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Edward M. Prentice of VT, MN and ND

Edward M. Prentice of VT, MN and ND
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 1999 and Revised 1 Jul 2004

Update of 21 May 2001: Edward M. Prentice is the son of Henry and Catherine Prentiss. See now our Summer 2001 article on Henry Prentiss of Scotland and VT.
Should that be Prentiss?

Edward M. Prentice was born June, 1850 in VT.

Edward first appears as E. S. Prentiss in the 1880 Beadle Co., Dakota Territory census as an unmarried boarder and laborer. The census indicates his father was born in MA and his mother in VT.

Edward next appears in the 1900 Otter Tail Co., MN census with his wife, Eliza J., b. Oct 1874 in MN. They next appear in the 1920 Robinson, Kidder Co., ND census where his name is spelled "Prentiss." Children (per census records):

  • Hazel Prentice, b. Aug 1885, Dakota.

  • Ada Prentice, b. c. 1904, MN.

  • Cecil Prentice, b. c. 1910, MN

Edward does not appear in 1850 or 1860 VT census sheets, nor in 1860 NY census sheets prepared by Barbara Stephenson. Like many families in VT, his family may have moved from VT into Canada in the 1870s, for also appearing in the 1880 Milton, Chittenden Co., VT and 1900 Otter Tail Co., MN census are three possible additional children:

  • Durkee Prentice, b. c. 1873 in VT and his wife, Mary. Durkee and his mother Hattie (Prentice) O'Brian also appear in the 1880 Milton, Chittenden Co., VT census living in the home of her father, D. C. O'Brian, but no father is given for Durkee.

    There may, or may not, be some significance that Edward M. Prentice appears by himself in the 1880 Beadle Co., Dakota Territory census.

    Hattie was b. c. 1852 in VT. It should be noted that the census ' record spells their name as "Printiss."

  • Lucinda Prentice, b. c. 1876, VT. She is shown living with Hattie in the 1880 Milton census.

  • Samuel Prentice, b. c. 1878 in Canada, with his wife, Anna. He is also shown living with Hattie in the 1880 Milton census.

The 1880 census residence of Hattie and her children suggests that Hattie's husband might be a brother to William B. Prentiss who also appears in the 1880 Milton census and who is discussed in our Fall 1998 Newsletter. William is the son of Henry A. Prentiss , about whom we have an article in our Spring 1999 issue.

Henry A. Prentiss is especially interesting as a possibility for Edward's father since Henry lived at Rouses' Point in the 1840s, quite near the Canada-Vermont border and only about 30-35 miles northwest of Milton.

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