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John J. Prentiss of Milton, VT

John J. Prentiss of Milton, Chittenden Co., VT
Fall 1998 and Revised 21 Dec 2003

Note: This article is replaced by our Winter 2003 article on Henry A. Prentiss of Milton, VT

Original Article: The 1920 Burlington, Chittendon Co., VT census, VT IGI and Cathy Gagnon's E-mail of 26 Sep 1999 has provided us with information about the following family:

John J. Prentiss, b. 1847, NY. Living in Burlington in 1920. He died 1936 and is buried in the Milton, VT cemetery with an Odd Fellows symbol on his headstone.

John m. Ellen A. (Sanderson) Prentiss, b. 1847, VT and d. 1922. She also is buried in the Milton cemetery. They were shown living in Burlington in the 1920 census. Children:

  • Albert M. Prentiss, b. 6 Feb 1867 in Milton, Chittenden Co., VT and d. 1918. He is buried in the Milton cemetery. Albert and his family appear in the 1900 Rutland, Rutland Co., Census as follows:
    • Albert M. Prentiss, age 33, b. Feb 1867.
    • Alice M. (Sawyer) Prentiss, age 32, b. Apr 1868.
    • Ellen A. Sawyer, mother-in-law, age 49, b. Feb. 1851.

  • Ethel Prentice, b. 1874, d. 1923 and is buried in the Milton cemetery. Her headstone inscription is on the reveside of that of her parents. She probably married David C. Houck and their children probably includes:
    • Lois Katerine Houck who m. John Thomas on 25 Oct 1924 in Schenectady, NY.

Albert may have been deceased by 1920 as Alice is shown living with her mother in the 1920 Rutland census.

For a possibly brother of Albert, see William B. Prentiss of Milton, VT.

John may also be the son of Henry A. Prentice, discussed in our Spring 1999 Newsletter, and who died 18 Apr 1866 in Milton, Chittenden, VT.

If you can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com

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