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Philo S. Prentice of NY & IL

By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 1999 and Revised 20 Apr 2004

Philo[1] Prentice was the son of Elijah B. Prentis and Olive Olds who are featured in a Fall 1998 Prentice Newsletter article. Philo was born circa 1817 and probably in NY. The Annals of Oxford, Chenango, NY indicate Philo drowned and also indicate he was one of Elijah's children who had married. No date or place of death was given, nor was the name a wife specifically mentioned.

Philo may be the Philo S. Prentice who m. Louisa Olmstead on 4 Aug 1850 in Jersey Co., IL. The 1860 Delhi, Jersey, IL census shows Philo S. Prentice as b. c. 1817-18 in NY, Louisa as b. c. 1819 in TN. For tracking purposes, but subject to the need for confirmation, the two Philos are treated as the same person.

Philo may have married Louisa Olmstead, 4 Aug 1850, in Unk., Jersey, IL. Born, circa 1819, in TN. Census: 1860, in Delhi, Jersey, IL. Census: 1900, in Sedalia, Pettis, MO living with her son and daughter, Thomas and Anna.

The "Portrait and Biographical Record of Pettis and Johnson Counties: Missouri", Chapman Publishing Co. Chicago, 1895, pp. 156-157, contains the following biographical information about Louis Olmstead:

    Richard M. OLMSTED has served for years as a member of the Sedalia Central Democratic Committee form the Third Ward. In 1886 he was elected to serve as an Alderman form the same ward, and was Chairman of the Streets and Alleys and Cemetery Committees. After an interval of a year he was re-elected for another two-years term, and was Chairman of the Committees on Streets and Alleys and Sewers.

    For two years he was out of office, but in 1893 was once more elected, and is now Chairman of the Sanitary and Printing Committees, and is also a member of the one on streets and alleys. He was among the very first to advocate street pavement, and can always be found on the side of progress, In 1882 he started in business as a liveryman, being pioneer in this line, and has also been much interested in real estate-transactions. At an early day the paternal grandfather brought his family as far West as Jersey County, Il., from New York State. His son Richard, father of our subject, was a native of the Empire State, and in his early manhood operated a farm near Jerseyville, Ill., where he died when only twenty-eight years of age.

    His wife, who was a Miss Louisa CRAB; afterward she became the wife of P. S. Prentice. She was born in Knoxville, Tenn., and is a daughter of Joseph B. CRAB, an early setter in Jersey County, Ill. He took part in the Black Hack and Mexican Wars, and in 1853 went overland to Oregon, dying soon after his arrival there. Mrs. PRENTICE resided in Jersey County until 1864, when she located in Macoupin County. After being a resident of Litchfield, Ill., about ten years she came to Sedalia, where she is now living, having reached her seventy-seventh year. She is a faithful and zealous member of the Baptist Church.

    Of the four children by her first marriage, only two are living, our subject and S. H. The latter, who was in the Civil War, lives in Sedalia. By her marriage with Mr. PRENTICE she had four children.

Children of Philo and Louisa:
  1. Margaret[2] Prentice. Born circa 1852, in IL. Census: 1860, in Delhi, Jersey, IL.
  2. Christopher C. Prentice. Born circa 1854, in IL. Census: 1860, in Delhi, Jersey, IL. He m. Mrs. Anna Cheat on 23 Jun 1885 in Pettis Co., MO.
  3. Thomas Prentice. Born Apr 1856, in IL. Census: 1860, in Jersey, Delhi, IL. Census: 1900, in Sedalia, Pettis, MO. He married Adelina/Ethellyn on 7 Jun 1880 in Pettis Co., MO. His wife may have died by 1920 as he is living with his sister, Anna, in 1920 in Sedalia.
  4. Anna M. Prentice. Born Mar 1858, in IL. Census: 1860, in Delhi, Jersey, IL. Anna may not have married since she appears in the 1900 census in Sedalia, Pettis, MO living with her mother and brother, Thomas. She also appears in the 1910 Sedalia census living alone. She appears in the 1920 Sedalia, Pettis Co., MO census with her brother, Thomas.

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