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John P. Prentice, Canton, IL

John P. Prentice, Canton, Fulton Co., IL
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 1999 and Revised 28 Feb 2004

Update of 21 Dec 2001: John's father, called "James" in the original article and in John's 60th Wedding Anversary Article in the Canton newspaper, may actually be Junius Cicero Prentice, a descendant of Valentine Prentice. The name, "Junius", if poorly written, could be read as "James."
Original Article: 1. John P. Prentice was b. 15 Dec 1832 in Augusta, Oneida, NY. John, with his parents, moved to Galesburg, IL about 1836 when he was 5 years old. His father died in 1846 when John was 12. In 1851 the family moved to Knoxville, IL where John spent 2 years learning the tinner's trade, after which he moved to Canton, IL. appears in the 1860 Canton, Fulton C., IL census. We found additional family members listed in subsequent census records and with a Peoria correspondent at lyd32@aol.com.

John served in the Civil War in Co. K, 103 Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, discharged injhan 1864. After the war he went to Galesburg until 1876 when he again moved to Canton. In 1873 he moved to Delaban, and then again to Canton in 1880. He is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery, Canton, Fulton, OH.

John P. Prentice married Martha A. Culton on 14 May 1855 in Knoxville, Knox Co., IL. Martha was b. 18 Sep 1834 and d. 22 Apr 1925 in Canton. She also is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery. Their children were (per 1880 census and 1915 article):

  1. (child) Prentice. Died before 1880.
  2. (child) Prentice. Died before 1880.
  3. Elmer E. Prentice, b. Mar 1860, Canton, IL. He m. Mrs. Ella Stewart on 14 Aug 1887, Fulton Co., IL. She was b. Apr 1860. They appear in the 1900 Peoria, Peoria, IL census. The 1915 article about his parents' 60th wedding anniversary says he was then living in Canton. Elmer also appears in the 1920 Bevledere, Boone Co., IL census with a son:
    1. Homer E. Prentice, b. c. 1897, PA. He does not appear in the 1930 census.
    2. Harriet Prentice (per wedding anniversary article).
  4. Erie Prentice, b. c. 1865, Canton, IL. Erie may be the Mrs. M. L. Beam of Canton mentioned as John's daughter in the 1915 wedding article. Not in 1920 census. They had a daughter:
    1. Gladys Beam. She may be the Gladys Beam who appears in the 1920 Los Angeles, CA census, age 15 and b. c. 1905. No parents or siblings are shown.
  5. Ernest A. Prentice, b. Nov 1869, Canton, IL. He appears, unmarried, in the 1900 Mt. Carmel, Wabash, IL census and in 1915 lived in Cincinnati. Not in 1930 census.
  6. Robert C. Prentice, b. Oct 1869(?), Canton, IL. He m. Kate C., b. Jun 1875, NY, They appear in the 1900 Canton, Fulton, IL census. His parents' anniversary article says he was then living in St. Helen, MI. Not in 1930 census.

Who are John P. Prentice's Parents?

He is the son of James Prentice of Augusta, NY and Abigail Skinner. We are still trying to identify James' ancestry. James was born in NY, probably between 1790 and 1812. Abigail was born in CT in that same time frame.

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