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E. H. Prentice of Holland and Minnesota

E. H. Prentice of Holland and Minnesota
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Summer 2006 and Revised 4 Apr 2006

1. E. H. Prentice was b. c 1861 in Holland. The 1885 Minnesota State Census shows him and his family living in Minneota, Lyon Co. MN.

He m. Ingibjörg Sigmundsdóttir Jonathan who was b. c. 1865 in Iceland. She was the dau. of Sigmundur Jonatansson and Holmfridur Magnusdottir, both b. in Iceland. Known children of E. H Prentice and his wife per Ancestry.com are:

  1. Kate Svara Prentice, b. c. 1886 and bap. 25 Jun 1886 in Westerheim Lutheran Church.
  2. Jenny Winnie Sigridur Prentice, b. 9 Aug 1888 and bap. 3 Apr 1889 in Westerheim Lutheran Church. Godparents at the baptism were Bjorn Gislason, Sigm. Jonathanson.

Who is E. H. Prentice and who are his parents?

So far we have no clue as to the identity of E. H. Prentice and his parents. He does not appear in the 1880 MN census, nor does he appear in the 1900 MN census. Further, no Prentice appears in Lyon Co. in 1770, 1880 or 1900.

No Prentice born in Holland appears in the 1870 MN census, but we do note that in the 1880 census in Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI there appeared Hannah Prentice, widow, b. c. 1831, Holland, and 3 children:

  1. Herman Prentice,b. c. 1859, Holland.
  2. Frank Prentice,b. c. 1850, Holland.
  3. Nely Prentice (son), b. c. 1866, Holland.

In a separate household was John Prentice, b. c. 1856 in Holland (as were both of his parents), and his wife, Annie, b. c. 1855 in NY. No children shown.

One might reasonable infer that Hannah was the mother of both E. H. Prentice and of John Prentice. The 1900 and 1910 U. S. census does not list any Prentice born in Holland. The 1920 CA census has a John Prentice born in Holland, but his birth date and wife's name do not match.

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