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Browser-Readable Documents

Prentice Book: Browser-Readable Documents Now Available
Spring 2000 and Revised: 26 Feb 2000

In celebration of the year 2000, and in recognition of the fact that the sending of information over the Internet is now a common and routine occurrence, we have been giving some thought as to how we can better distribute the extensive PRENTICE, PRENTISS and PRENTISS information we have in our computerized database.

The answer we arrived at is to make our genealogical research available as a browser-readable document.

The advantage over a book, of course, is that one can add new information about your family. One can also print out the information in your printer. If you would like to know more about the available of our browser-readable material, please click here

If you have any information about the ancestors or descendants of the folks mentioned in any of the articles in this issue, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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