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Harvey N. Prentiss of Windham, VT

Harvey Newell Prentiss of Windham, Windham Co., VT
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 1998 and Revised 28 Sep 2008

Update of 28 Sep 2008: Harvey Newell Prentiss is #16.3 in our Henry Prentice eBook. See now that material.

The 1860, 1900 Windham, Windham Co., VT census and VT IGI identifies the following family:

1. Harvey Newell Prentiss, b. Oct 1825, VT, Farmer.

He m. Adeline "Adda" Adelia Burnap, on 27 Jan 1852 in Windham, Windham Co., VT. She was b. Aug 1824, VT. Children:

  1. Bliss B. Prentiss, b. Jun 1857, VT. He m. Frances Allen, b. c. 1870, Canada. Children (per 1920 Windham census)"
    1. Amelia Allen, sister-in-law, 52, b. Canada

  2. Ernest A. Prentiss, b. c. 1863, VT amd d. c. 8 Dec 1922, Cleveland, OH. He m. Lydia Matthews, b. c. 1868, England. Children (per 1920 census and Cleveland Obituary, Fall 2001):
    1. (dau.) Prentiss. She m. Charles H. Thompson and in 1922 lived in E. Cleveland, OH. Children:
      1. Elizabeth Thompson.
      2. Ruth Thompson.
    2. (dau.) Prentiss. She m. W. M. Murch and in 1922 lived in Buffalo.
    3. Norman Kent Prentice, b. c. 1901, VT and in 1922 lived in of New York City.

Harvey, b. 1825, might be a grandson of Reuben Prentis who, with his wife, Sarah, were living in Grafton, Windham Co., NY from 1793 to 1797. Reuben had 3 sons born between 1790 and 1800 and Grafton lies perhaps 10 miles east of Windham.

Harvey is shown in the 1850 Windham census living with Julia M. Prentiss. Since he did not marry Adeline until 1852, Julia may be Harvey's sister.

If you can help us identify the parents and ancestors of Reuben Prentis, or can help us identify his descendants, please contact this Newsletter at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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