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William B. Prentiss of Milton, VT

William B. Prentiss of Milton, Chittenden Co., VT
Fall 1998 and Revised 21 Dec 2003

Update of 21 Dec 2003:This article has now been replaced by our Winter 2003 article on Henry A. Prentiss of Hill, NH.

Earlier Update: 21 Dec 1998 William B. Prentiss is the son of Henry A. Prentiss of Hill, NH. For additional information, see that Spring 1999 article.

Original article: We are helping Cathy Gagnon and Lydia Prentiss in their efforts to trace their Prentice ancestry as set out below:

1. William B. Prentiss was b. 28 May 1840 at Rouses' Point, NY. He died 3 Jun 1917 of Parkinson's Disease and is interred in Milton, Chittenden, VT. Lydia Prentiss relates that family tradition says William, or Will, was a farmer and Civil War Union Veteran who lost his leg in the war, was captured and imprisoned at Andersonville prison camp in the South. Family tradition also says that his father was a Methodist minister and horse trader.

He married, first, Ann Jane Coon on 18 Aug 1958 at Milton, Chittenden, VT (per his Pension Record) (but see Fn. 1). She died 21 Mar 1893 of Bright's Disease. Children, as shown in 1880 census and Georgia Franklin Co., VT Vital Records:

  • Lucretia Prentiss, age 20. b. c. 1860, VT
  • Sarah Ann Prentiss, b. 10 Dec 1865, Milton, VT.
  • Myra Edith Prentiss, age 12, b. 25 Apr 1868, Colchester, VT. She m. Gates L. Brooks on 14 Mar 1900.
  • Guy Eber Prentiss (but see Fn. 2), b. 22 Aug 1869, Williston, VT. . . . . [2]
  • William/Willie F. Prentiss, b. c. 1876, VT. . . . . . . [3]

William married, second, Esther M. Powell Coon on 16 Aug 1893. He married, third, Emily Bachelder Gale on 7 Aug 1912.

William may be related to Samuel Prentiss of Milton, VT.

2. Guy Eber/Elsworth Prentiss (but see Fn. 2), age 10, b. 22 Aug 1869, Williston, VT. The 1900 Essex, Chittenden Co. VT and 1920 Hampshire Co., MA census shows Guy with his wife, Bertha White, b. Jun 1867, VT, and children:

  • Robert Gaylord. Prentiss, b. Apr 1895, VT. . . . . . . . . [4]
  • Dorothea Prentice, b. Sep 1899, VT

3. William/Willie F. Prentiss, b. c. 1876, VT. He is likely the William Prentiss shown in the 1920 St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT census with his wife, Charlotte, b. c. 1880, VT, and daughter:

  • Ethel Prentiss, b. c. 1903, VT.

4. Robert Gaylord Prentiss, b. Apr 1895, VT and d. 1975. He m. Ada Phala Mann, b. c. 1898, VT, and the 1920 census shows them living in Brattleboro, Windham, VT. They had 1 or more children, including:

  • Robert Guy Prentiss, b. 1924. . . . . . . . [5]

5. Robert Guy Prentiss, b. 1924. He had 1 or more children, including:

  • Michael Guy Prentiss.

If you can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com

Fn. 1: Lydia Prentiss' email of 22 Apr 2001 identifies Guy E. Prentiss' mother as Ann Howard rather than Ann Jane Coon. Perhaps Ann had a prior marriage so that her maiden name might be either Howard or Coon.

Fn. 2: Lydia Prentiss' email of 22 Apr 2001 says Guy's middle name is "Elsworth" and not "Eber".

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