Found at Fulton History
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Vol. 30 - No. 29
Friday, February 4, 1870
posed to be the wife of a Mr. John Robinson, a shipkeeper
by occupation, who was drowned at the same time.
January 29th, at Prentice's Wharf, Brooklyn, at about 8
o'clock P.M.: this lady was about 5 feet 4 inches in height,
fair complexion, dark hair, gray eyes, good teeth: scar on
the forehead, over the left eye: large scar on the neck and
breast, extending down between the bosoms, the result of a
burn or scald; a ring on the third finger of the left hand; a
belt, with a double steel clasp; purple and white ladies'
morning gown, underneath which was a colored sack, white
mineral buttons on the front of each of these garments;
white muslin chemise trimmed around the neck and the
opening in front with hand made thread edging; a red
merino net under-shirt; dark woolen Balmoral skirt, with dark
and white stripe around the bottom; high top leather boots,
laced in front; she had been a mother. The body will be
held for a few days for identification.
J.B.JONES, M.D. \ Coroners. L.A.WHITEHILL. /

Editor's note: We weren't aware of a Prentice's Wharf in Brooklyn. After some research, we found some additional references to it, with dates ranging from 1870 to 1877. Any information about the owners of this wharf (or the Prentices for which it was named) would be greatly appreciated!
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