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Elizabeth Prentice of Good Easter, Essex, England

Elizabeth Prentice of Good Easter, Essex, England
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2007 and Revised 28 Jul 2011

Update of 28 Jul 2011 A posting by Linda Constatin at James Prentice of Halstead, England . The problem, however, is that their daughter, Elizabeth, b. 1834 in Rayleigh, Essex, died there in 1838. She does not appear in the household in the 1841 or 1851 census.

As we suggest at the end of this article, it seems more likely that she is the Elizabeth Prentice who is #2iii in our article about Joseph Prentice of Woodham Ferrers .

Investigation is continuing.

We are helping Janet Glancey and Linda Constantin in tracing their Prentice roots. Here is what we have so far:

1. Elizabeth Prentice was b. c. 1832 in Good Easter, Essex, England (per 1881 and 1891 census). She appears with her husband and family in the 1881 and 1891 Maldon, Essex, census.

She m. Henry Harvey in the June quarter of 1857 in Maldon, Essex (per Maria Prentice, email, 2 Dec 2007). He was b. c. 1823, Heybridge, Essex. They appear in the 1881 and 1891 census living in St. Peter's Parish, on Fambridge Rd., Maldon, Essex. Children:

  1. Ellen Harvey, b. c. 1854, Chelmsford, Esex, per 1861 census.
  2. Emily Harvey, b. c. 1858, Maldon, Essex, per Maria Prentice, email, 2 Dec 2007 and 1861 census. She m. Daniel Southfate (1853-1949). Children:
    1. Emma Alice Southgate 1880 – 1885
    2. William Dan Southgate, b. 1882, Brightlingsea, Essex. 1901 in Brightlingsea.
    3. Alice Mabel Southgate, b. 5 Aug 1884, Wivenhoe, and d. Dec 1960 in Edmonton, England. She m. William Henry Bowles (1881-1933). Children:
      1. (dau.) Bowles
      2. Reginald William H Bowles 1910 – 1998
      3. Sunny Wilfred Bowles 1916 – 2003
      4. Maurice Godfrey Bowles 1922 – 1997
      5. Melville G Bowles 1912 – 1928
    4. Grace Emily Southgate 1887 –
    5. Emily May Southgate 1892 – 1972
  3. Alice Harvey, b. c. 1859, Maldon, Essex, per Maria Prentice, email, 2 Dec 2007, and 1861 census.
  4. Frederick Harvey, b. c. 1860, Maldon, Essex, per Maria Prentice, email, 2 Dec 2007, and 1861 census.
  5. Henry Harvey, b. c. 1864, Maldon, Essex. He appears in the 1891 and 1901 Camberwell, London, census with his wife, Elizabeth, b. c. 1866, Peckham, Surrey. Children:
    1. William Harvey, b. c. 1887, Camberwell, London. At home in 1891. She is Janet Glancey's grandfather. He m. and had 1 or more children, including:
      1. Daisy Harvey, their youngest daughter, b. c. 1920 and living in 2007. She is Janet Glancy's mother.
    2. George Harvey, b. c. 1900, Peckham, London. At home in 1901.

  6. Elizabeth Harvey, b. c. 1870, Maldon, Essex. Not home in 1891.

  7. Ernest Daniel Harvey, b. c. 1875, Maldon, Essex. At home in 1881 and 1891. He appears in the 1901 Maldon census with his wife, Kate, b. c. 1876, Maldon. Children:
    1. Ella Harvey, b. c. 1895, Maldon. At home in Maldon in 1901.
    2. Harry Harvey, b. c. 1896, Maldon. At home in Maldon in 1901.
    3. Alice Harvey, b. c. 1899, Maldon. At home in Maldon in 1901.
    4. Edward Harvey, b. 1901, Maldon. At home in Maldon in 1901.

  8. William Harvey, b. c. 1878, Maldon, Essex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]

  9. Walter James Harvey, b. c. 1880, Maldon, Essex. He is a Boarder in the 1891 census in Great Totham, Essex. Not in the 1901 census.

2. William "Bill" Harvey, b. c. 1878, Maldon, Essex, and d. c. 1952. At home in 1881 and 1891. He appears in the 1901 census in Lambeth, London, single, as a 1st Mate on the Barge "Victoria." By email of 2 Dec 2007, Janet Glacey has provided the following additional information. He was later a barge captain taking hay to London and returning to Arwarton (Erwarton) with manure. Nevertheless it was a well paid job because he bought the family house in Shotley, near Ipswich in the 1920's for £200 cash.

William 2 wives and lived in Erwarton, Suffolk. He m. 1st Florence Ellen Amner who died from TB in 1912 leaving two young children:

  1. Harold Harvey, b. 1909. He m. Jenny Robinson in 1959. No children.
  2. Dorothy Harvey, b. 1910. She m. Josephus Green in 1932. No children.

William m. 2nd Alice Hancey who was b. 1881, Wissett, and d. 1967 in Shotley in 1967 when Janet Glancey was 8 years old. They had 3 children:

  1. John "Jack" Harvey. Did not marry. Died 1976,
  2. Hilda Harvey. She m. Arthur Roberts. She d. "a number of years ago" and Arthur may have d. in the 1950s. Two children:
    1. Anne Roberts. She m. Mr. Lowey and had 2 children:
      1. Lorraine Lowey.
      2. Kevin Lowey.
    2. Adrian Roberts.
  3. Daisy Harvey, b. 10 Sep 1920. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]

3. Daisy Harvey, b. 10 Sep 1920.

She m. Stanley Selwood in 1946. He was b. 1921 and d. 2003. They had 4 children and settled in Bromley, Kent, England. Children:

  1. Ian Harvey Selwood, b. 1947, He m. Jacqueline Trillian. No children.
  2. Neil Selwood, b. 1955. He m. Penny Lawrence, Two children:
    1. Rachel Selwood.
    2. Jonathan Selwood
  3. Diane Selwood, b. 1957. She m. Ian Macdonald and have two children:
    1. Lee Daniel Macdonald. He m. Danielle who is a guardian of her 5 year old half niece and as of Dec 2007 is soon to have her own child.
    2. Frances Macdonald.
  4. Janet Selwood, b. 1959. She m. Roy Edward Glancey in 1991 and in 2007 lived in Tadley, Hampshire. Roy was b. 1960. Two children:
    1. Jenny Glancey, b. 1996.
    2. Lucy Glancey, b. 1998).

    Who are Elizabeth Prentice's Parents?

    It has been suggested that she is the Elizabeth Prentice who is #2iii in our article about Joseph Prentice of Woodham Ferrers .

    The 1861 census shows Elizabeth (Prentice) Harvey with an age of 27 which would give a birth date of c. 1834, somewhat later than the c. 1832 date shown in 1881 and 1891 census records, although still about 4 years short of a birth year of 1838.

    More importantly, the 1861 census identifies Elizabeth's father as Joseph Prentice, then a widower, as b. in Woodham Ferris, although his age is given as 59 and b. c. 1802 rather than c. 1811 as shown in the 1841 census. A review of the 1851 census showsJoseph Prentice with an age of 51 which would give him a birth year of c. 1800.

    Looking at census ages is like looking at moving targets. What we have is the following:

    • Joseph Prentice was b. either c. 1800 (1851 census), c. 1802 (1861 census}, or c. 1811 (1841 census).

    • Elizabeth was b. c. 1832 (1881 and 1891 census), c. 1834 (1861 census) or most probably 1838 (parish record).

    Everything considered, including the absence of any census record showing 2 Prentice families in Good Easter and/or 2 Elizabeth Prentices b. in Good Easter, it does appear reasonable to believe that the Elizabeth Prentice who m. Henry Harvey is the daughter of Joseph Prentice and Eliza Gibson.

    A copy of Elizabeth's marriage record, death record or burial record naming her parents would confirm her lineage.

    Photos of any of the family members would be much appreciated by Janet (Selwood) Glancey.

    If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

    Caution: If you don't use the above email link, your email to us may be deleted as spam by our email filter.

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