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Dayton H. Prentiss of Milwaukee, WI

Dayton H. Prentiss of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 1998 and Revised 26 Sep 2008

Update of 26 Sep 2008: Dayton H. Prentice is John Homer Prentice, son of Herman Virgil Prentice and Jane P. Dayton, and is #52iv in our Valentine-3 Prentice eBook. Binney shows him as b. 23 Mar 1832 and d. 14 Aug 1875, Genesee, Waukesha Co., WI. He d. unmarried and without children.

In reviewing the 1860 census for Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI, we discovered the following person:

1. Dayton H. Prentiss. We have conflicting information about his date of birth:

  • His headstone, below, indicates he was b. c. Feb 1832, no place stated.
  • The 1860 census says Dayton H. PrentiCE he was then age 24, born c. 1836 in NY.

The 1860 census also says he was a Produce Dealer. No wife or children are shown. He would have been about 4 or 8 in the 1840 census where only heads of households are listed. He does not appar by that name in the 1850 census.

His headstone in the Genesee Village Cem., Genesee Twp., Waukesha Co., WI, shows Dayton H. PrentiCE at http://www.linkstothepast.com/waukesha/41photos.php as b. c. Feb 1832 and d. 1 Jul 1874, age 42, 4 months, 22 days.

Also shown in the 1860 Milwaukee census are William A. Prentice (210/82) and Henry F. Prentice (222/126), but they seem not to be close kin of Dayton H. Prentiss.

Who are Dayton H. Prentiss' Parents

We note in Ancestry.com that Herman Prentice, b. 1798, m. Jane P. Dayton, b. 10 Feb 1799, Hampton, NY. It was not uncommon in that period for parents to use the wife's maiden surname for a first name. The father's first name was sometimes used as a child's middle name. Thus, a child of their could be named Dayton Herman Prentice.

They are Herman Virgil Prentice, b. 21 Mar 1799, Woodbury, Litchfield Co., CT, and Jane Dayton who he m. on 10 Feb 1819.

If you have information which will help us identify the ancestors or descendants of any of the folks discussed in this article, please contact this newsletter at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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