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Thomas Prentice of Scotland and WV

Thomas Prentice of Scotland and West Virginia
By Linus Joseph Dewald, Editor
Winter 1999 and Revised 17 Sep 2008

Update of 17 Sep 2008: Thomas Prentice is #1 in our Fall 2006 article entitled Thomas Prentice of Scotland and West Virginia . That article now replaces this article.
We are helping William "Bill" Hamilton Prentice in tracing his Prentice roots in Scotland. Here is what we have so far, beginning with his grandparents:

1. Thomas Prentice was b. c. 1844, Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He appears in the 1891 census in Dalserf, Lanarkshire, with his wife and family.

He m. Euphemia Neilson who was b. c. 1843, Larkhall, Lanarkshire. Their children included:

  1. William Prentice, born 13 Jan 1883 in Red Row, Dalserf, Ashgill, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He married Allison M. Rutherford who was born in McQueen's Land, Overton, Scotland, Reg. No. J40820. She was the daughter of Alexander Rutherford and Joan Neilson.

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