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William Prentice of Muskogee, Oklahoma

William H. Prentice of Muskogee, Oklahoma
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2004 and Revised 2 Sep 2004

1. William H. Prentice was b. c. 1878, OH. He appears in the 1910 census in Justice Precinct 3, Lampasdas C., TX, (father b. in OH and mother in IA) with his wife. In 1910 he was a "Contractor, Rail Road."

He m. Nevermore Trainor. She was b. c. 1887 in Talequah, Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and d. 1925 in Muskogee, OK. She was 1/16 Cherokee and was the dau. of Thomas Turner Trainor (b. 9 Jan 1846 in Cavan, Ireland) and Lucy Ann Williams (b. 9 Oct 1846 in Talequah, Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

An article in the "Caduceus of Kappa Sigma, Vo. 21, reads as follows:


    Early Saturday night the surprising news of the marriage of Miss Nevermore Trainor and Mr. William H. Prentice [Purdue] was received in a telegram to Mrs. Leo E. Bennett, a sister of the bride, said a Muskogee (I. T.) newspaper of January l.". The marriage took place in Parsons. Kan.

    On the northbound flyer Saturday afternoon Miss Trainor and Mr. Prentice slipped quietly away from Muskogee, saying nothing to any of their friends of their plans, except Mr. Luke, commercial agent of the M., O. & G. railroad, who accompanied the couple to Parsons, where they were joined by Mrs. Luke. As soon as they reached Parsons, a license was secured, and the couple were married, after which Mr. Prentice wired the news to Mrs. Bennett. The approaching marriage of Miss Trainor and Mr. Prentice had been rumored for several weeks, but the friends of both parties expected the wedding in the early spring.

    Mrs. Prentice is the sister of Mrs. Leo E. Bennett, and is a Cherokee Indian blood. She is considered the most beautiful Cherokee, and one of the finest looking girls in the southwest. Her picture has appeared several times in different newspapers and magazines as the most beautiful girl of Indian blood living, and one picture in a magazine article shows Miss Trainor as she presented the President with a bunch of flowers when he was in Muskogee nearly two years ago. In the social sets in Muskogee, Mrs. Prentice is one of the favorites, and has hundreds of friends.

    Mr. Prentice is superintendent of the Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad, having held that position since coming to Muskogee two years ago as a personal representative of William Kenefick. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and has had broad experience in railroad work. He is the youngest superintendent of a railroad in the United States.

Ancestor Charts for Nevermore can be found at Ancestry.com . See also:

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