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Clara Prentice of Sinclairville, NY

Clara Prentice of Sinclairville, Chautauqua Co., NY
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 2000 and Revised: 1 May 2004

Update of 18 Jun 2000: It seems likely that Clara Prentice is the same person as Clara A. Prentice who appears in the 1920 Sinclairville census, b. Dec 1884, NY. She is the daughter of William Prentice, b. May 1849 in English Canada, and his wife, Margaret, b. Sep 1859.

We came across a posting by Loraine Smith of a newspaper obituary in the Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., NY newspaper dated 11 Oct 1952 To it, in italics, we have added information received on 17 Jun 2000 from Donna Mills.

Clara Prentice was born c. 1865-70 at an unknown location and may have been in her 80s.  She m. Frank T. Denison, b. 29 Aug 1866 in Gerry, who had died on 20 Nov 1952 at his home on Main St. in Sinclairville, Chautauqua Co., NY at the age of 86. Gerry lies about 10 miles south of Sinclairville.

The article related that he was one of Chautauqua County's well-known auctioneers and cattle dealers for more than 50 years. He began cattle buying at he age of 16, while traveling in the West with his father, name not given. Noted for his humor as an auctioneer, he was best known for his ability to draw the crowds.

A 55-year member of Sylvan Lodge, No. 303, F. &. A. M., he was awarded a 50-year membership jewel on June 16, 1947. Mr. Denison who was also a half-century member of the Sinclairville Grange, was awarded a Golden Sheaf membership for 50 years' service in 1941.

Also mentioned in the article, in addition to Clara, still living, was a son:

  • Frank H. Denison, b. 11 Aug 1917, Jamestown, and d. 13 Jan 1975, Jamestown. He married Beatrice Carpenter and left three sons.
    • R. Keith Denison, Cassadaga.
    • Frank O. Denison, Cassadaga.
    • Mark E. Denison, Cassadaga.

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