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Azariah Prentice of Bruce, MI MI

Azariah Prentice of NY and Bruce, Macomb Co., Michigan
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 1999 and Revised 18 Sep 2008

We are helping Scott Tippling in tracing his Prentice roots. Here is what we have so far:

1. Azariah Prentice (or perhaps Printice) was either b. c. 1812 in Romeo, Macomb Co., MI, or was b. c, 1801 in NY. If b. in NY, he moved to Michigan by 1837 when he bought 120 acres of land through the U. S. Land Office in Detroit, Michigan. He purchased 4 more parcels (160 ac., 119.81 ac., 40 ac. and 40 ac.) totaling 360.21 acres at the Land Office on 1 Jul 1848.

Azariah was married three times. He married, first, Almira Curtis Brown on 13 Jun 1830 at an unknown location. She was the dau. of Nathan Brown (b. 21 Jan 1776, CT and d. Galen, Wayne, NY on 8 Nov 1856) and Anne/Anna Woodruff. Almira died in Romeo, Macomb Co., MI on 5 Jan 1840 of "consumption." Whether Azariah and Almira had children is not known.

Azaraiah married, second, Harriet Angeline Dyar (called Dyer in the IGI) on 26 Apr 1841 in Macomb Co., MI (per IGI). Harriet was b. 14 Nov 1816 in Lancaster, Worcestdr, MA, daughter of Jeremiah Dyer and Susannah Wild. She died 31 Jan 1850, probably in Romeo, Macomb Co., MI. An extensive ancestor chart can be found for her in Ancestry.com . Children of Azariah and Harriet:

  1. Edwin Prentice, b. c. 1843 in MI. At home in 1870 census. In the 1880 census he is shown boarding in the home of Ira F. Pratt in Washington, Macomb Co., MI, unmarried. Not in 1910 census.
  2. Cornelia Prentice, b. c. 1845, MI. Not at home in 1870 census.
  3. Ellen Prentice, b. c. 1848, MI. At home in 1870 census.

Azariah married, third, Mary Ann Dyar, Harriet's siser, on 5 May 1851. Mary Ann was b. 5 Mar 1822 and d. 26 Aug 1852.

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