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Space Immortality
An April, 1998 article in The Wall Street Journal related that a Houston, TX firm called Encounter 2001 is proposing to launch people's DNA in the general direction of Jupiter where it hopefully will be picked up by passing aliens.
For $50, a photograph and a few plucked hairs, the DNA extracted from the hairs will be packaged in plastic bags. The photos and a brief statement from each participant will be stored on an industrial-grade compact disk. The hope is that aliens will lasso the space craft, open it, read the disk and make clones from the DNA inside.
The company offers a money-back guarantee up until the time of the actual launch. It doesn't guarantee alient contact, however. "Hey, it's a message in a bottle," says the company.
If you have a desire to send your DNA and photo into outer space, you may contact us at
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