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Henry E. Prentiss of Penobscot, ME

Henry E. Prentiss of Penobscot Co., ME
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 1998 and Revised 15 Dec 2010

Update of 15 Dec 2010: Henry E. Prentiss is Henry Edwin Prentice, son of Charles Prentiss of Penobscot Co., ME, in our Summer 1999 article entitled Charles Prentice of Penobscot Co., ME . That article now replaces this article.
The 1900 Penobscot Co. and 1920 Lewiston, Androscoggin Co., ME census shows the following family:
  • Henry E. Prentiss, b. Jul 1853, ME
  • Florence A. Prentiss, b. Jun 1856, ME. Mentioned in obit. of sister, Mary.
  • Dorothy J. Prentiss, b. May 1878, ME
  • Mary L. Prentiss, b. Apr 1900, ME. She might be the Mary Prentiss who m. R. Henry Woodworth and had:
    • Kathleen Woodworth, b. c. 1932 and d. 13 Jan 2000 at the Maine Veterans' Home in South Paris, ME. She was a 1950 graduate of South Paris High School. On Dec. 31, 1951, she married Nathan Hunt. She worked with her husband at Katie's Kitchen in West Paris for many years. She was president of Women in Business. Her hobbies were plants, singing, poetry and cooking. Funeral services at Weston-Chandler Funeral Home, 45 Main St., South Paris, and bur. in Riverside Annex. Surviving her were her husband and children:
      • Kathleen Hunt who m. Tom Jordan of South Paris.
      • Lynda Hunt who m. ScottHamilton of Norway.
      • Stephen Hunt of Waterford.
      • Nathan E. Hunt of Norway.
    • Raymond Woodworth of Otisfield.
    • James Woodworth of Woodbury, NJ.
  • Geneva Prentice who m. Mr. Holahan of Durango, CO. Mentioned in obit. of sister, Mary.

He might be a son, or grandson, of Philo Prentiss and Matilda Foss, also of Lewiston.

If you have any information about their roots, or about their descendants, please contact this newsletter at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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