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Charles W. Prentiss of Hillsboro, NH

Charles W. Prentiss of Hillsboro Co., NH
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Revised 11 Dec 2008

Update of 11 Dec 2008: Charles W. Prentiss is #197iv in our Henry Prentice eBook. That now replaces this article.

The 1900 Hillsboro Co., NH census identifies the following family:

1. Charles W. Prentiss, b. Jul 1866, MA, with both parents b. in MA.

He m.Mabel, b. Sep 1874, Canada. Children:

  1. Paul W. Prentiss, b. Jul 1896, NH
  2. Cecil H. Prentiss, b. Aug 1898, NH

If you can help us identify any of the folks mentioned above, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com

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