Fall 2000 and Revised 14 Aug 2000
The IGI shows a number of births and marriages for Prentices in White Notley, Essex County, England. White Notley lies northeast of Chelmsford and about halfway to Colchester. Those entries are:
Alexander m. Mariane Houndell 2 Feb 1617 Alexander, so Alexander and Joan, c. 28 Sep 1645 Francis, so Alexander and Rebecca, c. 10 May 1691 Francis, so John and Martha, c. 4 Mar 1718 George, so Alexander and Rebecca, c. 15 May 1693 Henry, so Alexander and Rebecca, c. 17 Apr 1688 Isaac, so Sarah,c. 28 Aug 1809 James, so Thomas and Sarah, c. 11 Feb 1787 Joan m. John Lyttlebury 23 Sep 1548 Joan, do Alexander and Joan, c. 12 May 1644 Joan (called Jone) m. William Page 29 Sep 1669 John m. Martha Tiffany 8 Jun 1705 John, so John and Martha, c. 1 Jul 1705 John m. Mary Gilder 5 Dec 1725 John, so John and Mary, c. 14 Aug 1726 Mahela, do Louisa Prentice, c. 26 Apr 1850 Sarah, do Thomas and Sarah, c. 30 Jul 1786 Sarah m. John Cooke 3 Dec 1809 Susannah, do Alexander and Rebecca, c. 25 Jun 1699 Thomas, so John and Martha, c. 10 Jun 1711 Thomas m. Sarah Crampton 7 Dec 1784 William, so John and Martha, c. 22 Feb 1706 William, so Sarah, c. 20 May 1807
From those entries, one can infer the following families (which do not cover all entries, however):
1. Alexander Prentice was b. c. 1587-97 and m. Mariane Houndell 2 Feb 1617. Ian Prentice suggests the possibility that Alexander Prentice may be descended from Stoke by Nayland where an Alexander was mentioned in the Will of his father in the 1500s, proof has not yet been located. Alexander and Mariane had one or more children, including: (per Ian Prentice, 13 Aug 2000)
- Alexander Prentice was b. c. 1620-25 and m. Joan c. 1643, or earlier, and had:
- Joan Prentice, chr. 12 May 1644
- Alexander Prentice, chr. 28 Sep 1645
2. Alexander Prentice, probably the one chr. 28 Sep 1645, above, m. Rebecca c, 1687, or earlier, and had at least the following children, all christened at White Notley:
- Henry Prentice, chr. 17 Apr 1688
- Francis Prentice, chr. 10 May 1691. Ian Prentice advises that Francis became a Yeoman and so was reasonably well to do.
- George Prentice, chr. 15 May 1693
- Susannah Prentice, chr. 25 Jun 1699. She may be the Susannah Prentice who m. Roger Nunn on 27 Oct 1729 at nearby Colchester.
3. John Prentice, born c. 1675-85 at an unknown location, m. Martha Tiffany on 8 Jun 1705 at White Notley. They had at least the following children, all christened at White Notley:
- John Prentice, chr. 1 Jul 1705. He may be the John Prentice who
m. Mary Gilder on 5 Dec 1725 at White Notley. They are probably the
parents of:
- John Prentice, chr. 14 Aug 1726 at White Notley.
- William Prentice, chr. 22 Feb 1706
- Thomas Prentice, chr. 10 Jun 1711
- Francis Prentice, chr. 4 Mar 1718
4. Thomas Prentice, b. c. 1754-64, m. Sarah Crampton on 7 Dec 1784 at White Notley. They had at least the following children, all chr. at White Notley:
- Sarah Prentice, chr. 30 Jul 1786
- James Prentice, chr. 11 Feb 1787
If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.
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