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George Prentice of Orleans, NY

George Prentice of Orleans, Jefferson Co., NY
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2000 and Revised 30 Aug 2016

1. George Prentice was probably b. c. 1890-1912 at an unknown location, but perhaps NY where he m. in 1934.

He m. Alice Henderson and they lived in Orleans, Jefferson County, NY in 1934. The had 3 or more children, including:

  1. Frederick F. Prentice, b. c. 1934 and d. c. 22 Feb 1993 in the Leominster Hospital, MA. He m. Norma Benton c. 1957. He graduated from Belmont High School, Belmont, N.Y., in 1954. George was a mechanic, and had worked for J.C. Madigan Co. of Harvard for the 14 years preceding his death. Before that he was an Air Force Technical Sergeant for 20 years, retiring in 1974. He was veteran of the Vietnam War. Buried in South Cemetery. Children:

    1. David A. Prentice. Lived in Lunenburg, MA in 1993.
    2. Jill A. Prentice. She m. Mr. Koroskenyi and lived in Lunenburg, MA in 1993.
    Ref: Obituary on GenealogyBank.com.

  2. George Prentice. Lived in Orlando, FL in 1993.

  3. James Prentice. Lived in Belmont, NY in 1993.
Who are George's Parents?

On the chance George Prentice may have been born in Jefferson County where he was living in 1934, we checked our extracts from the 1900 NY census to see which Prentice families may have been living in Jefferson County in 1900. We found the following men:

  • Alva L. Prentice of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY. (See Fn. 1)
  • Albert Prentice of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY. (See Fn. 2)
  • George W. Prentice of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
  • Lyndon H. Prentice of Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.

None of those men are shown in Jefferson County in the 1920 census.

One or more of the above may be descendants of Asa B. and Mary Prentice who were living in Jeffersonson Co. in 1900 and who are EDB 5856 in our database. Asa and his wife were over 60 in 1900 and would be too old to be George's father.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.

Fn. 1: Alva L. Prentice was b. Feb 1861 in NY. He appears in both the 1900 and 1920 Jefferson Co. census with his wife, Mable, b. Jun 1870 in OH. Known children:

  • Ray Prentice, b. Feb 1887 in NY.
  • Irene R. Prentice, b. c. 1910, NY.

Living with Alva and his family in 1920 was his mother, Ruth M. Prentice, b. c. 1847-48 in OH. Since Alva was presumably living in NY in 1880, a check of the 1880 NY census does not show Alva, but it does show a Ruth Prentice, b. c. 1846-47 in OH, wife of Lawrence Prentice, and her children, all living in Lewis Co., NY:

  • Albert Prentice, b. c. 1867, OH. He may be the Albert Prentice mentioned in Fn. 2, below.
  • Mable Prentice, b. c. 1871, OH

Fn. 2: Albert Prentice was b. Apr 1869 in OH. The 1900 census also shows his wife, Abijane, b. Nov 1869, NY, and children:

  • Effa Prentice, b. May 1888, NY.
  • Ralph Prentice, b. Mar 1890, NY.

Since, like Alva, he lives in Watertown, Jefferson Co., he may be a brother to Alva. If so, his mother would be named Ruth, and she may be the Ruth mentioned in Fn. 1, above.

A 1936 Watertown Daily Times obituary for Jefferson Co., NY relates that:

    Funeral services for Mrs. Abijane Bruce Prentice 67,wife of Albert E. Prentice, 935 State St., who died Sunday morning following an illness of two months, were held from the family home at two this afternoon with Rev. Fred R. Tiffany, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was made at Great Bend. Mrs. Prentice was born in town of Champion on Nov 7 1869, a daughter of John and M.Elizabeth Willwood Bruce. Her early life was spent in Champion and Great Bend, but for the last 40 she had resided in Watertown. About 1886 she was married to Mr. Prentice who is a carpenter. Surviving her besides her husband are
    • Mrs. Edward Rathbun, Syracuse,
    • Ralph Prentice of Watertown
    and two grandchildren.

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