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Thomas Prentice of Old Monkland, Scotland and Australia

Thomas Prentice of Old Monkland, Scotland and Australia
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2000 and Revised 16 Oct 2017

Update of 16 Octy 2017: This article is now replaced with our Winter 2017 article entitled John Prentice and Jean Hamilton of Carluke and Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, Scotland .

1. Thomas Prentice was b. c. 1818, Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland. By 1847 they were living in Old Monkland, Lanark, Scotland. He appears in the 1851 and 1861 Lanark census with his wife and family.

He m. Mary Cruth on 23 Oct 1842, Lanark, Lanarkshire (per IGI). She was b. c. 1817, Lanark, Lanarkshire. The IGI lists their children as:

  1. Mary Prentice, b 1843, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1851 amd 1861.
  2. Marion Prentice, dau., b 1845, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1851 and 1861.
  3. Anne Prentice, b. c. 1847, Lanark, Lanarkshire.
  4. John Prentice, b 12 Aug 1849, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1851 and 1861.
  5. Thomas Prentice, b. c. 1851, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1861.
  6. (perhaps) James Nelson Prentice, b. c. 1856, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1861. In the IGI his mother is called "Mary Crouth."
  7. William Nelson Prentice, b 14 Feb 1859, Lanark, Lanarkshire. At home in Lanark in 1861.

Who are Thomas Prentice's Parents?

We checked the 1851 census to see who was born in Lanark, Lanarkshire, within 5 years of Thomas' 1818 birth date. We found the following perons:

  1. Robert Prentice, b. c. 1821, Lanark, Lanarkshire.
  2. James Prentice, b. c. 1821, Lanark, Lanarkshire

Neither Robert nor James appear in the IGI.

We also checked our Glasgow Births and Christenings databases to look for any Thomas Prentice b. c. 1818. Although the christening location was different, we found the following perons:

  1. Thomas Prentice, b. 10 Dec 1817, Blantyre, son of James Prentice and Jane Eunson.
  2. Thomas Prentice, chr. 16 Aug 1818, Dalserf, son of Robert Prentice and Agnes Peters. Thomas is #1(5) in our Summer 2001 article about Robert and James Prentice of Dalserf, Lanarkshire .
  3. Thomas Prentice, chr. 18 Oct 1818, East Kilbride, son of Thomas Prentice and Jean Arniel.

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