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Ozias G. Prentice, Sandford, NY

Ozias G. Prentice of Sandford, Broome Co., NY
Fall 1998 and Revised 18 Jan 2001

Is he related to Ozias and George D. Prentice of Outagamie Co., Wisconsin?

Update of 24 May 2000: See now our Summer 2000 article on Virgil B. Prentice of Willet, Cortland Co., NY.

Is he related to Ozias and George D. Prentice of Outagamie Co., Wisconsin?

In reviewing the 1840 and 1850 NY census, we find Ozias G. Prentice in 1840 in Cincinnati, Cortland Co., NY and in 1850 in Sandford, Broome Co., NY. The 1850 census shows the family unit as follows:

  • Ozias G. Prentice, b. c. 1787, CT. He died on 2 Jan 1855 and is interred in the E. Afton Cemetery, Afton, Chyenango Co., NY.
  • Laura/Lawry Prentice, b. c. 1791, MA.
  • (son) Prentice, b. before 1810.
  • Samuel G. Prentice, b. c. 1820, NY.
  • Roxana L. Prentice, b. c. 1822, NY. She died 10 Jun 1862 and is interred in the E. Afton Cemetery.
  • Ransom L. Prentice, b. c. 1829, NY.
  • Lawry L. Prentice, b. c. 1832, NY.

Although only speculation at this point, his rather unusual name, Ozias, suggests he may be the son of Ozias Prentis of Woodbury, CT, 419/9.

That unusual name also suggests he may be related to two families appearing in the 1880 and 1900 WI census:

Family 1.

  • Ozias G. Prentice, b. c. 1847 in NY. He is almost certainly a son, or grandson, of the 1787 Ozias G. Prentice. He was living in the town of Dale and shown in the 1920 census in Outagamie County, WI. His family unit is as follows:
    • Ozias G. Prentice, b. Dec 1847, NY
    • Christine Prentice, b. Jun 1847, OH
    • Aaron Prentice, b. Apr 1870, WI. He m. Mary (b. c. 1882, Wi) and had:
      • Arnold Prentice, b. c. 1905, WI
    • Jettie/Zetta Prentice, b. Jul 1872 & m. James Running.
    • Wesley Prentice, b. Mar 1875, WI. He m. Hilda (b. c. 1881, WI) and had:
      • Grace Prentice, b. c. 1906, WI.
    • Martin Prentice, b. Aug 1880, WI. He appears in the 1920 Butternut, Ashland Co., WI census with his wife, Mabel, b. c. 1890 in IL, and children:
      • Howard Prentice, b. c. 1910, WI.
      • Agatha Prentice, b. c. 1916, WI.
    • Frank L. Prentice, b. Dec 1883, WI. He m. Ida/Ilda (b. c. 1885, WI) and had:
      • Gerald Prentice, b. c. 1910, WI
    • Floyd Prentice, twin, b. May 1886, WI. He appears in the 1920 Burlington, Racine Co., WI census with his wife, Rose, b. c. 1891, IL, and son:
      • Gordon Prentice, b. c. 1917, IL.
    • Lloyd Prentice, twin, b. May 1886, WI. He m. Florence (b. c. 1895, WI). Children:
      • Rowland Prentice, b. c. 1916, WI
      • Ida Prentice, b. c. 1918, WI

Family 2.

  • George D. Prentice (so named in the 1880 Outagamie, WI census, but shown as George W. Prentice in the 1900 Outagamie, WI census, also identified as George Washington Prentice by Rose Kulin and Deborah (Nye) Corgan) b. 10 Feb 1839, Smithville, NY (per Rose Kulin). The 1880 & 1900 Dale census, combined with information from Rose Kulin, shows the following family unit:
    • George D./W. Prentice, b. c. 1840, NY
    • Lydia Francis (Paddleford) Prentice, b. 7 Jan 1843, Greene, NY (per Rose Kulin).
    • Robert W. Prentice, b. Nov 1868, WI. Robert was a rural mail carrier in Dale, Outagamie, WI. He m. Maggie/Magdalene M. and had:
      • Faye Prentice, b. Mar 1897, WI
      • Foy B(?). Prentice, b. c. 1898, WI
      • Lyle Prentice, b. Oct 1898, WI
      • Daniel(?), b. c. 1901 WI
      • Pearl Prentice, b. 1904, WI
      • Robert Prentice, b. c. 1909, WI
    • Phebe E. Prentice, b. c. 1870, WI. She is probably the Ella Phoebe Prentice who Deborah Nye Corgan's email of 21 May 2000 says m. Irwin Raymond Nye: Children:
      • Gerald Prentice Nye, b. 1892 and d. 1971. Daughter:
        • Deborah Nye, b. c. 1950. She m. Mr. Corgan.
    • George D. (Denison) Prentice, b. 7 Jun 1873, Dale, Outagamie, WI and d. 17 Dec 1915 in Appleton, WI. He m. Carrie Alexander. Children:
      • Irna/Irene Prentice
      • Eugene Prentice
      • Francis Prentice
      • Alice Prentice
      • Ella Maurine Prentice, b. 10 Jul 1910, Hortonville, WI and d. Feb. 1988 at Oshkosh, WI. She m. Anton Paul Plashko III on 7 Nov 1936. Requests for information on her descendants will be forwarded to Rose Kulin for response.
    • Roxanna Prentice, b. c. 1875, WI. She married Joe Seftenberg Son:
      • Chester Seftenbert. He m. Margaret "Peg" (surname unknown). Children:
        • Steven Seftenberg.
        • (dau.) Seftenberg.

Ozias and George moved from NY to WI sometime before 1869; the oldest child of each was born 1869 or later.

However, Deborah (Nye) Corgan's email of 21 May 2000 says that George's father is Virgil Prentice, b. c. 1810 in Scotland. She also says Virgil Prentice died in 1889 at the age of 79 and is buried in the Pine Grove Cemetery in Dale, WI.

If you have information which will help us identify the ancestors or descendants of any of the folks discussed in this article, please contact this newsletter at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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