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William L. Prentice of OH and MN

William L. Prentice of OH and MN
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2002 and Revised 2 Aug 2010

Update of 29 Dec 2009: William L. Prentice is #1ii in our Summer 2004 article entitled William Prentice of New York and Oakdale, IA . For his roots, see that article.

1. William L. Prentice was b. in OH c. 1852 with both parents b. in NY (per 1910 census).

He apparently is the W. L. Prentice who m. 1st Clara S. Hoffner. She was b. c. 1860 and d. 17 Feb 1896, age 36 years, 1 month and 27 days, in Le Roy City, Mower Co., MN. She is bur there in the Le Roy City Cemetery. It is unclear whether she is the Clara Hoffner shown in the 1880 census in Philadelphia, PA, as b. c. 1859, PA (as were her parents) and then an unmarried Servant in the home of William and Ellen Godfrey.

He appears in the 1900 census in Maywood, Benton Co., MN, census which shows his father as b. in OH and mother at an unknown location. He appears as "W. L. Prentice" in the 1910 census in Goldendale, Klickitat, WA, about 25 miles NE of The Dalles where his children settled. He does not appear in the 1920 census.

He m., apparently 2nd, Amelia, b. Jan 1876, MN, with both of her parents b. in NY. The 1900 census indicates that William and Amelia had been married for 1 year as of 1900. It is noted that when William married the preceding year, 1899, he would have been about 47 years of age which suggests the possibility William's marriage to Amelia might have been a 2nd marriage for him as it was for Amelia.

Amelia does not appear in the 1910 or 1920 census. Sons of William and Amelia:

  1. Andon Prentice, adopted, b. c. 1890, OH. . . . . . . . . [2]
  2. Harlow Hulbert, b. Apr 1895, MN and called a "Stepson." It would indicate that perhaps his mother was Amelia and that she had been married to a Mr. Hulbert. He appears at home in the 1910 census in Goldendale, Klickitat, WA. Not in 1920 and later census. Not in SSDI.
  3. Thurber W. Prentice, b. 14 Nov 1899, OH. . . . . . . . [3]
  4. Irene A. Prentice b. c. 1903, MN. At home in 1910 census.

2. Andon Prentice was b. c. 1890, OH. He appears in the 1900 MN census with his parents and is called "adopted" in the census record. At an unknown date, either with or without his parents, Andon moved to OR and later appears in the 1920 The Dalles, Wasco Co., OR census, about 25 miles SW of where his parents were living in 1910. No wife is shown, but he is shown there with his daughter, Bernice. Andon can also be found in 1910 in Hartland Pct, Klickitat Co., WA, living with an aunt and uncle. Ancestry has him indexed as Andery Prentice. He appears in the 1930 census in Deschutes, Wasco Co., OR,as a single Boarder. He does not appear in the SSDI.

He m. Theodora Marcina Fuecker on 25 Aug 1913 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN as reported in the Duluth News-Tribune of 31 Aug 1931 (per Sondra Miller-Prowett, email, 5 Oct 2007).

Theodora's parents were Stephen E. Fuecker (b. 4 Mar 1868, St. James on Jacob's Prairie, Stearns Co., MN) and Laura Elizabeth "Lizzie" Fadden (b. 2 Aug 1872, Cold Spring, Stearns Co., MN) Theodora d. 5 Feb 1920 in The Dalles, Wasco County, OR (per Sondra Miller-Prowett, above). An extensive Ancestor Chart for Theodora can be found at Ancestry.com .

Daughter of Andon and Theodora:

  1. Bernice C. Prentice, b. c. 1918, OR.

3. Thurber William Prentice was b. 14 Nov 1899 in OH, and d. 21 Nov 1977. Bur. in Stevenson Cem., Stevenson,Skamania C., WA. He later moved to the State of Washington where he obtained his Social Security Number. He d. Nov 1977 in Portland, Multnoma Co., OR (per SSDI). He is almost certainly the Thamer W Prentice (the microfilm appears to read "Thurber W. Prentice") who appears in the 1930 census in West Dalles, Wasco Co., OR, as b. c. 1900, MN, with his wife and daughter.

He m. Elma L., b. 2 Mar 1905, OR, and d. 26 Apr 1985. Her was b. in OR and mother in KS. Not in SSDI. Bur. in Stebvenson Cem. with her husband. They had 1 or more children, including:

  1. Mary Lou Prentice, b. c. 1927, OR.

Who are the Parents of William L. Prentice?

The 1900 census indicates that William and Amelia had been married for 1 year as of 1900. It is noted that when William married the preceding year, 1899, he would have been about 47 years of age which suggests the possibility William's marriage to Amelia might have been a 2nd marriage for him as it was for Amelia.

In searching the 1880 census, we located a William Prentice in Oakdale, Howard Co., IA, who was b. c. 1852 in OH with both parents b. in NY and who, in the 1880 census, was m. to Clara S., b. c. 1860, OH (probably William's 1st wife as discussed above). That William Prentice is the son of William and Sarah Prentice, discussed in our Summer 2004 article about William Prentice of NY and Oakdale, Howard Co., IA .

We note that in the 1930 census, Thurber Prentice incorrectly identified his father's place of birth as "Iowa" rather than New York. If the two William Prentices are the same person, b. in NY, but living for a time during the 1880 census in Iowa, it might explain why Thurber incorrectly identified his father's birth place as IA rather than NY.

Whether he is the same William needs further investigation.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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