775	Rebecca of John Prentice

Oct. 20, 1776	Ruth of Thomas Prentiss
Feb. 9, 1777	Susannah of _____ Fillebrown
Apr. 13, 1777	Mercy of John Prentice

June 22, 1777	Jonas of Edward Fillebrown
June 21, 1778	Nathaniel of Jonathan Ireland

Sep. 13, 1778	Susannah Brown of Jonas Prentice
Feb. 14, 1779	Lucy of John Prentice, by President Langdon
Feb. 21, 1779	Lydia of Nath^ll Prentice, by ye President (Langdon)
July 4, 1779	Thomas of Thomas Prentiss

Mar. 19, 1780	David Graham of William Prentice, by Mr Osgood.
Apr. 2, 1780	Sally of Jonas Prentice
		  ... These I Baptized att
		  my own house after ye publick Exercise was over
		  not being able to attend at ye meeting house.
Jan. 28, 1781	Hannah of John Prentice att my house.
Mar. 18, 1781	Lucretia of John Hastings att my house.
Apr. 1, 1781	James of Nath^ll Prentiss att ye meeting house.

Dec. 9, 1781	Betsey of Thomas Prentice

  Infant Children Baptized by Nath^ll Appleton
    & other Ministers

Apr. 6, 1783	Robert of John Hastings, att my house.
Apr. 27, 1783	Samuel of Sam^ll Prentice, by myself att ye meeting house.
May 4, 1783	John of John Prentice, by Mr Turner
Jan. 11, 1784	Jonathan Cooper of Nathaniel Prentice
Mar. 21, 1784	Judah Symmes of Thomas Prentice

  Persons Admitted to full Communion by Nath^ll Appleton

Aug. 1, 1779	William Prentice Junr

Aug. 25, 1782	Beulah Prentice a young woman.

  Children Baptized by T. Hilliard

Nov. 14, 1784	Harriet of Major John Hastings
Mar. 6, 1785	Polly Tufts of Timothy Tufts Junr
July 10, 1785	Anna of John Prentice

Apr. 30, 1785	Ameila of Maj^r John Hastings
June 4, 1785	Fanny of Thomas Prentiss
Aug. 6, 1785	John Tyng of Doct William Gamage
Sep. 24, 1785	Timothy of Timothy Tufts
Nov. 1785	Harriot of Nath^ll Prentice

Oct. 28, 1787	Charles of John Prentiss
		Daniel of Samuel Prentiss

  Persons Married by Nath^ll Appleton

Nov. 12, 1777	Jonas Prentiss and Sarah Prentiss
Dec. 11, 1777	Thomas Goddard and Hepzibah Prentiss

Apr. 20, 1780	John Hastings and Elizabeth Prentice
June 13, 1782	Samuel Prentice and Polly Todd

  Persons Married by T. Hilliard

May 9, 1784	Timothy Tufts Junr & Beulah Prentice

Nov. 24, 1785	Ebenezer Prentice & Experience Williams
Dec. 6, 1785	Jonas Prentice & Hannah Goddard

Nov. 13, 1783	This day the Church Book was delivered to me by
		the Revd Dr Appleton. He being altogether unable
		to keep the rcords of the Church thro' age & bodily
		infirmities.                    T. Hilliard
Feb. 9, 1784	The Revd Dr Nath^l Appleton departed this life in the
		91st year of his age & 67th of his ministry.
Feb. 15, 1784	This day his funeral solemnity was attended. The
		body was carried to the meeting house. Revd Mr
		Cushing of Waltham prayed. The surviving
		Pastor of this Church delivered a funeral address.
		A funeral anthem was sung, after which
		the procession advanced to the burying place and
		the body was committed to the tomb.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh May 20, 1774.
1. Voted that Deacon Whittemore, Capt. Steadman, Capt. Marrett,
Deacon Prentice, Mr Peter Tufts, Capt. Gardner, Capt. Robbins,
be a Committee to Inspect ye manners of professing
Christians &c. for this year.

  Att a meeting of ye Bretheren of ye Chh July 14, 1774.
2. Deacon Prentice having by a Paper given in this day,
resigned his office of a Deacon, by reason of age & Infirmities
ye Chh accepted ye Same and voted ye Thanks of ye Chh to
him for his faithfull Service in that office.
3. The Bretheren proceeded to choose a Deacon Instead of
Deacon Prentice who had resigned & bringing in their written
votes Mr Aaron Hill was Chosen into that office.


  --- PHOTOCOPY ---

Mar. 21, 1784
Vote 1. That the Deacons of this Chh be authorized to take
Mr Nathaniel Prentices obligation for the sum of 40(L) left by the
late Revd Dr Appleton to the poor of this Chh instead of an
obligation from the Parish Treas^r the sd Prentice procuring
sufficient surities.

July 29, 1785
Also a bond of Nath^l Prentiss & others for 42.2.8 (L.s.d). The
Committee reported that they find no rules according to which these
monies are to be applied for the benefit of the poor. Excepting
the Legacy of the late Dr Appleton.

  Persons Married by T. Hilliard

July 10, 1788	Isaiah Dickson & Sally Cooper

  Account of Deaths in the first Parish in
    Cambridge from Oct 27, 1783

1784		Mrs [Sally] Prentice wife of Jonas

Nov. 5, 1785	Mr Sam^l Cook aged 83
Aug. 23, 1787	Mr Henry Prentiss aged 82.

Mar. 1789	Mr. Kidder aged 87, buried in same grave as Mrs.
		Mrs. Kidder aged 72, buried in same grave as Mr.
Feb. 24, 1790	Widow Prentiss aged 76

Sep. 22, 1790	Wid. Martha Prentiss

  Children Baptized by T. Hilliard

Nov. 11, 1787	Elizabeth Cotton of Maj^r John Hastings

June 21, 1789	Edmund Trowbridge of Maj. John Hastings
Nov. 15, 1789	Joseph of Thomas Prentiss

Aug. 7, 1791	Clary of John Prentice, by Mr Foster of Littleton.

  Admissions to Full Communion, Abiel Holmes, Pastor

Apr. 6, 1794	*Nathaniel Prentiss
Apr. 1794	*Abigail Prentiss
  *These names are starred in the Mss. and no explanation is given.

Jan. 1801	Elizabeth Freeman Prentiss

Apr. 29, 1803	*Susan Prentiss

Feb. 1825	Hannah Prentiss

July 1, 1827	Jonathan C. Prentiss
		Mary Prentiss

  Renewal of Covenant, for the baptism of children. A. Holmes, Pastor.

Dec. 31, 1797	Nathaniel Prentiss Watson

Sep. 1808	Jonas & Ellen Prentiss
Sep. 26, 1813	Jonathan C. & Mary Prentiss

  Baptisms. A. Holmes, Pastor.

Nov. 10, 1793	Anna -- of Timothy Tufts Junr
Apr. 6, 1794	Abigail Prentiss -- (wife of Nathaniel Prentiss) by her own desire.

Sep. 13, 1795	William -- of Timothy Tufts Junr

Dec. 31, 1797	Nathaniel -- of Nathaniel Prentiss Watson & Lydia Watson

May 19, 1799	Submit & Jonas -- of Timothy Jr. & Submit Tufts  {did he remarry after Beulah's death in 1795?}
Oct. 27, 1799	Edward -- of Nathaniel P. Watson (by Dr. Osgood)

Oct. 4, 1801	Burr -- of Timothy & Submit Tufts

Aug. 1, 1802	Abraham -- of Nathaniel P. & Lydia Watson

Aug. 2, 1807	William Prentiss -- of [William] & Patty Trask. Cambridge Port.

Sep. 4, 1808	Ellen -- of Jonas and Ellen Prentiss

Feb. 4, 1810	Mary -- of Nathaniel Prentiss Watson

Nov. 25, 1810	Jonas Whittemore -- of Jonas and Ellen Prentiss

Sep. 26, 1813	Mary Prentiss by her own desire
Sep.  1813	Henry -- of Jonas and Ellen Prentiss
Sep.  1813	Abigail Logan -- of Jonathan C. and Mary Prentiss

June 22, 1817	Mary Whittemore -- of Jonathan and Mary Prentiss

Aug. 12, 1821	Nathaniel -- of Jonathan C. and Mary Prentiss

  Marriages. A, Holmes, Pastor.

Aug. 18, 1796	Benjamin Tenny of Hollis N. Hamp. &  Rebecca Prentiss
Feb. 9, 1797	Nathaniel Prentiss Watson & Lydia Fillebrown

Mar. 24, 1800	Samuel Worth & Hannah Prentiss

Nov. 18, 1802	Nathaniel Ireland, of Boston & Sally Prentiss of Charlestown

Nov. 1, 1807	John Prentiss & Sally Collier

Oct. 16, 1808	Aminadab H. Mansfield & Fanny Prentice (of Watertown at my house)
Jan. 4, 1810	Mark Weare & Harriet Prentiss
Sep. 23, 1810	George Prentiss & Hannnh Smith {prob. 'Hannah'}

Aug. 14, 1812	Jonathan C. Prentiss of Camb. & Mary Whittemore of Charlestown

Apr. 4, 1819	Joseph Bracket & Elizabeth Prentiss
Nov. 30, 1820	John Prentiss & Joanna Forrester


Jan. 20, 1794	Janes Prentiss (son of Nathaniel) aet. 20. Peripneumony.
July, 1794	Infant of Samuel Prentiss
Sep. 8, 1794	Anna, child of Timothy Tufts jun.  9 mo.

Mar. 17, 1795	of Timothy Tufts jun.  {no name associated here!]
July 18, 1795	Samuel Prentiss, 38
Oct. 1795	Beulah Tufts  puerperal fever
Mar. 2, 1796	Daniel Prentiss, 9. (throat distemper)
May, 13, 1796	Infant of Timothy Tufts jun.  8 mo.

Oct. 15, 1796	Henry Prentiss, 24 (bilious putrid fever)
Mar. 25, 1797	Ruth Prentiss, 43  Puerperal Fever.
May  1797	Mary Prentiss      Consumption
July 9, 1798	Edward Fillebrown, 54  Bilious Fever

Jan. 1800	Ruth Prentiss

Nov. 8, 1800	Thomas Prentiss, 49  dropsy.
May 2, 1801	Jonas Prentiss, 62  palsy
May 25, 1801	---- Prentiss (wife of William)  {out of month order}

Sep. 24, 1802	---- Prentiss (son of Thomas), 12  dysentry
Oct. 3, 1802	Timothy Tufts jun.   41

Feb. 18, 1805	Timothy Tufts, 71   consumption
Aug. 28, 1805	Infant of Judith Prentiss, 3mo.  consumption
Oct. 12, 1805	Rachel Cooper, 73

Nov. 16, 1806	Thomas Prentiss at Mason's N.B. Aet. 17  polypus on longs  {N.B. = New Bridge}
Feb. 26, 1807	---- Prentiss

Aug. 21, 1807	Susan Prentiss, 22  consumption
Sep. 6, 1807	Samuel Prentiss, 25  bilious fever
Dec. 17, 1807	Bewnjamin Prentiss, 63  consumption

Sep. 23, 1813	William Prentiss (Poor House), 66  dropsy

June 18, 1817	Nathaniel Prentiss, 74  typhus fever
Aug. 10, 1817	Elizabeth Prentiss, 77  typhus fever
Aug. 17, 1817	John Prentice, s. of John & Sally P., 5  dysentry
Aug. 18, 1817	Elisha Prentice, s. of George P., 2  dysentry
Aug. 19, 1817	Julian Prentice, d. of John & Sally P., 8  dysentry

June 9, 1818	Sarah Prentice, 40  convuls. fits.

Aug. 25, 1825	Abigail Prentice (died at Roxbury), 81  old age

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