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Alexander Prentice of Liverpool, England, Canada and US.

Alexander Prentice of Liverpool, England, Canada and United States
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2008 and Revised 29 Sep 2010

We are helping David A. Prentice and Lisa Prentice in tracing their family roots. This article combines 2 earlier articles with help from Sandi Valentine:
  1. Alexander Prentice of Liverpool, England and
  2. Alexander Prentice of England .

Here is what we have so far:

1. Alexander Prentice, Sr., was born in Wales, probably between 1875-1900. Nothing further is presently known about him or his wife. He had at least one son:

  1. Archibald Prentice. Deceased.
  2. Alexander Prentice Jr., b. c. 1916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]
  3. (twin to Alexander who d. at birth)

2. Alexander Prentice Jr., son of Alexander Prentice Sr, of Wales. He was b. c. 1916, perhaps was in the general area of Speke, England where they were living at the time of W.W. II. Speke lies just south of Liverpool. Alexander died in 1963 in Miami Springs, FL.

He operated an aircraft repair shop. During that war the family moved to South Africa, later to Canada, perhaps Ottawa, and then in 1955 moved to the United States. Alexander died in 1963 in Miami Springs, FL. He does not appear in the SSDI.

Alexander m. Devina Stenhouse in England before 1947. She was b. c. 1917 and is thought to be living in FL in 2007. By email of 26 Apr 2008, Andre Hallam provides the following information about her:

    She would be my 1st cousin twice removed. She was the daughter of my GG uncle George Anderson Stenhouse and Margaret Allcock. She had a brother John, and two sisters Doris and Elsie.

    The Stenhouse family moved from Dunfermline Scotland to Birkenhead in the late 1800's. At the time, they were the only Stenhouses in the area, so all would be related. I have the name Davina several times in my tree (note the spelling difference), all in Birkenhead at some point. There is still one Davina Stenhouse alive there today.

    I have traced the family to the late 1700's in Dunfermline, but expect to get further back in the near future.

Alexander and Devina had at least the following children:

  1. John Prentice, b. 6 Oct 1947, Liverpool, England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  2. Patricia Prentice, b. in Durbin, So. Africa. She m. Marcel Gamain. Children:
    1. Philip Gamain.
    2. Yvette Gamain.
  3. David A. Prentice, b. 29 Feb 1944, Durban, Natal, So. Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]
  4. Allister Prentice, b. 10 Oct 1953, Ottawa, Canada, obtained his SS# in FL, and d. 25 Feb 2000 per SSDI. He m. Sandi. By email of 8 Jan 2008, Sandi Valentine advises that Allister moved to Florida with his family when he was 10. Sons:
    1. Ty Allister Prentice.
    2. Samuel David Prentice.
  5. Sharon/Sheri Prentice, b. Ottawa Canada. She m. Mr. Buccheri and has 3 daughters:
    1. Christina
    2. Michelle
    3. Sarah

3. John Prentice, b. 6 Oct 1947, either in Liverpool, England, or Durbin, So. Africa, and d. 3 Dec 1999 in St. Augustine, FL (per Lisa Prentice, email, 13 Sep 2006) and SSDI). He emigrated with his family to Canada, perhaps Ottawa, and then in 1955 to the United States, settling in St. Augustine, FL where he obtained his Social Security number.

He m. Carla and had 1 or more children, including:

  1. Lisa Prentice of Gainesville, FL.

4. David A. Prentice, b. 29 Feb 1944, Durban, Natal, So. Africa

He m. Sharon E. Spears on 7 Jan 1966, perhaps Tarrant Co., TX, and d 31 May 2007, Tarrant Co., TX. They div. on 16 Jul 1991,Tarrant Co., TX. Sharon was b. 19 Jan 1947, FL. Children:

  1. David A. Prentice Jr., b. 6 Apr 1969, Coral Gables, FL. He m. and had at least one son.
  2. Anne M. Prentice, b. 11 Feb 1972, FL.

Sharon m. 2nd Tyrone D.Tyler per her son, David, above, email, 29 Sep 2010. Tyler was b. 1943.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Christina Buccheri
2014-07-21 06:32:05
Hi, this is Christina Buccheri. Granddaughter to Alexander and Devina Prentice. Daughter of Sharon Prentice. Would love to connect with family in the UK.
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