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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Daniel Prentice of NY and Canada

Daniel Prentice of Tryon Co., New York
and Charlottenburgh, Ontario, Canada

Spring 2001 and Revised 17 Jan 2017

Update of 17 Jan 2017: This article is now replaced by our Spring 2017 article also entitled Daniel Prentice of NY and Canada.
Introduction: This article updates and replaces the following articles in earlier issues of our Prentice Newsletter:
  • Harriet Prentice: Winter 2000 issue about Harriet Prentice and the Prentices of Midland, Ontario.
  • Donald Prentice: Fall 1999 issue about Donald Prentice of Charlottenberg, Ontario, Canada.
  • Daniel and Richard Prentice: Summer 1999 issue about Daniel and Richard Prentice of NY and Canada.
  • Sarah Prentice of Glengarry Co., Ontario:ff Summer 2005.

We are working with CarolAnne Prentice Chepurny, Rosie Barbour, Catharine Craven, Marilyn Haggart, Heather Lindsey, Robert Prentice of Newcastle, Ontario, Canada, Jay Young of Cornwall, Ontario, Peter Longshore and Michelle Bakke-Purnell in constructing the Prentice family tree set out below.

    SPECIAL NOTE OF 14 JAN 2011: Rosemary Barbour's email of 7 Feb 2001 mentioned ". . .a recent development is William Prentice from Ecuador but [that Rosemary] hasn't fitted him in yet." If any of the contributers to this article have a current email address for Rosemary Barbour, or information about William Prentice from Ecuador, please contact me at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

1. (Unknown) Prentice and his wife had 2 or more children, including the following:

  • Daniel Prentice, b. c. 1754, Tryon Co., NY . . . . . . . . [2]
  • Richard Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  • John Prentice. He was a Capt. in the 1st Battalion of Sir John Johnson's King Royal Regimnt.

2. Daniel Prentice was b. c. 1754, Tryon Co., NY, and perhaps d. c. 1835. CarolAnne Prentice Chepurny and Robert Prentice have provided us with the following information about Daniel Prentice of Tryon County, NY (originally formed from the western half of the original Albany County, and later further split and renamed) who later moved to Charlottenburgh, Ontario, Canada.

On 23 Apr 1783, Daniel Prentice was a corporal in the 2nd Battalion of Sir John Johnson's King Royal Regiment of New York. He had served as a loyalist with this regiment for 2 years and 9 months. General Haldimand drew up a list of loyalists who needed to be 'vitualled' in January, 1784 in Township No. 2 (Charlottenburgh Township - Lunenburg District which became Glengarry County, Ontario). Daniel Prentice was on the Muster Rolls along with his wife, Mary Hamilton and 5 children.

In 1784, Daniel petitioned the British Government and claimed losses of 154 pounds for land lost in New York to the Americans during the Revolutionary war (Also lost were 5 'Milch' cows, furniture and farming utensils). The claim was eventually paid in 1788.

Daniel appears on the Canadian Loyalist List of Claims in 1788 with the following information:

    "Claimt. says. He was in Sir John Johnston's 2nd. Batal.

      Note: The "2nd Batal." would be the 2nd Batallion of the 1st Kings Royal Regiment of New York." For a brief history of the Regiment, see Fn. 1.

    "Sent a Claim (form) by Capt. Leake in '83. Is a native of America. Lived on Sir John Johnston's land when Rebellion broke out. Came to Canada in 1780. Says he was imprisoned & could not come sooner. Joined Sir John's 2nd Batt. in '80. Served 3 years. Produces his Discharge.

    "Had a farm of 130 acres hired of Sir John Johnston. Taken some years before ye Rebellion. Cleared 30 acres. Lost 5 Cows, utensils, furniture. Left on his Farm when he went away. Sir John Johnson certifies that Claimt. had a Lot of land from him, where he had made considerable improvement before the war & to his Loyalty"."

The foregoing information suggests the following points:

  • Daniel's land was "taken some years before ye Rebellion." That seems to indicate that Daniel obtained land from Sir. John before 1776.

  • He was likely an adult when he obtained the land. "Records of Immigrants to Canada, Part One, shows that Daniel immigrated to Canada in 1783 at the age of 29; that indicates a birth date of c. 1754. If he were 20 when he obtained the land, he may have obtained it about 1774-5.

Unfortunately, a check of our PRENTICE book does not show any unaccounted for Daniels in that general time frame, or even between 1725 and 1770. And, also unfortunately, American census records did not begin until 1790 so we cannot further pinpoint Daniel's location in Tryon County.

Land records from Luneburg District 1790 show Daniel Prentice with several hundred acres of land South of the Raisin River in Charlottenburg Township.

Daniel married Mary Hamilton. It is unclear when and where the marriage occurred, but based on the children listed below, it may have been before 1776 in the United States. The eventually settled on the north shore of the South Branch of the Raisin River Charlottenburg Glengarry Upper Canada] , after the Revolutionary War ended in 1783 . He received west half of Lot 22 on 2nd Concession South of the River Aux Raisin , but at that time he was known as Donl. Prentiss and probably retained that identity officially for some time , but later documents have him as Daniel Prentice .

Children of Daniel and Mary (per Johni Prentice Levene, email, 19 Oct 2007, and Ancestry.com ):

  1. Mary Prentice, b. before 1776, Unied States. She m. John Clark on 5 Nov 1793. He was the son of Sergeant James Clark, KKRNY. She is probably the Mary Prentice who is the subject of our Winter 2004 article entitled Mary Prentice of Williamstown, Ontario, Canada .
  2. Katherine Prentice, b. 1772, United States. She m. John Cross on 14 Sep 1797.
  3. James Prentice, b. before 1783, United States.. James was a member of the Glengarry Light Fencibles and died in the War of 1812 from wounds on 21 Sep 1814, during the siege of Fort Erie, Upper Canada.

      Note: By email of 25 Jan 2016, Michelle Bakke-Purnell provides the following information: After hours and hours of research I have some updates for your list. Many trees and your newsletter article state that James Prentice died on April 21, 1814 at the battle of Fort Erie. Yet James Prentice never fought in the War of 1812. Based on a list that is on the internet which is the Glengarry Fencibles-Battles in North America War of 1812 - Pay roll. Compiled for the Niagara Historical Society & Museum by Maggie Parnell, John Gardner & David Chilton. December 2010. It was John Prentice and William Prentice that were in the War of 1812. James never appears on the pay roll list.

    (probably) Elizabeth Prentice, b. before 1783, United State. She m. John Kain before 1795.

  4. John Prentice of Charlottenburgh, b. 1781. OC 7 Aug 1811. He is likely the John Prentice who owned land in Charlottenburgh in 1811. He is also likely the John Prentice who, like his brother, enlisted also in the Glengarry Light Infantry in Cornwall on 25 Mar 1812 and who was discharged in 1815/ He m. Catherine McMillan on 21 Jun 1810. Children:
    1. Mary Ann Prentice.
    2. Catherine Prentice.
    3. Susannah Prentice.
  5. Isabella Prentice, bapt. 14 Feb 1786 at Williamstown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2.1]
  6. Lewis Prentice, b. 1788. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]
  7. Ann/Nancy Ann Prentice. She m. Nicholas Barnhart of Town of Cornwall. He was b. 1771. He enlisted in the 2nd Battalion KKRNY c. 1880 at the age of 9 years OC 11 Jan 1834. Daughters (per Sharon Eilers-Sharp, email, 8 May 2001):

    1. Rebecca/Rebeka, bap. 19 Oct 1797 (per Johni Prentice Levene, above)
    2. Mercy Barnhart, b. 1 Jan 1808 and d. 1892.

  8. William Prentice, bap. 12 Feb 1792. William was a member of the Glengarry Light Fencibles and died in the War of 1812 and died of his wounds on 21 Apr 1914, per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, email, 25 Jan 2016.

Johni Prentice Levene's email of 19 Oct 2007 relates the following information:

    "[O]ne possible final child is Nelly, likely short for Helen, Eleanor or Comelia who m. Donald Frazer date unknown. 1 child that I found for her is Susannah b. 29 Nov 1816.

    "Note: Nelly and Elizabeth are the only 2 children that I have not absolutely proven as neither has baptism records or land grant petitions. I do believe that both are his daughters though. Nellys child was baptized along with the McMillan and Clark children and Elizabeth fits for the 3rd daughter that was with Daniel and Mary when they arrived."

2.1 Isabella Prentice was chr. 14 Feb 1786 in Williamstown, St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Glengarry, Ontario, Canada (per IGI). The "Adams History" says Isabella died in Brookfield, MA on 11 Nov 1853, age 67.

According to the "Adams History," Isabella's family was a "distinguished family in Montreal."

Isabella married Ezra Adams on 1 Feb 1798 in Williamstown at the age of 14 as his second wife, against her parents' wishes, and they refused to recognize her. Ezra had been the owner of a saw-mill and grist-mill in Barre, Mass., Sept. 18, 1792, which he sold to John Baker of Hubbardston, Mass., Feb. 6, 1794, the deed being acknowledged by Ezra and his first wife, Dolly, in Cheshire Co., N. H., Jan. 28, 1795.

Forsaking wife Dolly, Ezra resided for several years in Canada, where he m. Isabella Prentice. He returned to Brookfield, where he was a leader of the Baptist Choir, and where he died 14 Sep 1825. Children:

  1. Levi Adams, b. ?? and d. 7 May 1848. He m. Betsey Beers. She was b. 7 Jan and d. 8 Sep 1874. Children:
    1. Rosamond Draper Adams, b. 20 Sep 1827 and d. 29 Aug 1897. She m. Ambrose Mendell Tower, b. 27 Mar 1821 and d. 3 Apr 1874. Children:
      1. Henry Mendell Tower, b. 23 Jul 1847 and d. 23 Apr 1904. He m. Sarah Maria Woodward. She was b. 3 Mar 1853 and d. 23 Apr 1904.
      2. De Witt Tower, b. 17 Dec 1874 and d. 13 Apr 1949. He m. Catherine Agnes Mulhall, b. 14 Apr 1876 and d. 2 Oct 1946.
  2. Daniel Adams
  3. Catherine Adams
  4. Mary Adams

3. Richard Prentice, b. 1765, Tryon, NY, and d. 5 Apr 1848, Quebec, Quebec. He was a Capt. in the 1st Battalion of Sir John Johnson's King Royal Rangers. Like his brother, Daniel, Richard was also a Loyalist and settled further east in the Ottawa area of Nepean, Ontario, Canada. He is likely the Richard Prenties who owned land in Kingston in 1790 and 1800. We have had the same difficulties in identifying Richard's parents as we had with Daniel, described above. The name of Richard's wife is not presently known. Children of Richard Prentice: (Ref: "The Sons & Daughters of American Loyalists")

  • Daniel Prentice of Nepean, OC 1850 or 1851. Although original documentation proof has not yet been found, it seems likely that he is the Daniel Prentice of Charlottenburgh discussed in our Summer 2006 article.
  • Lydia Alida Prentice, b. Mar 1805, Hull, Quebec, and d. 15 Sep 1877, Hull,Quebec. See photo at Ancestry.com . She m. George Routliffe of Hull. OC 1850 or 1851. He was b. 6 Jul 1794 in Bideford, Devonshire, England, and d. 30 Dec 1865, Quebec. Children per Ancestry.com :
    1. Deborah Routliffe – 1861
    2. Elizabeth Routliffe 1821 –
    3. Mary Routliffe 1822 – 1899
    4. William Routliffe 1827 –
    5. Sarah Routliffe 1829 –
    6. George Routliffe 1830 – 1906
    7. James Routliffe 1833 – 1908
    8. Richard Routliffe 1834 – 1918
    9. Arabella Routliffe 1838 –
    10. Victoria Routliffe 1839 –
    11. Edward Albert Routliffe 1842 – 1910
    12. Valentine "Bud" Twin Routliffe 1844 – 1916
    13. Valorie (Twin) Routliffe 1844 –
    14. Alice Routliffe 1848 –
  • Deborah Prentice. She m. David Moore of Hull. OC 1850 or 1851

4. Lewis Prentice was b. 1788 in Charlottenburgh, and d. 1865 in Lancaster Twp., Glengary Co., Ontario (per Johni Prentice Levene, email, 19 Oct 2007).

He m. Catharine McDonell on 25 Jun 1805. She was b. in Scotland (per 1891 census by son, William). Lewis was a landowner in Charlottenburgh in 1809. By email of 3 Dec 2005, James Allan McDonald has provided the following additional information:

    The Glengarry Co. family of Daniel Prentiss, U.E.L. (United Empire Loyalist) was primarily protestant. Lewis was the exception... as he baptized his children at St. Raphaels RC Church in Charlottenburgh Twp. Later in life Lewis formally converted to the Catholic faith (profession of faith made in 1861 at St. Raphaels- 4 years before his death). He died on March 19, 1865 on lot 12, 5th Concession of Lancaster Twp., Glengarry Co., Ontario. He was buried at St. Raphaels on March 21, 1865. His stone does not survive.

    The reason for the Catholic baptism's and profession of faith are likely linked to Lewis' wife Catherine... as she was the daughter of Catholic parents (Dougald MacDonald and Catherine MacDonald) emigrated from the Scottish Highlands (Knoydart) on board the Ship McDonald in 1786. Lore has it that Catherine was one of two children on board the McDonald in 1786 enroute to Canada.

    Meron's (Gaelic form of Sarah) baptism is found at St. Raphaels on December 27, 1812 and her birth was noted as the 6th of the same month. Her baptism sponsors were noted as Angus MacDonell and Catherine MacDonell. Dougald of Knoydart settled on Lot 29, 5th Concession of Lancaster Twp. in Glengarry County.

Known children of Lewis and Catherine:

  1. William Prentice, b. 1807. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [5]
  2. Sarah Prentice was b. 6 Dec 1812 or 1813 in Glengarry County, Ontario. . . . . . [6]
  3. Daniel Prentice
  4. James Prentice
  5. Mary Prentice, chr. 30 Mar 1823 Saint Raphael, St. Raphaels, Glengarry, Ontario.
  6. Nancy Prentis, chr. 1 Aug 1830 Saint Raphael, St. Raphaels, Glengarry, Ontario.
  7. Catherine Prentice

5. William Prentice was b. 17 Feb 1817 in St. Raphaels, Ontario (Birth Record, St Raphaels, 1817, pg 349). He died on 26 Jul 1899 in Midland, Ontario. His religion was Church of England (per Robert Prentice, email, 27 Jan 2007, citing William's grave and Death Record). William is found in the 1841 Seymour Twp Census along with James Prentice. The 1841 Seymour Twp. Census shows him living on Lot 4, Con 5 with 7 total in the Househld. He has 100 acres.

    Note: Most of the information about William Prentice and his descendants comes from Robert Prentice's email of 11 Aug 2009 and his attachment which also containes a coprehensive listing of the sources of his information

He m. Sarah Ann Clute c. 1835-39 (surname per CarolAnne Prentice Chepurny, email, 1 Nov 2002). She was born in 1819 in Seymour Twp. Ontario, and d. 31 Mar 1898 in Midland, Ontario. She was of "American Dutch" Heritage. (American Dutch might mean Pensylvannia Deutch, or German). Children:

  1. Lewis Prentice, b. 1 Nov 1841 in Seymour Twp, Ontario, and d. 1880 in Ontario at the age of 39 years.
  2. Mary Prentice, b. 6 Jun 1843 in Seymour Twp, Ontario.
  3. James Prentice, b. 31 Jan 1845, Seymour Twp., Ontario
  4. Mary Prentice, b. 6 Jun 1843 in Seymour Twp, Ontario.
  5. Elizabeth Prentice, b. 26 Jun 1847 in Campbellford, Seymour Twp, Northumberland Co, Ontario.
  6. William Henry Prentice, b. 26 Aug 1849 in Seymour Twp, Ontario.
  7. John Prentice, b. 1851 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [7]
  8. Benjamin/Ben Prentice, b. 1853. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8]
  9. Margaret Ann Prentice, b. 1855m Seymour Twp., Ontario.
  10. Sarah L. Prentice, b. 1857. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [5.5]
  11. Frederick George Prentice, b. Oct 1860, Seymour Twp., Ontario. Not in 1881 Canadian census.
  12. Douglas Charles Prentice, b. Mar 1866, Seymour Twp., Ontario. Not in 1881 Canadian census.

5.5 Sarah L. Prentice was b. 1857 in Seymour Twp, Ontario, and d. 1909 in Duluth, MN.

She m. William J. Lanigan on 1 Jul 1890, Douglas Co., MN. He was b. c. 1860 in Danville, PA, son of Michael Lanigan, and Mary Boyle of Duluth although the marriage took place in Superior, WI. (per Johni Prentice Levene, email, 19 Oct 2007, citing WI, Douglas Co Book A of Marriages p. 133 #798 no. a47542).

William Lanigan purchased 80 acres in Duluth on 5 Nov 1897. Neither Sarah nor William appear in the 1900 census.

William appears as a lodger and widower on the 1910 Federal census in Duluth Ward 3, St. Louis Co., MN, putting Sarah Prentice's death some time before that. No children presently known, but none were none with him in 1910 (per Johni Prentice Levene, above) The 1910 census also shows that both of William's parents were b. in Ireland.

Shown next to William in the 1910 census is Charles A. Lanigan, b. c. 1876, PA, single, with both parents b. in Ireland. e is likely a younger brother of William.

6. Sarah Prentice. We have apparently conflicting information about her birth:

  1. James Allan McDonald's email of 4 Dec 2005.says Sarah was b, 6 Dec 1812, bap. 27 Dec 1812, St. Raphaels, Glengarry County, Ontario, and d. before 1859
  2. Heather Lindsey's email of 2 Apr 2008, says that her family records show Sarah was b. 30 Nov 1813 and suggests that there were 2 Sarahs, one who was b. and d. in 1812 and a later one b. 30 Nov 1813.

In any event, Sarah m. Andrew Thomson at an unknown date before 1841. He was b. Apr 1805 and was from Edinburgh, Scotland. Andrew was a stone carver. Children per Heather Lindsey, email, 2 Apr 2008:

  1. Catherine Thomson, b. 6 Jan 1841, Toronto and d. young.
  2. Catherine Thomson, b. 11 Feb 1842, Kingston. She m. Robert Oaks. She moved to WI, USA. Not in 1870 or later US census. Children of Catherine and Robert:
    1. Frank Oaks
    2. Lewis Oaks
    3. Jessie Oaks.
    4. Della Oaks.
  3. Sarah Ann Thomson, b. 17 Apr 1843, perhaps Kingston, Glengarry County. She m. John Cloes in 1859 in Elgin Co., Ontario where they remained. Although the 1881 Ontario shows a USA birth place, she may be the Sarah Cloes, age 43, in Yarmouth, Elgin East, Ontario, with her husband, John O. Cloes, age 46, and children:
    1. John O. Cloes, 46, b. Ontario.
    2. Sarah Cloes, 37, b. Ontario.
    3. Maud Cloes, 20, b. Ontario.
    4. Lillie Cloes, 18, b. Ontario.
    5. Neal Cloes, 14, b. Ontario.
    6. Henery Cloes, 9, b. Ontario.

    On the other hand, Heather Lindsey's email of 2 Apr 2008 identifies Sarah's 7 children as:

    1. Maud Eunice Susan Cloes
    2. Edith Lillian Cloes
    3. Olive May Cloes (died young)
    4. William O'Neal Cloes
    5. Henry Adelbert Cloes
    6. Opal Sylvia Cloes
    7. Coral Louise Cloes

  4. (twins) Thomson. Died young.
  5. William Thomson, b. 5 Mar 1845, Kingston. He m. 1st Annie. Daughter:
    1. Edith Thomson
    William m. 2nd Margaret. He moved to the London or Lambeth area. Daughter:
    1. Annie Thomson. Died at age 17 years.
  6. Polly Thomson, b. 27 Nov 1849 in ""Oakland, S. N. York County" (?) in 1849. She m. 1st Mr. Cornell. Daughter:
    1. Jennie Cornell.
    Polly m. 2nd Joseph Perry. She moved to Cloud Co., KS, USA. Children:
    1. Elmer Perry.
    2. Delmer Perry.
    3. Grover Perry.

7. John S. Prentice, b. 24 May 1851 in Seymour Twp., Ontario, and d. 12 Jul 1911 in Toronto, Ontario.

He m. Harriet Elizabeth Lebrash on 23 Mar 1872 in Campbellford, in Seymour Township, Northumberland County, which is near Trenton, Ontario. She was b. 26 Jun 1851 in Seymour Twp., Ontario, daughter of Charles Labrash (son of Francis LaBrash and Margaret LeRoy) and Mary Anne Turner who was French Canadian and born in 1817. MaryAnne was born c. 1820 in the United States, one of 5 children. Marion died of consumption in 1871.

The 1881 census shows John and Harriet and four children living in Cramabe Twp. in East Northumberland County. The 1891 census shows them in Midland District 1 with 7 children. John Prentice's occupation is shown as a stone mason. His parents were also living in Midland in 1891.

Family tradition is that Harriet was widowed very young and walked miles to get to Midland. Harriet died in Midland, Ontario in 1931. Childen of John and Harriet:

  1. Sarah Elizabeth Prentice, b. 23 Sep 1873 in Seymour Twp, Ontario, and d. 23 Mar 1934 in Simcoe, Ontario. She m. 30 Dec 1897 Thomas Stephens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [9]

  2. Mary Jane Prentice, b. Oct 1876 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario. She married John Harrod on 22 Feb 1899 in Parry Sound,Ontario, son of Robert Harrod and Sarah Holmes. He was born on Apr 1866 in Bostonm Lincolnshire, England, and d. in Saskatchewan, Canada. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/musk99.htm. Children of Mary Jane Prentice and John Harrod are:
    1. Marguerite Leone Harriette Marie "peg" Harrod, b. 20 Apr 1900 in Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada[97, 98].
    2. John Robert Harrod, b. 17 Jul 1901 in Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada[99].
    3. Gertrude Lucille Harrod, b. Nov 1903 in Saskatchewan, Canada.
    4. Sarah A. Harrod, b. 27 Mar 1903 and d. 2 weeks later.
    5. Marshall Holmes Harrod, b. 28 Oct 1904 in Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada; Sask Reg# 1576.
    6. Iva/Eva Harrod, b. 29 Jul 1907 in Saskatchewan, Canada; 1916 CanCensus, Manitoba, Sask, Alberta.
    7. William Osbourne "Bill" Harrod, b. 06 May 1906 in Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada; Sask Reg# 2402.
    8. Frank Harrod, b. Jul 1907 in Saskatchewan, Canada.
    9. George Nelson Harrod, b. Jan 1909 in Saskatchewan, Canada ( but see fn3 ).
    10. Gean Harrod, b. 1911 in Saskatchewan, Canada; 1916 Can Census, Manitoba,Sask,Alberta.
    11. Charles D. Harrod, b. 1 Oct 1910 and d. 7 months later.
    12. Edward Borden "Bud" Harrod, b. 1913 in Saskatchewan, Canada; 1916 Can Census, Manitoba,Sask,Alberta.
    13. Phillip Erickson "Gordy" Harrod, b. 1914 in Saskatchewan, Canada; 1916 Can Census, Manitoba,Sask,Alberta.
    14. Joan Harrod, b. 1916 in Saskatchewan, Canada; 1916 Can Census, Manitoba,Sask,Alberta.
    15. Earla Madge Harrod.

  3. John E Prentice-3 (John S Prentice-2, William Prentice-1)[31, 32, 33, 34, 35] was born on 18 Jan 1879 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario and d. 19 Aug 1964 in Simcoe Co, Ontario. He m. Alice Lilian Baker in 1900 in Parry Sound, Ontario, daughter of James Baker and Celina Smith. She was born on 29 Oct 1878 in Oxford Co, Ontario, and d. 10 Mar 1958 in Simcoe Co, Ontario. Children:
    1. Charles Wesley Prentice, B: 14 Dec 1901 in Parry Sound, Ontario [102, 103]. 1921 single in Victoria Harbor, Simcoe East, Ontario.
    2. Unnamed ( Possible Stillborn) Prentice, B: 27 Jul 1903 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario[104].
    3. Olive Selena Prentice, B: 17 Jul 1904 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 11 Feb 1943 in Midland Simcoe Co[86], Marriage to unknown, 20 Dec 1923 in Simcoe Co, Ontario.
    4. Aline Prentice, b. c. 1904, Ontario. 1921 single in Victoria Harbor, Simcoe East, Ontario.
    5. Alva Lillie Prentice, b. 13 Aug 1907 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 12 Sep 1934 in Simcoe, Ontario. She m. George Arthurs. He was born on 1903 in Ontario. Child:
      1. infant Arthurs, b. Sep 1934 in Midland and d. next day, 13 Sep 1934 in Midland.
    6. John Edward Prentice, b. 30 Dec 1909 in Ontario [112] and d. May 1970. He m. Jessie L. Todd (1912 – 1944). Children:
      1. Kathline Prentice
      2. Son Prentice.
      3. Joan Annabelle Prentice, b. 20 Aug 1932, Victoria Harbor, Simcoe East, Ontario, and d. 18 Aug 1999. Bur. Simcoe, Ontario. She m. Mr. Skirving and had 3 sons.
    7. Thomas Prentice, b. c. 1912, Ontario.
    8. Donald William Prentice, b. 13 Jun 1920, D: 06 Dec 1957 in Simcoe Co, Ontario,.
    9. Ruth Gwendolyn Prentice, b.5 Dec 1922 in Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 15 Jan 1995 in Victoria Harbour, Simcoe Co,

  4. Martha Ann Prentice, b. 3 Dec 1880 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario, and d. 1966. She married George Gurd Anderson on 13 Apr 1904 in Simcoe Co, Ontario, son of Edward Anderson and Elizabeth /Stewart Stuart. He was born on 4 Nov 1877 in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada and d. 1942 in Saskatchewan. Children:
    1. Iladella Anderson, b. Feb 1905 in Ontario and d. 1986 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She m. Maurice Warren, son of Steven Warren and Edith Fletcher. He was born on 1896 in Canada and d. 1965. Sons:
      1. Robert Warren, B: from Pamela Warren email, Apr 2009.
      2. Keith Warren, b. 1934 (from Pamela Warren email, Apr 2009). He married Marjorie Peck who was b. Apr 2009. Children:
        1. Warren, B: 1954; as per Pamela Warren email. Apr 2009.
        2. Robert Warren, B: as per Pamela Warren email. Apr 2009.
        3. Corinne Warren, B: as per Pamela Warren email. Apr 2009.
    2. Jean Anderson, b. Mar 1907 in Ontario, Canada[116].
    3. Harvey Dugald Anderson, b. 1916 in Saskatchewan, Canada; per 1916 Canada Census, Manitoba,Sask.
      1. Dearla Ane Anderson.
        1. Michelle Bakke-Purnell per her email of 10 Apr 2015.

  5. Adelaide Lucretia (Theresa) Prentice, b. 20 Aug 1883 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario, and d. 8 Feb 1884 in Northumberland, Ontario, Canada.

  6. James Henry Prentice, b. 29 Dec 1885 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario, and d. Nov 1966 in Royal Oak, Oakland Co., MI. He m. Rose Ann Moylon on 20 Jul 1908 in Simcoe, Ontario. She was b. 22 Mar 1886 in Tipperary, Ireland. 1907 emigrated to Detroit, MI. 1930 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. Children:
    1. James Douglas Prentice, B: 18 May 1909 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 23 Oct 1909 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario,
    2. Baby Prentice, B: 30 Jul 1912 in Toronto, and d. 30 Jul 1912 in York, Ontario.
    3. Ethel Prentice, B: 1915 in Ontario.
    4. James Prentice, B: 1929 in Detroit, Wayne, MI, believed to be a lawyer in Michigan.

  7. William Osbourne Prentice, b. 20 Aug 1887 in Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, and d. 1981 in Toronto, Ontario. Bur. Woodland Cem., London, Ontario. He m. Anna Mary English on 9 Nov 1910 in Penetanguishene, Simcoe Co,Ontario. She was the dau. of Henry English and Anna Mary English. She was born on 12 May 1887 in Emily Twp, Northumberland Co, Ontario. She d. 1968 in London, Ontario. Both are bur. In Woodland Cemetary, London, Ontario with their son, William Henry Prentice 1920-2004. Children:
    1. Russell Osbourne Prentice, b. 13 Mar 1912 in Midland, Ontario, and d. 3 Feb 2004 in Midland, Ontario. He married Arsinia Hamelin. She was born c. 1912 in Penetanguishene, Son:
      1. William (Bill) Prentice
    2. Shirley Audrey Prentice, B: 24 May 1913 in Midland, Ontario; Birth Cert # B610430,,Reg#13-05-051631, D: 21 Apr 2000 in Toronto, Ontario.
    3. Lucille Prentice, B: 1918 in Midland, Ontario, D: 1995 in Toronto, Ontario.
    4. William Henry Prentice, b. 4 Aug 1920 in Midland, Ontario, an d. 24 Oct 2004 in London, Ontario. Bur Woodland Cem., London, Ontario. He married Vera Madeline Campbell, daughter of Robert James Campbell and Irene Wiltse. She was born on 1 Mar 1921 in Wellington. Prince Edward Co.Ontario. William was bur. Westmount Cemetary, London, Ontario. Children:
      1. Muriel Jeanette Prentice, B: 12 May 1949 in Toronto, Ontario.
      2. Nancy Lynn Prentice, B: 06 May 1955 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
      3. Robert William Prentice, B: 06 May 1955 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He m. 2 Sep 1978 in St. Thomas Aqunias Chapel, U of T, Toronto, Ontario; Catholic.
    5. Helen Prentice.
    6. Muriel Prentice, b. 6 Jan 1918 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada, and d. 26 Jan 2011, Minden, Ontario. Bur. Woodland Cem., London, Ontario. She m. Henry Franklin Bullivant, son of Fredrick Bullivant and Eliza Jane Poole Street. He was born on 28 Feb 1914 in Peterborough, Ontario, and d. 5 Jul 1998 in London, Ontario. He is also bur. Woodland Cem., London, Ontario with his wife, Muriel. Children per Kate Boullivant, email 18 Feb 2013:
      1. Franklin Prentice Bullivant, b. 7 Oct 1945, Victoria Hosp., London, Ontario, Canada.
      2. Kathryn Bullivant , b. 3 Apr 1954 at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario. Canada. .

  8. Catherine Prentice, b. 5 Sep 1889 in Cramahe,Twp, Ontario, and d. 7 May 1948 in Toronto, York Co,Ontario. She m. Frederick Isaac Buchanan on 14 Jun 1909 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario, son of William Buchanan and Jane McAllister. He was born on 12 Dec 1883 in Hensall, Huron Co, Ontario, anfd d. 10 May 1946 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario. Children:
    1. Alan Buchanan, b. 20 Jul 1909 in Toronto, Ontario, and d. 21 Jun 1986 in Sacramento, CA. He m. Lavonne B Carlson. She was born on 11 Oct 1921 in USA and d. 23 Nov 1999 in USA. Children:
      1. Jeffery Buchanan, B: Stockton, CA.
      2. Jerald Meays, B: Valley Springs, CA.
      3. Donald Buchanan, B: San Diego, CA.
      4. Lora Lee Peterson, B: Stockton, CA.
      5. James Buchanan, B: Stockton, CA.
    2. William Graham Buchanan, b. 1911 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario, and d. 11 Oct 1914 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario.
    3. Murray Isaac Buchanan, b. 9 Oct 1912 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario, and d. 17 Apr 1971 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario. He m. 18 Jun 1938 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario.
    4. Gwendolyn (Gwen) Buchanan, b. 1915 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario, and d. Mar 1987 in Mississauga, Region of Peel, Ontario.
    5. Margaret Dean Buchanan, b. 13 Mar 1919 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario, AND D. 13 Jan 2001 in Oshawa, Durham Region, Ontario. .

  9. Gertrude Lucille Prentice, B. 24 Oct 1895 in Midland Ontario, and d. 15 Oct 1975 in Port Perry, Ontario. She married Norman Percy Aldred on 12 Mar 1919 in Toronto, Ontario, son of William Aldred and Elizabeth Howard. He was born on 2 Sep 1890 in Port Perry, Scugog Twp, Ontario, and d,. 20 Apr 1974 in Port Perry, Ontario. Children:
    1. Joel W Aldred, B: 18 Jun 1920 in Toronto, York Co,Ontario[146].
    2. William M Aldred, B: 21 Nov 1923 in Minneapolis , MN, and d. 1944 in Germany.
    3. Norman Aldred, B: 18 Nov 1928 in Toronto, York Co,Ontario.
    4. Kathryn Aldred, B: 07 Jan 1936 in Toronto, York Co,Ontario. .

  10. Louise Prentice. She m. Mr. Aldred and lived in Port Perry, Ontario.

8. Benjamin Prentice was bap. 29 Jun 1853 at Christ Church (Church of England), Campbellford, Seymour Twp., Ontario, and is of German origin. He appears in the 1881 Tiny, Simcoe North, Ontario census as a Labourer, Methodist, with his wife, and family.

He m. 1st Anna Mary Johnson (of Anne Mary Johnson) of Marmora Twp., Hastings Co., ONtario on 5 Apr 1875 in Marmora, Ontario. She was then 18 years of age, b. c. 1857, and was the dau. of Sylvester Johnson.

He m. 2nd Margaret Anne Young of Marmora on 28 Feb 1876 in Seymour Two, Northumberland Co. Ontario. She was b. 21 Mar 1858 in Marmora, Ontario, and d. 11 Aug 1925 in Algoma Dist., Ontario. She was the dau. of William Young and Catherine Elizabeth Howe. Children per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, email, 25 Jan 2016:

  1. Mary Prentice, b. c. 1878, Simcoe Co., Ontario.
  2. William Frederick Prentice, b. 24 Feb 1879 in Marmora, Hastings Co, Ontario. He married Mary Jane Booth on 11 Jul 1906 in Sault Ste Marie, Algoma Co, Ontario (License, MS932-126). She was the dau. of Alex Booth and Jean Johnston. She was born on 1883 in Vaughan, York Co, Ontario. Son:
    1. Benjamin Prentice, B: 24 Mar 1909 in Algoma District, Ontario, Canada; VRBCAN1908-102543.
  3. Sarah Victoria Prentice, b. Feb. 1881, Benton, Cheboygan Co., MI, per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, above.
  4. Edmund Prentice, b. 7 Feb 1883 in Cheboygan Co., MI, per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, above.
  5. Della Phamie Prentice, B: 21 Nov 1885 in Everett, Mich, USA. He m. 27 Nov 1906 in Algoma, Ontario. Methodist. Licence.
  6. Emma Prentice, B: 22 Nov 1886 in Hastings Co, Ontario.
  7. Mable M. Prentice, B: 7 Feb 1889 in Cheboygan Co., MI, per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, above.
  8. Charles B Prentice, B: 5 Mar 1891 in Cheboygan Co., MI, per Michelle Bakke-Purnell, above.
  9. Margaret Allen Prentice, B: 22 Nov 1899 in Webbwood, Algoma, Ontario, and d. 13 May 1923 in Algoma District, Ontario. Margaret is not listed with the family in the 1901 Census.

Benjamin appears in the 1910 Mackinac Co., MI census with his wife, Margaret A., and an additional daughter:

  1. Margaret Prentice, b. c. 1899, Canada

Also living with them was William Young, called a Brother-in-Law, b. c. 1856, Canada. He is likely the brother of Benjamin's wife, Margaret.

Benjamin does not appear in our copies of the 1900 MI census, indicating he likely emigrated to MI at some date between 1900 and 1910.

9. Sarah Prentice b. 23 Sep 1873 in Seymour Twp, Ontario, and d. 23 Mar 1934 in Simcoe, Ontario.

She m. 1st Thomas Stephens on 30 Dec 1897 in Simcoe Co, Ontario, son of Richard Stephens and Ruth Nulia. He was born on 1 Apr 1875 in Angus, Ontario and d. 1 Mar 1908 in Simcoe Co, Ontario. They lived in Midland, Ontario. They had a daughter and also had 3 sons who became Captains on Great Lakes ships:

  1. George Edward Stephens, B: 06 Oct 1897 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario. He m. Apr 1920 in Toronto, York Co, ,Ontario; Methodist.
  2. William Richard Stephens, B: 17 Sep 1898 in Midland,Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 11 Feb 1902 in Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Bur. Lakeview Cemetery R28P8.
  3. Madeline Ruth Stevens, b. 28 Apr 1901 in Simcoe, Ontario, and d. 29 Sep 1937 in Simcoe Co., Ontario. . She m. 1st Edward Henry Schumacher on 5 Jul 1918 in Sault Ste Marie, Algoma District, Ontario; License, Baptist. Children:
    1. John Edward Schumacher, b. c. 1919.
    2. Robert Eric Schumacher
    She m. 2nd Oliver Herford Smith and had:
    1. Rosemary Smith, b. 1925, Midland, Simcoe Co., Ontario. She m. Mr. Barbour.
  4. John Bertram Dalyal Stephens, b. 7 Feb 1903 in Simcoe Co., Ontario. H e m. 17 Dec 1928 in Penetanguishene, Simcoe Co., Ontario. .
  5. James W Stephens, b. Sep 1904 in Simcoe Co, Ontario, and d. 18 Nov 1904 in Midland Simcoe Co., Ontario.
  6. Thomas Elliott Stephens, b. 21 Jun 1906 in Simcoe Co., Ontario.

Sarah m. 2nd Alex McCuaig on 25 Nov 1909 in Penetanguishene, Simcoe Co,Ontario (license, Methodist)[85]. , son of Findlay McCuaig and Catherine McLeod. He was b. 16 Jan 1879 in Ontaro and d. 10 Feb 1965.

Fn. 1:   A Brief History of the Regiment

(The following material comes from a website describing the origins and history of the 1st Kings Royal Regiment of New York. It is obviously partial to the English.)

It is unfortunate that the media has saturated Canadian history with the idea that people like George Washingtonand and Paul Revere should be our heroes. Canadians should instead recognize those folk who remained loyal tothe government and fought against the violations of freedom the Continental Congress advocated. These people are our cultural ancestors; they built the foundations and traditions of early Canada.

Canada was part of an area known as British North America. The history of the King’s Royal Yorkers starts well before the American Revolution and goes back to a time when New York was a province of British North America and Six Nations territory.

In the early eighteenth century, a lone Irish fur trader emigrated to an area known as the Mohawk Valley in New York Province. This region was considered at the time to be the frontier with a few white settlements of Palatine Germans and Dutch. These settlements bordered on the fearsome tribes of the Six Nations native peoples. The Irishman, named William Johnson, settled in the Mohawk Valley and became very good friends with the Mohawk Indians, the Elder Brothers of the Iroquois Confederacy. In fact, he was so close to the natives that the Government had little choice but to name him official Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The natives would only accept Johnson!

The founding fathers of the Regiment.

Although Sir John Johnson was the founder of the regiment, he was living in the shadow of his father, Sir William’s achievements. Sir William, a well known supporter of the crown, was a prodigy in leadership who built a thriving community in the wilds of the frontier. However, many were jealous of Sir William and feared him for his loyal friendship with the Six Nations. His son's regiment was largely drawn from the people Sir William had settled on his lands. The Officers, carefully selected by Sir John, were an effective mix of able frontier partisans and talented community leaders.

Many of the other settlers of the Mohawk valley were jealous of the lands the Mohawks were giving to William. The Dutch settlers had been there since the seventeenth century and did not have a good relationship with theMohawks with whom they had numerous land disputes. Sir William's position assisted the Indians with their land disputes. As a result he became widely accepted by many Native nations, but made a few white enemies.

William Johnson became wealthy and famous for his heroism in the Seven Years War or what Americanscall the French and Indian War . As a result of the War, Britain conquered all the North American holdings claimed by France. For his deeds, the King knighted William and made him the first Baronet of New York and granted him more lands.

Before and after the war, Sir William had been settling his lands with immigrants from Germany, Ireland, Scotland and other places.

    Note: That suggests the likelihood that the Prentices may have come from England, Ireland or Scotland.

The majority of these people adored Sir William for his generosity and sense of fun. The new settlers got along surprisingly well with Sir William’s native neighbors. However, because of both ethnicand religious divisions the old settlers did not like the newcomers to the area but, they did not make any moves against them for they feared Sir William and his Mohawks. As Sir William's importation of immigrants continued, by 1770 the Mohawk Valley was no longer a the frontier but a thriving agricultural community.

Hostilities Break Out

One year before the (1775)outbreak of the American Revolution, Sir William died. The enemies of Sir William did not fear the son as they had his father and, with the support of Congress, began making life difficult for Sir William’s people.

Over the winter of 1775-76, Governor Carleton led an admirable defense of Canada with few men and resources. Sir John Johnson, who had inherited his father's title had to go as far as fortifying his home and arming both white tenants and native allies as a body guard. Fearing for their lives, many loyal settlers were beginning to flee to Canada. The rebels were becoming bolder and began to commit offenses including arresting loyalists for simply supporting their true and lawful government. Many of the influential families close to the Johnsons had left.

At the same time, Congress had formed an army and invaded Canada. At Quebec city, the army was defeated in disgrace over the winter of 1765-76 by an enthusiastic mix of Loyalists, French Militia, Loyal English, some loyal Canada natives, British sailors and few companies of British soldiers.

The invasion of Canada caused tensions to rise in the Mohawk valley. As Congress's army struggled in the north, the rebels in the valley made their move against the Johnson house. First, the authorities disarmed Sir John's tenants. As a result of this measure, Sir John knew he could not mount a defence of his home or property. Soon after, he was warned that the rebels were going to arrest him and he had no choice but to flee. With only a few hours notice, he gathered up two hundred of his followers. Guided by Mohawks, they began the march to Canada. Johnson's starving, weakened band finally made it to Montreal.

Obviously thirsty for revenge, one of the first things Johnson did was seek out the Governor to approve his wish to raise a regiment. From this day forward, Johnson lived up to his family name and became one of the most active and able Tory leaders during the war.

Governor Carleton approved the beating order to raise Johnson's regiment and shortly afterwards at Chambly, Quebec, the King’s Royal Regiment of New York began ecruiting. Most of the soldiers came from Johnson’s followers but with the general mood of the Province others readily volunteered.

United Empire Loyalists: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

United Empire Loyalists is the name given to the portion of British Loyalists who resettled in British North America when they were forced to leave the United States after the British defeat in the American Revolutionary War. This group of Loyalists settled in the two colonies of Quebec (including the Eastern Townships), modern-day Ontario and Nova Scotia (including modern-day New Brunswick). Their arrival marked the beginning of a predominantly English population in the future Canada west of the Quebec border.

Modern-day descendants of those original refugees sometimes apply the term United Empire Loyalist to themselves, using "UE" as postnominal letters; the honorific is the only hereditary title of Canada. The practice is rare, even in the original Loyalist strongholds like southeastern Ontario. However, it is used extensively by historians and genealogists.

The word "Loyalist" appears frequently in school, street, and business names in loyalist-settled communities such as Belleville, Ontario.

Francis LaBrash: By email of 18 Jan 2007, Marilyn Haggart provided the following information about Francis LaBrash and his descendants:

Footnote 3: George Harrod

By emails of 19 and 20 Mar 2011, Tara relates that her grandfather, George Harrod, had said long before his death that Mary Jane Prentice was not his biological mother, and that he had told Tara's mother:

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