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Horatio Prentiss, Mt. Vernon, OH

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Horatio Prentiss, NY and Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., OH
Winter 1998 and Revised 3 Dec 2000

Update of 3 Dec 2000: Lewis Murray has provided additional information about Horatio Prentiss which has now been included in the article. We have now identified Horatio as a descendant of Henry Prentice, The Planter.

Horatio Nelson Prentiss appears inthe 1850 Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., OH census. A carriage maker, he was born c. 1812 in NY. He married Martha Mott, b. c. 1822, NY. She d. c. 1885-6, Paulding, OH. Children:

  • Edwin I. Prentiss, b. c. 1842, NY. Edwin is probably the Edwin J. Prentis shown in the 1880 Paulding, Paulding Co., OH census; he was b. c. 1843, NY, and is shown with his wife, Augusta Lewis, b. c. 1852, OH. Children:
    1. Edwin Lewis Prentis, b. c. 1877, OH.
    2. Ralf Earl Prentis, b. c. 1879, OH.
    3. Lloyd Greenleaf Prentice, b. 1885, Paulding, OH. He is the grandfather of Lewis Murray. He appears in the 1910 Pearl River Co., MS census and in the 1920 census in Anniston, Calhoun Co., AL, with his wife, Mary D., b. c. 1891, MS, and in that 1920 census with his daughter:

      1. Julia E. Prentice, b. c. 1919

    After Augusta died, Edwin m. again (name unknown) and he and his family moved to MS about 1890, settling in Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS.

  • John Prentiss, b. c. 1847, NY. He is probably the John I. A. Prentice shown in the 1880, Paulding Co., OH census; he was b. c. 1848, NY. He is shown with his wife, Mary A., b. c. 1848, OH. Children:
    • John L. Prentice, b. Jan 1878, OH. He appears in the 1900 Iron River, Iron Co., MI census, age 22, living alone.

Living Horatio and his family in 1850 was Henry C. Prentiss, b. c. 1827, NY, a machinist. Henry was likely a younger brother of Horatio.

If you have any information which can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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