By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Summer 2001 and Revised 20 Jan 2011
1. Thomas Prentice was b. c. 1772-3 in MA, and d. 10 Oct 1863 in Erie Co., PA. Bur. in Lowville, Cemetery where his headstone says age 90 years. He appears in the 1850 Venango Twp., Erie Co., PA census, at age 78, with his 3rd wife, Jemima. Both are buried in Lowville Cem., Loville, Erie Co., PA.
Thomas married 1st an unknown woman.
Thomas m. 2nd in 1825, as her 2nd husband, Wealthy Hibbard, widow of Jacob Hibbard, both natives of VT who lived in NY State for some time, and moved to Ashtabula Co., OH c. 1816. Jacob Hibbard drowned in Lake Erie, near Conneaut, OH in 1825. Wealthy d. in 1831 in childbirth in Erie Co., PA, and is bur. on the Prentice farm. Wealth and Jacob had a son:
- Israel Hibbard, b. 10 Mar 1825 in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., OH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]
Thomas and Wealthy had 1 or more children, including:
- Anna Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1827, Venango, Erie Co., PA, and d. 18 Nov 1905, White Lake,Aurora, South Dakota.
She m. William Baker Moore on 2 Sep 1846, Lowville, Erie Co., PA. He was b. 19 Feb 1824, NY,
and d. 25 Apr 1915, White Lake, Aurora Co., SD. Children per
a href = ""> :
- Mary Adaline (Moore) Severance 1847 1925
- Clarissa (Moore) Davis 1849
- Emmet B. Moore 1853 1853
- John Jay Moore 1858 1939
- Charlotte Louella Moore 1860 1866
- William Grant Moore 1865 1865
- Walter Bunker Moore 1866 1957
Thomas m. 3rd Jemima who was b. c. 1882 in VT.
2. Israel Hibbard, b. 10 Mar 1825 in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., OH. After his mother's death in 1831, Israel was raised by his step-father, Thomas Prentice, in Venango Township. The following short biography appears in
- "Israel Hibbard, farmer, P.O. Lowville, was born March 10, 1825, in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, son of Jacob and Wealthy Hibbard, natives of Vt., who lived in NY state for some time, and moved to Ashtabula Co., Ohio, about 1816. Mr. Hibbard was drowned in Lake Erie, near Conneaut, Ohio, in 1825; his widow died in this township in 1831. Israel was brought up by his step-father, Thomas Prentice, in Venango Township.
He was united in marriage, Sept. 20, 1846, with Clarissa Adeline Moore, of this township. They located in Lowville, where Mr. Hibbard followed his trade (shoe-maker), 2 years; then for 2 years lived on a farm, northwest of the village; then returned to Lowville, and resided there 12 years. In 1862, they moved to their present farm, consisting of 81 1/2 acres.
Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard are the parents of 3 children--Lyman Elbert, Emmitt Jacob, both living near their father, and Ella Bertha, at home. They are both members of the M.E. church. He is a Democrat in politics; a friend of the cause of education; has given his children good advantages. He is an industrious, influential citizen." 1
Israel m. Clarissa Adeline Moore. They settled in Lowville, where Israel followed his trade (shoe-maker) 2 years; then for 2 years lived on a farm, northwest of the village; then returned to Lowville, and resided there 12 years. In 1862, they moved to another farm consisting of 81 1/2 acres. Children:
- Lyman Elbert Hibbard. The following short biography appears at :
- "Lyman Elbert Hibbard, farmer, P.O. Lowville, was born July 29, 1849 in Venango Township, Erie Co., Penn., son of Israel and Clarissa A. (Moore) Hibbard. He was brought up in this township, and was united in marriage, May 23, 1872 with Lucinda A. daughter of Morgan B. Tanner. They settled on their present farm, consisting of 100 acres, in 1874. He is a Democrat in politics; an industrious, enterprising young farmer." 1
# Birth: 29 JUL 1849 in Venango, Erie, PA
# Death: 25 NOV 1907 in Lowville, Erie, PA
# Burial: Lowville Cemetery
# Will: 1907 Lowville, Erie, PA
- Emmitt J. Hibbard. The following obituary appears at .
- "Rev. E. J. Hibbard Dead, Pastor of Seventh-Day Adventist Church Succombs to Illness--Rev. Emmett J. Hibbard, 64, recent pastor of the Seventh-Day Adventist Tabernacle Church, at Sixth and Montgomery Sts. died at his home 2024 East Couch Street, Monday evening June 16 following an extended illness due to overwork for his Portland charge.
Rev. Mr. Hibbard was born ibn Lowville, Penn., January 19, 1860. At an early age he taught in the New York public schools, where he prepared for the important educational work which he followed throughout his life. As president of Walla Walla College, Walla Walla, Wash., he earned a reputation as one of the leading educators of the northwest at the time. Later he taught with much success at Healdsburg college, Healdsburg Cal., San Fernando academy, San Fernando, Cal., and Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal.
From the latter college he came to Portland to serve as pastor of the local tabernacle. His interest in his work and as an outstanding figure in the Seventh day Adventist denomination resulted in the breakdown which finally proved fatal. He is survived by his widow and five sons and daughters: Fred Hibbard of Los Angeles, Cal., Charles Hibbard of San Fernando, Cal., Mrs. Henry J. Jacobson of Portland, Mrs. Irving Huntington of Ostrander, Washington, and Mrs. Ernest McDonald of Dallas, Texas. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from the Tabernacle church." (A photo accompanied the article.)
- Ella Bertha Hibbard. The following short biography appears at .
- Family sources indicate that Ella was retarded, and it is my understanding that she was committed to the State Hospital at Warren, PA some time after 1910. 1900 census indicates that she was divorced from a ____Whitney. Born May 1854 in Venango, Erie Co., PA, and d. 15 Sep 1945 in Warren, Warren Co., PA.
Obituary: Aged Resident of Wattsburg Passes--Funeral Services for Ella Hibbard to be Held Here Tuesday. Miss Ella Hibbard, 90, former resident of Lowville, passed away Saturday, September 15 in Warren, PA. Miss Hibbard was the daughter of the late Israel and Clarissa Moore Hibbard and was born May 15, 1855 in Wattsburg. Friends will be received any time at the H. L. Musser Funeral Home (Sucessor to Arthur F. Crowe) and are invited to services Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Harold Burnham will officiate. Interment in Lowville cemetery.
Reference: Samuel P. Bates, History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, (Warner, Beers & Co.: Chicago, 1884), Part VI, Township Biographies, Venango Township, p. 191.
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